Big Guns


Big Guns

Pinside Rating

This game received 106 approved Pinsider ratings and currently rates 7.251 /10


Top 100 ranking

This game ranks #229 in the Pinside Pinball Top 100.

Score breakdown

Score breakdown in the 4 main categories:

Game Design: 7.269

Artwork: 7.639

Sounds/Music: 6.518

Other Aspects: 7.211

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This is how we, the very knowledgeable (wink wink) staff & moderators rate this game. 3 of us have rated this game.


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Found 66 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 66 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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42 days ago
Bigs Guns is an odd machine when you first step up to play it. It just doesn't seem like there's much there however someone who doesn't give this game time and learn the ruleset for this game is doing themselves an injustice. The gameplay experience is really pretty darn good....the cannon shots are awesome....the goal of the game is destroy the guards, save the queen and there's a nice little mini-game in the backbox also. In a small lineup this game might not stand up to more modern day pinball machines but the fun factor is there for Big Guns and it's a game so many people overlook as it takes some time to truly appreciate the simplicity of the layout and enjoy the game. A nice 3 Ball Multiball as well as a great light show on the playfield and in the backbox round out a pretty good but often overlooked Williams System 11 Pin.
6 months ago
The art and theme is the best part of the machine.

Playing it can be okay, the upper playfield is really important, but very wonky to maneuver and feels like it needs a good amount of luck to really get anywhere with.

I can tell this is one that many people absolutely love, for me it is just okay, but I had a fun few plays with it.
1 year ago
Played at The Pinball Office on 29th April 2023.

A fun System 11, which I quite enjoyed playing. It seems to have some kind of bonkers medieval-space-castle-siege theme, which was a big draw to the game and a fun thing generally. The game involves loading the cannons by shooting two shots on the lower playfield, shooting the upper playfield, and starting a multiball, and then doing some tasks I didn’t manage to complete. The bagatelle in the oversized backbox is also quite fun.

It was clear what to do on the game, and somewhat entertaining, although I suspect it might get easy and repetitive if you only owned the one game (I’m not a great pinball player and ‘shot’ straight through the replay).
1 year ago
Very underated game. For me a top 20 game.
1 year ago
Big Guns. Recognize-able for its tall, oversized head. Two huge canon mechs launch the balls across the playfield into wireforms, returning to lower flippers. Load them, shoot up the middle and start multiball. During multiball, a timed mode starts where you must complete certain shots to rescue the princess. All the ideas and concepts aren’t exactly perfectly expressed. The canons are neat, they also take up a lot of space and make the playfield narrow and symmetrical. The upper flippers are fun, and the game features lots of things to shoot for. The artwork is fun, the music and callouts are good. The game even features 3 different ball saves and a very tricky skill shot that truly requires skill. Unique, inspired, creative. It does have that “one more game” appeal. Has many things going for it. Has its place in a larger collection.
1 year ago
Big Guns main objective could be described as rather linear and maybe even onesided compared to some other late eighties games. The main focus lies on the loading of two cannon catapults and then finishing a timed Resque-the-Queen sequence in the upper part of the bottleneck playfield.
Somehow this almost symmetrical and densely populated playfield still offers both entertaining and challenging gameplay. The scoring is rather consistent which in combination with fast play and short ball times makes for a good replay factor.

The main gimmicks of the game, the crossfire cannons, are absolutely awesome even if the dramatic effect loses impact over time in a home environment. Sound and lighting , especially the flashers, are among the better ones in this vintage of games. The Kings Chamber backbox bagatelle which rewards the player with extra balls in another cool idea. I cannot decide if I like BG or Bad Cats better in this respect - but nonetheless a game with a decent backbox animation is always a big plus

From the System 11 era from Williams this is a good and fun game somewhere in the middle ranking. It cannot compare to Whirlwind etc - but is clearly better than some other candidates from that group. Due to its unique and rather narrow style of game play it could be wise to avoid BG as the only game in your lineup. On the other hand; along with 2-3 other games it´s a good choice for the precise same reason - it's something completely different game but with a high fun factor.

Plus: Unique, spectacular gimmicks, fast, 3 ball multiball, good lighting and sounds.

Drawbacks: No pop bumpers, no ramps (although habitrails), narrow gameplay

Notes: Game is very tall- check Your basement ceiling before buying.
1 year ago
pretty machine with leds in it very fun to juggle the ball in the upper half but its alot of the same thing over and over which is fine with older machines good fun just wouldnt be a machine i can sit on for a whole day.
2 years ago
The highlight of this game is the tall backglass, that’s it. Weird in a bad way and confusing.
2 years ago
Excellent machine, cannons are really cool, great backglass and nice playfield art. This is one of the most underrated games available. I own it, but it will have to make room for my new Getaway HS II!.
3 years ago
Gone through about a dozen pins trying to find stuff I liked. Got this is a trade and can see it lasting alongside my space shuttle. Rules are simple and easy. Great for just trying to rip some balls around. Think this game would benefit a shaker motor when the cannons fire. Great value for the money, if you have a small or mid sized collection this would fit well, have 5 machines and this fit well
3 years ago
Big Guns was one of the first pins I ever got to play in real life. It sat next to Lord of the Rings in a local arcade at the mall. Being a teen in the 2010s typically means you never get the arcade experience of the 80s and 90s, but I got pretty lucky to live so close to a place with a couple pins and other arcade classics. It recently closed down, but when the opportunity came to buy that same Big Guns, I couldn't pass it up, and I'm really glad I didn't, because this game is fantastic!

