Venom (Pro)


Venom (Pro)

Pinside Rating

This game received 122 approved Pinsider ratings and currently rates 7.342 /10


Top 100 ranking

This game ranks 3rd in the game group "Venom". The group itself ranks #61 in the Pinside Pinball Top 100.

Score breakdown

Score breakdown in the 4 main categories:

Game Design: 6.861

Artwork: 8.286

Sounds/Music: 7.043

Other Aspects: 6.941

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This is how we, the very knowledgeable (wink wink) staff & moderators rate this game. 1 of us has rated this game.


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This title is part of group: "Venom"

Found 41 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 41 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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21 hours ago
It’s fast…but why?
8 days ago
I've owned this game since Sept 2023. When I originally played it I thought it was right on the money, then I went through a lull with it, then it has had some code updates and now it's right back up there in my eyes.

The Good:
-- Time-pressured shots
-- Pick your path, and all paths lead to something good
-- Scoring
-- Multiballs
-- The way it makes a big deal out of jackpots
-- The ability to save your progress like a video game
-- Doppelgänger, Rampage, Carnage, and all the cool mini wizard modes
-- The lighting and how it changes depending on what's happening in the game
-- The music is BAD ASS
-- I love the idea of having a ball lock on the ramps, so as soon as you hit a ramp shot it feeds a ball immediately, which speeds up game play
-- The middle ramp is so satisfying
-- The art is great

The Bad:
-- If you like modes, this isn't going to make you smile. The "modes" are timed shots that correspond to the colors of the arrows, and are timed. I didn't love this at first but I do now. I consider the lack of modes a negative to anyone that likes modes, but the fun of modes has been replaced by other stuff in thegame
-- Fan layout is kind boring


I truly think that most people who don't like Venom aren't giving it a fair shot. It's awesome!
42 days ago
Things I liked: the quick locks make for a fast and furious experience, no breather whilst balls return down wireforms. I also like that this was the first game to bring in the IC progression system.

What I don’t like is that the machine I played shot like a bag of spanners. Even though the playfield is wide open, hitting the shots is not straightforward and I rattled shots very often. Partly skill issue, but the geometry just doesn’t feel quite right.

I also feel like the theme is ill-conceived, nobody asked for this machine and rumours are that the sales figures reflect this. Venom is sandwiched between two Elwin classics and the innovative Foo Fighters, unfortunately I think it was DOA.
65 days ago
[based on 1.0 code] well, hard to give a feedback on this game if you didnt push it to (near) the max... i mean, i also feel it negative in my 1st week of the location, i was thinking "this is a empty pin, let's just get these XP pts, while making a combo line on a (no matter) chosen host, beat the mini-boss, than Grendel, and than to Knull until i'll defeat him & get Klyntar"... if like me you do this, than your feeling about Venom is so-so, and i understand why... now, let's hope you gave him another chance : just set that "autosave" off, and play each game starting from level 1, wisely choosing a host/perks to what you will play next, than changing host in game again to what you will play next, and so on... while you're doing this you also fill the grid, and when game is ready to blow (hosts, grid, locks, team-up friends) than this is where the game really start & shine, no matter the simple layout : Venom became an absolutly other pinball ! with a lot to do to reach Klyntar, including a video mode, and some funny/alternative modes, hurry up & mini game (as BLOOD LUST)... in his RPG aspect, there's some STAR WARS & TURTLE in VENOM (tanx to Dwight of course), but its deeper here as you can change host during the game.. all in all, i agree that playing with autosave off may be (too ?) hard for the lambda people, as it needs tactic and good control/aiming skills (because of the ball speed & temporized shoots), but than this is what will make the lastabilty alive... in conclusion : another underated pin, which deserve much more love [come on PINSIDE STAFF ;) 5.806 really ?]... but ok, may be this one is more dedicated to (good) players... PS : let's also be honest, the PRO seems really missing the moving ramp, which is THE real toy on VENOM ("choose your host change the game")... enjoy ;)
3 months ago
I don't know what to think about this machine.
The playfield is empty and seems like it would get boring fast but it is fun and kept sucking me back in to just 1 more game.

