(Topic ID: 299666)

Candy Corn?

By ForceFlow

2 years ago

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    Topic poll

    “Candy Corn?”

    • Heck yeah! My favorite of the season 43 votes
    • I like it for the most part, but I have other favorites 70 votes
    • It's ok. I'll nibble at a few pieces if there's some within reach 93 votes
    • Meh, I don't really care for it. 45 votes
    • Burn it! Burn it with fire! 73 votes

    (324 votes)

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    There are 174 posts in this topic. You are on page 1 of 4.
    #1 2 years ago

    Well, it seems to be that time of year when orange candy boxes start appearing it stores.

    Along with that, piles and piles of candy corn. Cast your vote in the poll!

    #2 2 years ago

    Candy corn is great. However it is not a candy I can eat a bunch of. Don't forget about the candy pumpkins.

    #3 2 years ago

    Mix it with salted peanuts.

    #4 2 years ago

    I've only found one bag of my preferred brand so far but I'm always on the lookout

    #5 2 years ago
    Quoted from zacaj:

    I've only found one bag of my preferred brand so far but I'm always on the lookout

    What's your brand of choice?

    #6 2 years ago

    I love it

    #7 2 years ago

    Not sure there is any candy more gross than candy corn

    #8 2 years ago

    My daughter bought this for me today!

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    #9 2 years ago

    My local grocery chain carries a generic candy corn year round, I buy a bag 2-3 times a year.

    #10 2 years ago

    I second the salted peanuts mix… tastes like a payday or salted nut roll.

    #11 2 years ago
    Quoted from boscokid:

    Not sure there is any candy more gross than candy corn


    #12 2 years ago

    That about sums it up for me

    #13 2 years ago

    Whats the story about Circus Peanuts anyway? (in a Seinfeld voice)
    Why are they #1 in one poll, and #2 Behind Candy corn in another?

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    #14 2 years ago

    Candy corn is probably one of the worst candies, ranking just above necco wafers.
    *prepares for the downvotes from candy corn fanatics*

    #15 2 years ago
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    #16 2 years ago

    Candy corn is okay but Indian corn is the bees knees.

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    #17 2 years ago
    Quoted from OLDPINGUY:

    Whats the story about Circus Peanuts anyway? (in a Seinfeld voice)
    Why are they #1 in one poll, and #2 Behind Candy corn in another?[quoted image][quoted image]

    The worst Halloween candy looks like a list of the best door stops.

    The tootsie rolls are alright as long as they are fresh and chewy.

    #18 2 years ago

    i dont get halloween,maybe cos im an aussie.if kids here trick or treat its a water pistol thru the front screen door,no candy for u

    #19 2 years ago
    Quoted from CraigC:

    That about sums it up for me

    Haha I was going to post this! I don’t mind candy corn but this bit is hilarious. Love Lewis Black!!

    #20 2 years ago
    Quoted from Rdoyle1978:

    Haha I was going to post this! I don’t mind candy corn but this bit is hilarious. Love Lewis Black!!

    He’s my favorite comedian!

    #21 2 years ago

    I hear there is a Candy Corn Museum somewhere.......
    probably next to the worlds largest Ball Of Twine.

    #22 2 years ago

    Had a Halloween party about ten years ago and left a bowl of candy corn on the table in the basement. Forgot about it, went out to the store the next day and the dog found it while she was home alone....came home to orange dog puke all over our basement carpet.

    #23 2 years ago
    Quoted from CraigC:

    That about sums it up for me

    I saw him live years ago and this was part of his act. Absolutely hilarious.

    #24 2 years ago

    I never knew you could eat this stuff, we always threw it at people's houses during mischief night.

    #25 2 years ago

    I will eat candy corn before eating the generic gum drops, or the random sucker with loop handle that has escaped its wrapper.

    #26 2 years ago

    It is the most disgusting waxy candy made . I bought 10 bags today on sale. For a friend of course

    #27 2 years ago

    Burn it and throw in some peeps and cotton candy while you're at it.

