(Topic ID: 357104)

What's a Classic Movie You Have NOT Seen? Vote!!!

By vid1900

29 days ago

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There are 145 posts in this topic. You are on page 3 of 3.
#101 27 days ago
Quoted from o-din:

Heck, I recently saw Black Legion staring Humphrey Bogart and although I found it to be an excellent film, it doesn't mean I'm going to join up.
Similar to how people flock to see movies like "Joker", they don't always want to be what he became.
When people get offended by what other adults decide to watch or see or even mention for whatever reason, then we are truly on the downhill slope as a civilization.

I'm just suggesting to you why people downvoted, not saying you would become a Klansman by watching a movie about the Klan, lol.

I'm not going to put the artwork here on Pinside, but those who are curious, can take a look:


#102 27 days ago
Quoted from o-din:

When people get offended by what other adults decide to watch or see or even mention for whatever reason...

All you do is piss & moan aboot what other people like on this site.

#103 27 days ago
Quoted from TheLaw:

All you do is piss & moan aboot what other people like on this site.

Haha! Occasionally poke fun at maybe...

Silent movies can be a hard watch, so I pick and choose highly rated ones or ones with historical significance.

"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" from 1920 staring John Barrymore is one of the best ones I have taken in so far. Quite a performance there.

#104 26 days ago
Quoted from o-din:

Silent movies can be a hard watch

Please allow me to recommend Faust by F. W. Murnau. He's the same director that made Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens. Or for that matter, just about any of the German Expressionist filmmakers. Wiene's The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari comes to mind as well.

Faust-1926-Poster-MGM (resized).jpgFaust-1926-Poster-MGM (resized).jpg

#105 26 days ago
Quoted from vid1900:

Pretty much the only thing Pinsiders like is old music and old movies.
But "Birth Of A Nation" is a dogwhistle code for the Klan (think how the scenes in Blazing Saddles are based on it)
I'm not a US citizen, so sometimes I don't **know things**
There is an old theater near my house that only shows classic movies on real 35mm film.
One time, I see it's BOAN. That's a Film Channel top 100 film, that you supposedly need to see before you die.
So I show up and instead of the usual, better dressed, film buffs; it's a lot of guys in black boots with red shoe-laces and neck tattoos.
So I watch the movie (it's so long they had 2 intermissions) and on the way out a guy on the sidewalk tries to hand me a flyer:
Guy: Are you with us, Brother?
Vid: [opening my arms for a big hug, and slightly lifting him from the ground] [I whisper in his ear] We will kill them all with our bare hands.
Guy: Well, OK. I'm glad you are on our side! Heh. [nervous laugh]
I lifted his wallet and looked him up. Regular suburban guy. His credit card filled both my tanks with diesel, and the next guy.
I show my boss the flyer and tell him. He laughed "Of course! What did you expect? Anytime someone mentions that movie, it's a signal to others."
You learn something new everyday, and they movie was epically terrible.

I have no idea what you are talking about there.

#106 26 days ago
Quoted from DanMarino:

I have no idea what you are talking about there.

It's another movie you've never seen!

#107 26 days ago

More likely than not o-din was pushing buttons with "Birth of a Nation," but agree that it's standard viewing in "Intro to Film" classes. It's not a good movie or an enjoyable watch, and is of course racist as hell. But it's certainly an important part of both film history and US history -- as I was taught, it played a significant role in normalizing Klan membership in early 20th century America.

#108 26 days ago

Oh, I thought of one. I’ve never seen Spinal Tap. My introduction to Spinal Tap was The Simpsons.

#109 26 days ago
Quoted from fosaisu:

More likely than not o-din was pushing buttons with "Birth of a Nation,"

If you say so.

#110 26 days ago
Quoted from o-din:

If you say so.

Is the Garfield you or me?

No offense intended if Birth of a Nation is actually on your viewing list, but you've been known to lob a grenade into a thread or two to spice things up. But if you're serious, I'd say it's long and boring enough that you'd be better off reading the Wikipedia entry and watching a Youtube clip and spend those hours watching another of the fine films referenced here. Like Titanic.

#111 26 days ago
Quoted from Rarehero:

Oh, I thought of one. I’ve never seen Spinal Tap. My introduction to Spinal Tap was The Simpsons.

Did you see when Bobbi Fleckman came to visit The Nanny?

It's got the Stray Cats in that episode too...

#112 26 days ago
Quoted from vid1900:

I have never seen Titanic

Quoted from GSones:

At the end, the old lady throws away her entire family's future financial security for no good reason.

Forget about her family, what about that poor treasure hunter? She accepts a free ride to the crash site to help him hunt for a necklace that she is wearing the entire time, and then chucks it over the side and lets him carry on with the search! Absolutely brutal.

Brock Lovett (resized).jpgBrock Lovett (resized).jpg
#113 26 days ago
Quoted from fosaisu:

Forget about her family, what about that poor treasure hunter?

No, the entire piont is the story of Titanic isn't aboot treasure but the people.
"Three years I've thought of nothing except Titanic, but I never got it, I never let it in.".

