(Topic ID: 356922)

Your Favorite Private Dicks

By o-din

41 days ago

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#51 41 days ago
1-303976272 (resized).jpg1-303976272 (resized).jpg
#52 41 days ago

Really enjoyed Buddy Ebsen as Barnaby Jones when he got into car chase scenes.
Huge underpowered 76 Fords sliding around corners never got old.

#53 40 days ago
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#54 40 days ago
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#55 40 days ago
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#56 40 days ago
Quoted from phil-lee:

Really enjoyed Buddy Ebsen as Barnaby Jones when he got into car chase scenes.
Huge underpowered 76 Fords sliding around corners never got old.

Definitely had one of the best theme songs ever.

I was thinking about the post I made about Banacek, and although I believe he was an insurance investigator, I suppose that and even working for a company or someone else like Mannix started out qualifies as being private dicks.

#58 40 days ago
Quoted from o-din:

[quoted image]

Don't remember that one, but loved "The Fugitive".

#59 40 days ago
Quoted from poppapin:

Don't remember that one, but loved "The Fugitive".

It only ran for a couple years in the mid 70s and was one of the last things he did a few years before he passed away at the ripe old age of 48.

This one might look more familiar.

MV5BMjA2MTQyMTMwMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTEzNTU0OTE@._V1_ (resized).jpgMV5BMjA2MTQyMTMwMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTEzNTU0OTE@._V1_ (resized).jpg
#60 40 days ago

Cannon was another one. Driving huge land yacht Mercury cars chasing porsches and wiping out on every curve.
Bad years to be a stunt driver.
William Conrad,despite his weight was a certified Black Belt.

#61 40 days ago
DuckmanPrivateDick (resized).jpegDuckmanPrivateDick (resized).jpeg
#62 40 days ago

Not of this Earth.

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#63 40 days ago

I'm not sure we can call her a private "dick", but I always loved the show.

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#64 40 days ago

One more clue.

the-snoop-sisters-nbc (resized).jpgthe-snoop-sisters-nbc (resized).jpg
#65 40 days ago

Eddie Valiant

LTG : )

#66 40 days ago

Chandler's Philip Marlowe is the best written.

Radio's Johnny Dollar was the most entertaining.

Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer is the biggest bad ass.

#67 40 days ago

Before Tom Selleck was Magnum, he was Lance White. A couple of the funniest Rockford episodes;

Lance White (resized).pngLance White (resized).png
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