The playfield design is really unique. It's almost entirely symmetric, with only a couple minor variations at the top center. No ramps, no pops, but lots of spot targets, drop targets, a few saucers and a couple tiny loops at the top. The result is a game where you can never let your guard down, and I really like enjoy that. The ball never stops moving, and when it does, it means it's probably about to be fired out of one of the two cannons! The cannons are really great toys, launching the ball through the air towards the back of the game into a wireform that whips the ball back around towards the flippers. The effect doesn't maintain its initial wow factor, but it never really gets old either, and it fits the theme perfectly. The bagatelle in the translite is also a fun toy, and thanks to it having lane change it's fairly interactive.

The rules are super simple, but with how brutal the game is that's okay. You pretty much just try to start multiball as many times as you can by loading the canons, but there's a few other things worth going for as well, such as the multipliers, or relighting the kickback and right outlane gate. What really makes this game shine though is how multiball is played. When multiball starts you'll need to shoot one of the three lit saucers. This starts a timed invincibility mode, during which the kickback, center post, and right outlane gate are all active. To score the jackpot, you must hit all the lit center spot targets before the invincibility mode ends. This works so well because it gives you an opportunity to just go crazy and bash the otherwise dangerous center targets as much as possible, without having to worry too much about draining. I have my game set up so that you need to hit all 10 of the targets in 15 seconds which makes invincibility super intense, and scoring the jackpot pretty uncommon, which I really enjoy.

Finally, the presentation on the game is incredible. Sounds and music all add to the excitement perfectly. The music, the "YOU ARE INVINCIBLE!" callout, and the lightshow that accompany invincibility all work together to make it one of the best moments in pinball IMHO. *All* the light shows in this game are fantastic though. The designers really took advantage of the symmetric playfield when choreographing them. Finally, the artwork, in typical Python fashion, is quirky, detailed, and super well integrated into the playfield design. The playfield is a warzone with soldiers running around it. The cannons are pointed at the castle you're attacking, which extends from the back of the playfield all the way up to the translite. The translite is also masked so that light only passes through certain portions of the artwork, which makes it look a lot more dynamic than most other translites. Whenever the translite GI is blinking on and off it it really grabs your attention. It's a super nice looking game, even if the stenciled cabinet artwork is a little underwhelming.

This game is bolted to the floor. When I first brought it home I knew it would be out of sentimental value, but now that I've gotten to know it better I know I'd keep it for a long time regardless. It's a bit too shallow and intense to work well in a one or two game collection I think, but as I have five games now I always enjoy putting in a few games, working up a sweat, and then cooling down with something else. Super underrated IMHO and there's quite a few System 11's that are generally more popular that I'd rank this higher than, such as F-14, Diner or Mousin' Around, which I own. It's high intensity might not be for everyone, but I'm a pretty big fan!
3 years ago
Big Guns is my second system 11, and my 4th table overall. I wanted something that would stand out in my line up, and the oversized back box and translite do just that. I really like the gimmicks on this table. I think the cannons are a great feature, and the bagatelle toy in the back glass is a fun addition as well. I love the art by Python, and Big Guns is a perfect companion to my PinBot. This is not a game I would recommend picking up as a first game or even a second game, but maybe in a line up of 3 or more. Big Guns lacks ramps that you can actually shoot, pop bumpers, and spinners, but it works in my line up because my other three games have those features. Big Guns stands out as something different in my line up, and that's actually a good way to describe my current line up of games, (PinBot Jurassic Park 2019, Genesis, and Big Guns), "different"

The game play is fun. I do enjoy playing it quite a bit. The shots feel good and the game is very fast. Seeing the cannons fire into the wireframe is a neat effect, but I can see that it might get old for someone if they don't appreciate seeing it all the time. It fascinates me, so I enjoy watching it happen. Where this game shines for me (no pun intended) is the light shows. This has without a doubt one of the best light shows in the system 11 line up. It just looks beautiful. The music is catchy, I find myself humming it outside the game. I love the call outs and speech. Specifically "YOU ARE INVINCIBLE!". Speaking of that call out, I want to talk about the multiball. Locking all three cannons gives you the multiball, but loading the lit cannon again in multiball gives you the Invincibility mode and you get a chance to save the Queen. You don't have much time to do this, but all ball save features turn on during this time period. That's a really interesting way to do a jackpot feature. The only way you can lose a ball in that mode is if you let the ball go through a flipped flipper between the ball save post and the flipper.