    #28 2 years ago

    Circus Peanuts are worse

    #29 2 years ago

    I enjoy wearing a couple like fangs, and nibbling the rest of the package one color at a time.
    I’m easily entertained.

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    #30 2 years ago

    Candy Corn is awful, but Haribo sugar free Gummy Bears are the worst ... and not because of the tast.

    Read on:

    #31 2 years ago

    I think there is no expiration date on candy corn.

    #32 2 years ago

    Unless you get either the "Hot Tamales (Cinnamon)" or the Blue Raspberry ones. They're actually good.

    #33 2 years ago

    I like Candy Candy Corn, there, I've stated it. How ever have not bought any in many years.

    Neeco Wafers are great, now that they are back in production. The big question is what the hell is Circus Peanuts? (Googled it).

    Lastly, those Molasses Candies in the orange and black wrappers were suppose to be the worst.

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    #34 2 years ago

    Candy corn isn't much of a thing on this side of the Atlantic, but I'll have a few bits if it's passed around and I'm bored enough

    #35 2 years ago
    Quoted from Darcy:

    I like Candy Candy Corn, there, I've stated it. How ever have not bought any in many years.
    Neeco Wafers are great, now that they are back in production. The big question is what the hell is Circus Peanuts? (Googled it).
    Lastly, those Molasses Candies in the orange and black wrappers were suppose to be the worst.
    [quoted image]

    i love the molasses candies! and the mary janes, bit o honey, and the peanut kisses that all made the worst candy lists above!

    #36 2 years ago
    Quoted from Darcy:

    The big question is what the hell is Circus Peanuts? (Googled it).


    My grandfather really liked them. He always had them around. I guess it was one of the few things from his childhood that was still available.

    I didn't care for them much, though.

    #37 2 years ago

    Don't eat them straight out of the package. You need to let them ripen for a day or two. They're much better that way.

    #38 2 years ago

    Last night I had someone’s home made ice cream: vanilla with candy corn added in! The cold made the candy corn crunchy. Yum.

    #39 2 years ago
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    #40 2 years ago
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    #42 2 years ago

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    #43 2 years ago

    Had to pick up this bag.

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    #44 2 years ago
    Quoted from Atari_Daze:

    Had to pick up this bag.[quoted image]

    Whoa, that looks interesting. Do they taste more like nerds or more like candy corn? Or a blend of both?

    #45 2 years ago
    Quoted from ForceFlow:

    Do they taste more like nerds or more like candy corn? Or a blend of both?

    The texture is the candy corn, the flavor and sourness is nerds.
    I'd say a pleasant blend of both.
    Found them at my local pharmacy of all places.

    #46 2 years ago

    Tastes like poverty, but I love it. Brach’s Autumn mix is what I like best.

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    #47 2 years ago
    Quoted from Atari_Daze:

    The texture is the candy corn, the flavor and sourness is nerds.
    I'd say a pleasant blend of both.
    Found them at my local pharmacy of all places.

    "Texture of Candy Corn"? Hard Pass!

    #48 2 years ago
    Quoted from usandthem:

    Tastes like poverty, but I love it. Brach’s Autumn mix is what I like best.
    [quoted image]

    I picked up a bag of the autumn mix a little while ago. I like the pumpkins and regular candy corn, but I'm not a big fan of the ones with chocolate mixed in.

    #49 2 years ago

    Can't eat them anymore due to health reasons, but I greatly imagine my opinion would differ from two ends of the spectrum before and after eating about 5 of them.

    Probably the quickest treat to go from tasty to disgusting after you've had a few. Just becomes too much. Until then though I remember them fondly. But not like a bag of potato chips where you gotta force yourself to put the bag away. After a few it's like "eeeeuuuuuuuggggggggh."

    #50 2 years ago

    I dig Candy Corn and I don’t care who knows it. Autumn Corn is even better. But a little goes a long way. You can go from “I love this time of year!” to “I hope I don’t shit my pants while I throw up this candy corn!” pretty quick.

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