Godammit has anyone actually seen this fucking movie?!

#114 26 days ago
Quoted from TheLaw:

No, the entire piont is the story of Titanic isn't aboot treasure but the people.

#115 26 days ago
Quoted from Rarehero:

Oh, I thought of one. I’ve never seen Spinal Tap. My introduction to Spinal Tap was The Simpsons.

It shows up on TCM once in a while.

#116 26 days ago
Quoted from TheLaw:

No, the entire piont is the story of Titanic isn't aboot treasure but the people.
"Three years I've thought of nothing except Titanic, but I never got it, I never let it in.".
Godammit has anyone actually seen this fucking movie?!

I saw it more about a ship breaking in half and then going splat, but of course people like this guy.

#117 26 days ago

Titanic somehow both rules and royally blows, all at the same time. The depiction of the ship itself and the unfolding of its sinking, and ultimately the final plunge scene, is just awesome. Everything else that requires enduring Billy Zane and sappy romance is a shitty romance novel. But there are boobs, so…

#118 26 days ago
Quoted from gambit3113:

Titanic somehow both rules and royally blows, all at the same time. The depiction of the ship itself and the unfolding of its sinking, and ultimately the final plunge scene, is just awesome. Everything else that requires enduring Billy Zane and sappy romance is a shitty romance novel. But there are boobs, so…

What he said.

#119 26 days ago

I have never watched the Wizard of Oz.
When I was in grade school I was compelled to participate in their production of Wizard of Oz against my will. It may have been 50 years ago, but the 12th & Marion Elementary School of Reading, Pennsylvania can take the Wizard of Oz and cram it up their collective ass (not that I'm bitter about it).

#120 26 days ago
Quoted from JeffZee:

When I was in grade school I was compelled to participate in their production of Wizard of Oz against my will. It may have been 50 years ago, but the 12th & Marion Elementary School of Reading, Pennsylvania can take the Wizard of Oz and cram it up their collective ass

Let me guess, you were cast in the Lollipop Guild? Flying Monkeys would never talk shit about Oz.

Lollipop (resized).jpgLollipop (resized).jpg
#121 26 days ago

I have never liked WOZ. It always felt creepy and crappy. Even as a kid I thought that movie was vastly overrated.

Same thing for Willy Wonka. That movie is creepy as fuck and makes me feel icky. No thanks.

#122 26 days ago
Quoted from gambit3113:

Same thing for Willy Wonka. That movie is creepy as fuck and makes me feel icky.

#123 26 days ago
Quoted from o-din:

[quoted image]

Yes. He's a psychopath that invites children into his factory to watch them all be sent to their demise in grotesque and violent ways. Drowning in chocolate milk, eviscerated in fan blades, obscene allergic reactions, falling to death into an incinerator, evaporation....

The whole contest is a ruse to lure in kids to brutalize. He's a serial killer in plain sight.

#124 26 days ago
Quoted from gambit3113:

Yes. He's a psychopath that invites children into his factory to watch them all be sent to their demise in grotesque and violent ways. Drowning in chocolate milk, eviscerated in fan blades, obscene allergic reactions, falling to death into an incinerator, evaporation....
The whole contest is a ruse to lure in kids to brutalize. He's a serial killer in plain sight.

He is a hero.

Removing crap children from the gene pool before they can reproduce.

#125 26 days ago
Quoted from vid1900:

Did you see when Bobbi Fleckman came to visit The Nanny?
It's got the Stray Cats in that episode too...

I’ve never seen an episode of The Nanny. Fran was great in Hollywood Knights! I’d say that’s an underrated classic!

Quoted from gambit3113:

Yes. He's a psychopath that invites children into his factory to watch them all be sent to their demise in grotesque and violent ways. Drowning in chocolate milk, eviscerated in fan blades, obscene allergic reactions, falling to death into an incinerator, evaporation....
The whole contest is a ruse to lure in kids to brutalize. He's a serial killer in plain sight.

Oh, it’s ABSOLUTELY a horror movie “for kids.” When I saw WW as a kid at a friend’s house, the part where the girl turned into a blueberry was so grotesque to my child brain, I threw up and ran home. I didn’t eat blueberries for a decade after that.

#126 26 days ago
Quoted from gambit3113:

I have never liked WOZ. It always felt creepy and crappy.

It sucks, and the remake is like an urban golden shower

#127 26 days ago
Quoted from Rarehero:

I’ve never seen an episode of The Nanny. Fran was great in Hollywood Knights! I’d say that’s an underrated classic!

If she would have used her whiney voice a few minutes earlier, he would have never lost his load

#128 26 days ago
Quoted from vid1900:

like an urban golden shower

You say that like it's a bad thing

#129 25 days ago
Quoted from vid1900:

He is a hero.
Removing crap children from the gene pool before they can reproduce.

Imagine if you could get rid of all the retards who don't meet your standards.

It might be your nirvana.

#130 25 days ago

As obnoxious as the ending of Titanic was, it was a marked improvement over the original ending, where he sees her with the diamond and begs her not to drop it in the water, but she does anyway. (Then again ... in that ending, he had proof positive it existed. Maybe he could get more funding to continue looking for it?)