With all games I buy, the most important feeling for me is that "Just one more game" factor. I get that with Big Guns, not quite to the extent of PinBot or even my Jurassic Park, but certainly it does make me feel like I want to play another game after finishing a game. I never walk up to it and feel like one game is enough. Big Guns certainly gets lost in the system 11 line up, and with a line up of such fantastic games that's no surprise, some of them are going to be overshadowed by the more popular themes, but that doesn't mean you should pass up an opportunity to play this game if you see it in the wild.

Made an update to my review after spending a lot of time with this machine:

I find myself enjoying it more and more as I continue to feel challenged to beat my high scores. Even though the rules are simple and it’s easy to get into a multiball, I always find myself coming back. Sometimes I get on this machine and an hour or two passes so quickly, I don’t realize it. I initially found the music to be repetitive even though it was catchy, but that’s grown on me too. Especially with the added instruments to the main theme as balls are locked.

What a great system 11 game, very overlooked.
3 years ago
I have big guns set up next to some A decks: Addams, theater of magic, monster bash. Big Guns gets played and it gets played a lot. It’s a simple game but it’s fun and fast. You don’t have to have amazing live catch skills or watch 5 YouTube tutorials to get a score. It’s simple and fun. Multiball is easy to get and frantic. The upper playfield has a ton of targets and objectives crammed into it. And the backbox makes this thing a centerpiece.

The other thing about this game, and this isn’t reflected in the ratings, is that it’s dead reliable. It’s a single layer so it’s easy to strip, wax, and service. It doesn’t have complicated mechs or a bunch of one-off parts.

Should it be your only machine? Probably not. Is it fun, fast, simple, reliable, and affordable? Yes to all of that. Go grab yourself a big guns and save the Queen.
3 years ago
Love it. Awesome 80's game music. Cannons are a great innovation for the time. I love the game because it's different. No bumpers, wierd medevil in space theme, part of game in the translite, great art, etc. It can't hold up to today's games. But in a large collection it's a great piece of 80's pinball.
4 years ago
Awesome art package. Great game and effects for its time. Cannons take up to much real estate on the play field and create a bottleneck. Most difficult skill shot ever. Still awesome!
4 years ago
Wow, they really went all in on the sound :o
4 years ago
Tons of fun and unique gameplay make this one a diamond in the ruff. Can still be had affordably.
4 years ago
First played this at Funspot and was drawn in by the amazing sounds of this game. Shortly after had the opportunity to buy it and jumped on it. It is the second pin we've owned. Amazing soundtrack and seems it laughs at you when you when you fail :) Shooting cannons are revolutionary, locking balls to save the queen is exciting. It could seem like a one trick pony, but the upper playfield is fun to defeat.
One of the hardest skill shots in pinball. Good in a big collection.
4 years ago
This is a well designed play field that keeps the ball in play and has a great feel. The whole machine is very tightly made, and functions well. The downside for some might be repetition, but this is a great staple pin, and teaches skills well without a lot of random drains.
5 years ago
This game is criminally underrated!

The artwork is simply gorgeous! Python Anghelo was really at his absolute best here. The backglass is tall and imposing. This pin really stands out in a lineup and has that "WOW" factor. It is quirky and unique.
This is a pin that really comes alive with LEDs. I never really fully appreciated all of its nuances until I switched them over. Stunning.
The toys are also really cool. 2 cannons that shoot pinballs in the air across the playfield! Wow! The bagatelle inset in the backglass is a really fun element as well. The upper playfield mimics a mini playfield.
It is well built, beautiful, and fun. If there is any drawback for would be the sound. It certainly has its charm, but it can be repetitive.
It is shocking these aren't priced higher. Get one before people start to find out about them.
5 years ago
This is a fun and unique game. Love the oversize backbox and not one but two shooting cannons. The game seems to be a lot of shoot to the upper playfield, then kill the orcs and launch the ball. I don't really understand the rules to this game fully yet, but I always have fun playing it, and the ball times are relatively long. I could see this making it into a large collection, but I don't see this as being a real earner on site. This seems like the type of game that would be a blast to have for part of a year and then move on to the next one. It does look like it would be a beast to move and check your ceiling height before buying one.
5 years ago
I really enjoy this game. It's not one I'd need to own, cause I think it would get old really fast, but it's original and quirky and fun to throw a few quarters in. I absolutely LOVE the artwork on this game, and the fire the guns gimmick is cool. Solid game.
5 years ago
Cool game with neat gimmicks. Love the cannons and the free ball shot in the backglass at the end of the game - A free ball here is a godsend.
6 years ago
Got the pin in a trade. Was hesitant at first because of all the bad ratings. Now that I’ve got it I think it’s a lot of fun. Very happy to have it for the family. I have owned a lot of system 11s and this is one of the better ones in my opinion.
6 years ago
Drugs are bad for you... even if you do design games. While the theme is nuts the gimicky nature of this game can be fun in between breaks of playing other games.
There are 66 ratings on this game. Currently showing results page 1 of 3.

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