(Topic ID: 261854)

Any other Survivor fans out there?

By gweempose

4 years ago

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    #401 2 years ago

    It's not survivor if at least one contestant isn't being medically removed or taps out voluntarily because they can't take it any more. Conditions are watered-down, challenges are watered-down, and the contestants themselves are mentally, physically, and emotionally inferior to earlier casts.

    #403 2 years ago

    Old man Rob maybe.. the one where they were both in the show last was pushing it.

    Young Rob crushed it though so I disagree. I’d rather watch Rob x5 than 5 of these casts members.

    Quoted from TheLaw:

    Edit: or anything with Boston Rob & 'Am-bah'

    #405 2 years ago
    Quoted from loneacer:

    It's not survivor if at least one contestant isn't being medically removed or taps out voluntarily because they can't take it any more. Conditions are watered-down, challenges are watered-down, and the contestants themselves are mentally, physically, and emotionally inferior to earlier casts.

    They had a lot of challenges where it was puzzle heavy... no physical demand for the most part.

    1 month later
    #406 2 years ago

    Australian Survivor back next week.

    #407 2 years ago
    Quoted from Pdxmonkey:

    Australian Survivor back next week.

    Where are you watching it?

    #408 2 years ago
    Quoted from Hayfarmer:

    Where are you watching it?

    In his living room? Sorry I couldn't help it.

    #409 2 years ago

    The band………. Eye of the Tiger

    #410 2 years ago
    Quoted from Hayfarmer:

    Where are you watching it?

    I use a Plex server…sorry that isn’t much help.

    However I just tested it. If you have a VPN you can change your IP address to Australia and watch it on their 10play site.

    3CF0283C-3E16-4570-8280-E8CA73CE7B05 (resized).png3CF0283C-3E16-4570-8280-E8CA73CE7B05 (resized).png
    #411 2 years ago
    Quoted from marioparty34:

    In his living room? Sorry I couldn't help it.

    I knew someone would be that guy

    #412 2 years ago
    Quoted from Hayfarmer:

    I knew someone would be that guy

    I normally find all the Australian survivor episodes on Peer to Peer websites. Most of them are readily available in 720p or 1080p quality.

    #413 2 years ago

    come on in snowflakes.survivor and big brother are just about to lose me.I want to be entertained not schooled,each person on their own merit.

    #414 2 years ago

    Check out Australia Survivor…way better than US imo

    #415 2 years ago
    Quoted from Pdxmonkey:

    Check out Australia Survivor…way better than US imo

    Completely agree!

    #416 2 years ago

    Just saying that I’ve given up on the last US Survivor. I’m like halfway into the season had hoped it would get better.

    It’s so woke it’s unbearable can’t say the word guys anymore, the inane tribal councils as well and the weakest just picking off the strongest.

    I’m done with this season and likely forever with the US series.

    I will say that I really love Australian Survivor and now they’re on Paramount plus if anyone is looking.

    #417 2 years ago
    Quoted from Jamesays:

    come on in snowflakes.survivor and big brother are just about to lose me.I want to be entertained not schooled,each person on their own merit.

    Our family rarely watches TV or movies. That said big brother and survivor has been must watch TV since the beginning for us. Fomo is Over for us! Were done.. Hope the new fans enjoy.

    #418 2 years ago
    Quoted from Pdxmonkey:

    Check out Australia Survivor…way better than US imo

    Just to agree 100% now on Paramount +

    #419 2 years ago

    My cast assessment for Australian Survivor Blood v Water. And YES, I’m Jonny Fairplay from Survivor…


    #420 2 years ago
    Quoted from fairplay:

    My cast assessment for Australian Survivor Blood v Water. And YES, I’m Jonny Fairplay from Survivor…

    What did you think of last US season?

    #421 2 years ago
    Quoted from fairplay:

    My cast assessment for Australian Survivor Blood v Water. And YES, I’m Jonny Fairplay from Survivor…

    Do you have any pinball machines?
    Welcome to pinside.

    #422 2 years ago

    hey Jonny, welcome to Pinside. I'd love to know what brought you here. I had a cynical thought that you Google for Survivor threads to promote your youtube videos on. I'd like to think you're here for the pinball.