The shots are sort of simple and repetitive, but the pace is fast and fun. lining up and repeating shots became rewarding quickly.

I don't really care for the theme, but found that I started to enjoy working through the various characters.

contradictions all around on this machine.

I suspect that if I spent more time on this machine that I would probably start to hate it, and also find that I had poured hours into it trying to find a way to "finish" my journey through the gameplay.
4 months ago
I think the Venom Pro machine shot pretty good as there was a good number of shots that I liked and the pinball loading mechanisms on both the left and right wire form lanes kept the flow going quickly. I liked the Carnage bash toy offset on the left center of the playfield and enjoyed hitting that trapped ball each time and watching Carnage move back on the mechanical track he was mounted to. That being said was a little confused regarding the sequence of shots that would lead to the bonus multiplier and really couldn't figure it out even after multiple games played on this machine.
4 months ago
Played on location and for awhile! Very approachable but confusing at the beginning. The rules had me all over the place but I think I just need more time on it. Could see owning this one and I liked how it was different but felt familiar. Animation on this is top notch. I’m not a fan of the theme but I could still see owning this one so if you’re a Venom fan this is a no brainer.
5 months ago
Played a few games on location. my basic approach was not very optimistic, I dont like the Venom theme, the playfield is empty, etc. BUT I had fun! I really like the speed how the ramps feed quickly the balls, and how quickly you need to react to your next shot. Surprise, but I liked it!
Dont know yet if it woulnt become old quickly at home, but on location I would surely sink some coins in this machine, the gameplay unique and fast!
After this cant wait to try out the premium!
5 months ago
Just played this for the first time on location last night. I own AIQ Pro so my comparisons come mostly from that flow etc. overall fun and simple layout but seemed to be missing something. Very little variability in the shots. Tons of ramps/orbits which were super smooth and satisfying to hit, but that's about it. I scored ~500 million on my first game with no understanding of the rule set (not sure of scoring but seemed high in comparison to other Stern games).
Theme and artwork are great but gameplay is priority. I walked away after 3 games just wanting more. Was super fun and I could see non pinball players stepping up and loving it for the shots but I don't see it having longevity.
I prefer AIQ's depth, complexity and variety of shots.
Take it with a grain of salt. Only 3 games played.
5 months ago
Good fun game. I prefer the premium LE's.
5 months ago
Love this game, have had it in my collection for a few weeks now, and it already has more plays than titles I’ve had for a year. It has that “One more game” feel every time I play. A real sleeper.
5 months ago
I played the pro in location over 100 times and had a ton of fun. The speed is a lot like Star Wars (pro) with the horseshoe. Love Venom and the artwork that is in this game. Tons of fun with the progression and modes. Highly recommend.
5 months ago
The playfield just seemed really bare to me. The best part is the ability to power up.
5 months ago
It's been awile since Stern had a lackluster release, but I'm glad they tried some things here we can use going forward.
5 months ago
Venom, played it at a pinball expo here in NL (DPO) and wanted to put more and more games on it so I decided to give it a go and add it to my collection for a week now and am enjoying it. Game rules aren't too difficult but the progress option is a really great feature. Teaming up in multiballs etc: I love it.
Ok, the playfield is a fan-layout but hey, so is Stranger Things and I really love that machine. The machine is fast, can be brutal but mostly it's very rewarding. The soundtrack is boosting the experience but the callouts get repetative after a while. Yeah, I know my mom called you to tell me she's dissapointed in me.

All in all a great machine with good flow and great implementation of the insider connected features. I really think the IC option is the biggest plus for this title.

Artpackage is Zombie Yeti's. You either love or hate it I guess. I love it, for Venom I think the art package is spot-on. Light show is mind blowing, audio is really great, animations also.