One thing in that movie that bugged the heck out of me, even when I saw it as a kid, is this: Rose is the one telling the story, so how does she tell all this stuff she didn't see and wasn't told about?

As for movies I haven't seen, the one that catches me the most flak is The Godfather.

#131 25 days ago

I never saw Star Wars, ET, Jurasic Park

#132 25 days ago

Not ever watched "The sound of Music" or any other "musical" crap! The idea of everybody falling into 5 part harmony on a city street is beyond, beyond!!

#133 25 days ago

I never saw the deerhunter until like a year ago, i wish i still never saw it. That movie is brutal.

#134 25 days ago

I had never seen One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (afterall, I was only 7 yrs old when it was released in 1975), but I watched it last weekend. I thought the acting was great, but overall I found the movie to be rather disturbing on multiple levels. Even so, it was certainly worth the watch and interesting to see some young actors in addition to Jack Nicholson who became rather famous (e.g. Christopher Lloyd & Danny DeVito). After watching, I learned that it was filmed in a real mental hospital in Oregon and the "actor" who played the lead doctor was actually the hospital's director in real life.

On another note, I had never seen any of the Godfather films until a year or two ago when I made it a point to watch them. I get why it they were popular, but the constant scene cutting and time jumping was rather annoying to me. Good movies? Sure. However, I found them to be overrated based on all the hype I've heard over the years.

#135 25 days ago
Quoted from CNKay:

I never saw the deerhunter until like a year ago, i wish i still never saw it. That movie is brutal.

At least you now know where Christopher Walken got that watch.

I kid, but the 70s were a very unfiltered time when it came to movies.

#136 25 days ago
Quoted from Mr_Tantrum:

I thought the acting was great, but overall I found the movie to be rather disturbing on multiple levels.

Yup, that's the point. All timer that sticks the landing

#137 25 days ago
Quoted from o-din:

I kid, but the 70s were a very unfiltered time when it came to movies.

Saw The French Connection a few years back, deeply unimpressed .

#138 25 days ago
Quoted from gdonovan:

Saw The French Connection a few years back, deeply unimpressed .

You're sticking with sailor-man Popeye, then?

#139 24 days ago

I worried that 3 Days Of The Condor would be an over-hyped crap pile, but it held up

#140 24 days ago
Quoted from gdonovan:

Saw The French Connection a few years back, deeply unimpressed .

That was the boring cop movie that many since then strived to be. Then they had to make a second one.

Perhaps something like this would be more representative of what the 70s had to offer.
The_Last_House_on_the_Left-965800624-large (resized).jpgThe_Last_House_on_the_Left-965800624-large (resized).jpg

#141 24 days ago
Quoted from 27dnast:

Any of the four Avengers titled films

Those aren't classics though.

#142 24 days ago
Quoted from vid1900:

Pretty much the only thing Pinsiders like is old music and old movies.
But "Birth Of A Nation" is a dogwhistle code for the Klan (think how the scenes in Blazing Saddles are based on it)
I'm not a US citizen, so sometimes I don't **know things**
There is an old theater near my house that only shows classic movies on real 35mm film.
One time, I see it's BOAN. That's a Film Channel top 100 film, that you supposedly need to see before you die.
So I show up and instead of the usual, better dressed, film buffs; it's a lot of guys in black boots with red shoe-laces and neck tattoos.
So I watch the movie (it's so long they had 2 intermissions) and on the way out a guy on the sidewalk tries to hand me a flyer:
Guy: Are you with us, Brother?
Vid: [opening my arms for a big hug, and slightly lifting him from the ground] [I whisper in his ear] We will kill them all with our bare hands.
Guy: Well, OK. I'm glad you are on our side! Heh. [nervous laugh]
I lifted his wallet and looked him up. Regular suburban guy. His credit card filled both my tanks with diesel, and the next guy.
I show my boss the flyer and tell him. He laughed "Of course! What did you expect? Anytime someone mentions that movie, it's a signal to others."
You learn something new everyday, and they movie was epically terrible.

I thought this was classics you haven't seen. I haven't seen that one and never care to.

#143 24 days ago
Quoted from TheLaw:

All you do is piss & moan aboot what other people like on this site.

You do know he started the Pinside Bitch Thread, right?

#144 24 days ago
Quoted from TheLaw:

No, the entire piont is the story of Titanic isn't aboot treasure but the people.
"Three years I've thought of nothing except Titanic, but I never got it, I never let it in.".
Godammit has anyone actually seen this fucking movie?!

Just skip to the boob seen and turn it off after. That's all it has going for it.

#145 24 days ago
Quoted from JeffZee:

I have never watched the Wizard of Oz.
When I was in grade school I was compelled to participate in their production of Wizard of Oz against my will. It may have been 50 years ago, but the 12th & Marion Elementary School of Reading, Pennsylvania can take the Wizard of Oz and cram it up their collective ass (not that I'm bitter about it).

So you just missed it in the theaters on release and had to be in the play. That sucks.

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