    #423 2 years ago
    Quoted from frolic:

    hey Jonny, welcome to Pinside. I'd love to know what brought you here. I had a cynical thought that you Google for Survivor threads to promote your youtube videos on. I'd like to think you're here for the pinball.

    He's been mentioned here a few times in this thread with people playing pinball with him.

    #424 2 years ago
    Quoted from frolic:

    hey Jonny, welcome to Pinside. I'd love to know what brought you here. I had a cynical thought that you Google for Survivor threads to promote your youtube videos on. I'd like to think you're here for the pinball.

    He's a big pinball fan. I would see his posts out playing at the local barcade in NC. But I'll let him respond to see if you'll deem him worthy

    #425 2 years ago
    Quoted from loneacer:

    He's been mentioned here a few times in this thread with people playing pinball with him.

    Quoted from PinballTilt:

    He's a big pinball fan. I would see his posts out playing at the local barcade in NC.

    It will be fun to have him join us here.

    #426 2 years ago

    What a great first episode.

    Love Australian Survivor, next episode tomorrow.

    #427 2 years ago
    Quoted from Pdxmonkey:

    What a great first episode.
    Love Australian Survivor, next episode tomorrow.

    Are you watching the newest season of AU?

    I just started watching on episode 2, love how the episodes are longer and the contestants seem more down to earth.

    #428 2 years ago
    Quoted from Pdxmonkey:

    What a great first episode.
    Love Australian Survivor, next episode tomorrow.

    I haven't found a contestant that I am drawn to yet, but the scenery is beautiful. It makes me want to go visit

    #429 2 years ago
    Quoted from gweempose:

    Tonight marks the start of Season 40, where 20 previous winners will compete for a $2 million prize. I honestly have never been this excited for a TV show before.

    *Discussion of the current season and all previous seasons is allowed, but please do not post any boot order spoilers.*

    I watched the very first season with a friend who said we should watch it. It was a hit.

    The second season came and at the end the winner gave his winnings to the number two player.

    I thought the guy was full of it. Never watched a full season again.

    I like to watch here and there but ultimately I am already gone. Also wow, that’s a lot of survivor and spin offs since then.

    #430 2 years ago

    Jeff Probst net worth is fifty million btw.
    All of that success is survivor the tv show. (For the most part.)
    Showing that I may have tuned out, but many others tuned in.

    Everyone’s got an opinion, even me…

    #431 2 years ago
    Quoted from marioparty34:

    I haven't found a contestant that I am drawn to yet, but the scenery is beautiful. It makes me want to go visit

    They’ve really been stepping up production every season. There’s a few characters I like so far. I like how you have the blood v water plus just a few returning players, giving it a fans v favorites feel. I think that’ll add an interesting dynamic.
    Edit: this is the survivor I wanted, not the last season of US

    #432 2 years ago

    Love the schedule too x3 episodes a week.

    #433 2 years ago
    Quoted from Pdxmonkey:

    Love the schedule too x3 episodes a week.

    I am tuning in for sure. AU Survivor > US Survivor.

    I remember the US version also doing something similar, but I like the red buffs for blood and the blue for water.

    Love that it is 47 days with longer episodes to really flush out the different story lines.

    #434 2 years ago

    How does the 3 episodes per week work? If the challenge is 47 days, does that mean we're checking in with them 3 times a week? How many episodes per season?

    #435 2 years ago
    Quoted from frolic:

    How does the 3 episodes per week work? If the challenge is 47 days, does that mean we're checking in with them 3 times a week? How many episodes per season?

    In the recent past, it been 24-25 episodes per season.

    #436 2 years ago
    Quoted from marioparty34:

    In the recent past, it been 24-25 episodes per season.

    Checking the Wikipedia for the US seasons, looks like those run 13-15 episodes, for comparison.

    #437 2 years ago
    Quoted from frolic:

    How does the 3 episodes per week work? If the challenge is 47 days, does that mean we're checking in with them 3 times a week? How many episodes per season?

    Survivor is never live, except sometimes the last episode. Usually the season is already done filming before we even see an episode.