The only consideration I can think of is lastability. For now this feels good, but I see a lot of Venom's being offered for sale. On the other hand I saw that for Stranger Things as well and we all know how that turned out.
5 months ago
This game had a lot more flow than I expected and plays nice and fast. The ball damns on the ramps on the left and right surprisingly kept the game flowing. It timed giving you balls at the same time it would have come around or maybe even slightly soon. I had a lot of fun shooting this game. Venom as a them is OK, but at least it is tied with Spiderman, which makes it cool. Artwork is great. It has the same static animations as Avengers, which is not good.

I was able to play a Pro and Premium right next to each other and was able to put as much time as I wanted and I liked the Pro the best. For some reason it just felt like it flowed a lot better. The extras on the Premium are cool, but for some reason didn't make the game better. I would consider buying this game.
6 months ago
This game is different. And different is decisive. The XP system feels like the early stages of the future of pinball. Groundbreaking stiff there. Having the 3X4 grid is a brilliant new take on "Modes" that give the player a ton of control over perks and how to play the game. I find that most people that dislike this game really don't understand the rules or haven't spend much time with the great music and callouts. The BIGGEST drawback is the lack of moving mechs on the pro. I personally love the flow and the way the pro feels to play but it does feel so barren compared to the premium. I wish they would have included that right ramp/diverter in the pro and it's would have maintained more of the "Change the host... Change the game" tagline they were going for.
6 months ago
UPDATE: Venom Pro is growing on me. I came back to it on location at Funland in central London after an injury, and spent ages playing it. It had good fast flow, needed some nudging to play well, and the fan layout reminded me of my AFM at home (it's by the same designer). The rules still needed postdoctoral study to understand, but it was better to casually shoot than the most of the (much denuded) collection of modern Sterns on that location.


My husband and I had a bunch of plays on the Venom Pro at Funland in Russell Square, London.

His one-line review: “It didn’t fill me with joy.” My take was that it played like “a freemium mobile phone game transmuted weirdly into physical form”.

On the Pro nothing really moves - I can’t comment on the Premium/LE. I went through the (moving) replay a couple of times.

The art and music package feel great - lively, colourful and vibrant (which, unfortunately, just adds oddly to the overall mobile phone game feel).

The shots are very smooth. It’s not any faster than, say, TNA or Foo Fighters, but you can just shoot (on the Pro) anywhere and the ball will zip around the playfield like it’s on a Star Wars hyperloop (I will refer to other, better games here). This means that aiming is optional, and you can just keep flipping the ball anywhere, without negative consequences.

Obviously, if it had good code, this frictionless play would be an asset. However, the code is not… good.

For starters, nothing is explained, so you get concepts like ‘choose your team-up’ thrown at you randomly, with no idea what a team-up is or the impact of a ‘+1 Miles Morales combo’. I’m sure the score maximisers will have a field day in tournament, but it’s inaccessible on a walk-up play and, from choosing different team-ups and hosts, the differences are marginal (on the Pro).

Added to this, the insert lighting has the slight issue of tiny lights buried next to huge artwork in places, making it harder to gauge the game state at a glance. Take advice from the golden oldies. AFM does this right, people. Huge insert lights with lettering on.

My first play was really fun. I got through a bunch of levels, did three multiballs and was excited to see what I would see next, as the game unravelled its narrative secrets on the way to Level 50. Varied boss fights with timed flipper shots? Increasingly varied and engrossing modes? Then I played a second game… and a third... And I was still getting the exact same Carnage and Mayhem multiballs, with little change or improvement in anything that wasn’t entirely numerical (at one point Stern Insider told me I’d achieved a 5-way combo. After achieving a 3-way and a 4-way one. Should I be impressed? ) I even started a mini-mode - Stern Insider told me, but I hadn’t actually noticed.

I assumed I’d missed something. Eventually, I just trapped up the ball and tried shooting at stuff - lit or unlit - in the hope of starting a big, whoopy whomping mode of multi-levelled awesomeness. But, no, it really was that grindy. Ball after ball, game-after-game, starting the same two mediocre multiballs, spaffing the balls around the playfield like Ferraris on glass, and then getting a set of incomprehensible stats (e.g. infected defeated) that progressed me towards Level 50.