    #438 2 years ago
    Quoted from frolic:

    I had a cynical thought that you Google for Survivor threads to promote your youtube videos on. I'd like to think you're here for the pinball.

    I think your cynicism was correct. One post promoting his YouTube channel, then nothing.

    Fame may be fleeting, but the internet is forever.

    #439 2 years ago

    I have no big opinion about Fairplay other than he was a great contestant the first time and horrible as an all star.

    But imo to drop in to leave a link out of the blue and then disappear, I’m not impressed with that.

    #440 2 years ago
    Quoted from rai:

    I have no big opinion about Fairplay other than he was a great contestant the first time and horrible as an all star.
    But imo to drop in to leave a link out of the blue and then disappear, I’m not impressed with that.

    Such behavior is completely in line with his character. Here's an interesting article on Fairplay and Probst's thoughts.


    #441 2 years ago
    Quoted from rai:

    But imo to drop in to leave a link out of the blue and then disappear, I’m not impressed with that.

    kind of seems on brand, hence my cynicism.

    I did enjoy him on Rupert's original season.

    #442 2 years ago

    Fairplay is a douche. Top 3 least likeable contestant ever. Quitter Sandra and drama queen Colson? Think that was his name. What a tool that guy was.

    Just picked up a new streaming box. Will have to check out the new season of Australia

    #443 2 years ago
    Quoted from dirkdiggler:

    Fairplay is a douche. Top 3 least likeable contestant ever. Quitter Sandra and drama queen Colson? Think that was his name. What a tool that guy was.
    Just picked up a new streaming box. Will have to check out the new season of Australia

    Na’Onka Mixon was by far the worst person ever. Colson was a close 2nd.

    Sandra was no worse than Parvati or Russell.

    #444 2 years ago

    Mikey likes Survivor!

    #445 2 years ago

    What an opening week for Australia. Solid first three episodes.

    #446 2 years ago

    Where are you watching the current season of SurvivorAU?

    I’m currently watching Brawn vs Brains.

    #447 2 years ago
    Quoted from rai:

    Where are you watching the current season of SurvivorAU?
    I’m currently watching Brawn vs Brains.

    I am watching via PTP.

    The best season of AU survivor IMHO is Champions vs Contenders. There are so many great characters in that season. And so many come back in All Stars.

    #448 2 years ago
    Quoted from RTS:

    Na’Onka Mixon was by far the worst person ever. Colson was a close 2nd.
    Sandra was no worse than Parvati or Russell.

    I've watched every season and it's amazing how many people I've forgotten about. I had to google some of these to remind myself.

    I'm ok with Sandra, but I don't revere her the way she wants to be. She is memorable at least. I just wouldn't put her on a list of greatest players, despite the double win.

    #449 2 years ago
    Quoted from frolic:

    I've watched every season and it's amazing how many people I've forgotten about. I had to google some of these to remind myself.
    I'm ok with Sandra, but I don't revere her the way she wants to be. She is memorable at least. I just wouldn't put her on a list of greatest players, despite the double win.

    I agree about Sandra. She is more memorable.

    And I had to look up Na’Onka Mixon's name too, but I remembered her behavior when she was on.

    She was the absolute most despicable human with the worst qualities in a person I've ever seen on TV. And I include evil fictional characters on that list.

    She was unbelievable in her crass, rude and nasty behavior. I watched in disbelief how she was selected for the show and not incarcerated somewhere. I recall that she was fired from her job as a teacher after her season aired. She certainly deserved it.

    Colson was a total pig, yet was still much nicer and decent in comparison.

    #450 2 years ago
    Quoted from RTS:

    And I had to look up Na’Onka Mixon's name too, but I remembered her behavior when she was on.

    She was the absolute most despicable human with the worst qualities in a person I've ever seen on TV. And I include evil fictional characters on that list.

    She was unbelievable in her crass, rude and nasty behavior. I watched in disbelief how she was selected for the show and not incarcerated somewhere. I recall that she was fired from her job as a teacher after her season aired. She certainly deserved it.

    She was a total bitch. If I recall correctly, her and another girl ended up quitting really late in the game.

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