It really does play like a mobile phone game in physical form. If it had offered me a shovel to do three-in-a-row mining sim, or to dig a geometrical field of cabbages, I would have felt the same sense of tedious, pointless repetition in the hope of longer-term excitement.

A miss for me. Genuinely, the worst thing in Funland [which has eight or nine Spike 2 Sterns] right now that isn’t broken.
6 months ago
There are few games with lanes that feel this satisfying to hit, when you find your shots, it feels just smooth as silk. I am a big fan of games that reward and use frequent backhand shots and both sides have a variety of techniques to get the ball where you want. It's also pretty damn easy to get into multi ball and you can ignore most of the game and seek it out for high scores in a way I would not have expected in 2023. The insider connected progression is fascinating and pretty cool, makes it interesting to keep coming back for, but the ruleset is pretty weird and somewhat difficult for me to follow. I think there's a ton of depth there, especially for someone that has this pin at home, but I am usually at a loss of just what to do next at times. The pro is definitely just fine, but some of the clear plastic pieces that replace the articulating stuff on the premium is a little strange and feels cheap for a pin of this cost. Art package and visuals are spectacular and us the theme as well as they possibly could. There's a darkness and a lean into the comic book them that I find very attractive, even as someone who doesn't love comic book pins all that much typically. I'll still choose other Sterns on location but a really cool pin all in all.
6 months ago
Great shooter, love the fast locks. Missing center shot mech hurts the rating of this game but I still think it shoots very well.

Art and theme excellent. Fast a d furious fun - Can't go wrong!
6 months ago
I did not expect a lot of this game and I don't know a lot about Venom. But this game really got me hooked.

This is one of Brian Eddy's better games. The shots feel very rewarding and are a lot of fun. The game rules are easy to grasp (shoot each color twice). I really like the 2 "ball stacks" feeding the balls back to the flippers in no time. This makes the game fast and is a unique feature that feels good. Also Carnage is a nice toy.

I like how this game is multiball centered and it is actually the first 6 ball multiball I really enjoy. Usually I think 3 balls are enough but here it rocks to have 6 balls.

The feature that you can level up via Insider Connected is a great idea. So also the "weaker" players (I am included in this group) can beat the higher level villains.

Overall it's a great fast paced game with nice shots that is suitable for the beginner as well as the expert.
7 months ago
I was really surprised how good this game is.

It has a lot of flow and the ball stacks on the ramps help a lot with that. Backhanding the left ramp and right VUK is awesome and in general the layout feels varied in terms of shots. The only shot I don't like is the Pro-exclusive U-Turn. Often the ball gets stuck on it and generally the shot feels kind of clunky.

The rules seem pretty good and the Carnage and Mayhem multiballs are very much fun to play. The only real critique about the rules is that the points balancing seems a bit odd to me. Playing a multiball significantly increases your score, more than on other games I've played. And another thing is that the Scream video mode seems pretty unresponsive towards flipper button presses. I hope Stern can fix these two minor flaws with further software revisions.

In terms of artwork and animations I can't imagine they could've done any better. The entire game is beautiful to look at and I also like the music they picked for the game.

Overall, this is a machine with a nice flow based layout, interesting rules and nice artwork. If the gamecode is refined a little bit, this game has the potential to get a lot better.
7 months ago
Fun to play but could see it getting old quick with how bare the playfield is. Still fun to get a game or two in when I see it out in the wild.
8 months ago
Game is still very early code wise but I do like the general concept and new level up gameplay mechanics. The layout on the pro is extremely barren and isn’t very fun to shoot. If it wasn’t for how fast it plays with the fast lock system it would be a complete dud.
8 months ago
Pro model is way too stripped-down on this one; it's devoid of toys except carnage. Mostly shoots OK, but the horseshoe loop isn't great (much prefer the premium's ramps in that spot) and the return from the right orbit is very clunky. Ruleset shows a lot of promise (but is better integrated on Premium.) Decent art, but isn't Zombie Yeti's best art package (though the source material is more limiting than a lot of other themes.)
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