(Topic ID: 285970)

Pinball Hall of Fame is running out of money

By timarnold

3 years ago

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    #1 3 years ago

    As many of you know, The PHOF bought a vacant lot on the Strip in Las Vegas a couple years ago and planned a NEW 27,000 Sq. Ft. Building. All this was done with the greatest of caution. WE had MOST of the money for the building UP FRONT from years of saving, scrapping and selling the building we owned on Tropicana. The total price of the LAND, BUILDING and a huge new SIGN was 10 million dollars. We thought that it was realistic to expect our existing operations would generate about what they had before we committed to this project, but since then THE WORLD HAS CHANGED!

    Covid has wrecked our finances! We were SHUT DOWN for 12 weeks starting in March. We reopened to only about 30 percent of the traffic we had the year before. Locals were hunkered in their bunkers and tourists were just plain staying home. NO weekend trippers from LA. NO tradeshows at the Convention Center. NO foreign guys traveling Route 66 on a Harley.

    Total in lost revenue for 2020 over 2019 is $500,000.00

    We tried to stay optimistic, thinking that this would pass quickly and we could get back to prior years income, but it has not happened. We had borrowed 1.7 Million before the Covid hit, which with CASH ON HAND, and EXPECTED INCOME left us with a nice cushion to finish.

    But we are facing a crisis. We are rapidly running out of the money we set aside to get the job done. We are also facing a deadline to vacate the old building on Trop by MAY 5th. After that date, we have no legal right to stay there. The new owners, "The Car Wash Guys" might let us stay, nut they could ask a huge price and we would have to pay or go.

    AS of Jan 1st, the building is 92 percent done. But payment is lagging by 30 days. Figure 350K by the time the contractor is done. We also have to pay for the second half of the sign at some point in the near future. That's going be 270K sometime this summer. Then there is the low voltage, fire and camera items that were NOT part of the contract with the builder. Figure 100 K for that.

    SO what to do? We can't STOP construction. That would force the games on Trop literally out on the street. We have to find a way to pay to finish. The builder is dead serious about "He wants get paid". No slack at all there. We also have a refundable bond with the County for 130K that will come back to us when the building is done.

    Or we could borrow more money. But again, at what cost.

    So the board of Directors sat down over a sack of In n Out burgers and brainstormed. What we came up with is the MASSIVE amount of people who like us. Customer goodwill is all over this project. I spend a large part of every day talking to people who came a very long way to arrive here, and they all say the same thing..... "WE love this place"

    A GoFundME campaign cost very little in time or fees, and allows those who want to help to do so. If you have been thinking of us in the past and smiled, how about a tax deductible donation? I am not asking for money you need to live day to day. But if you have a little extra, push the give button.

    I will also promise that we will not change the way we operate here. We will still be the same old low rent, penny pinching, stripped down and simple operation we have always been. No payroll. No advertising. No company cars, no trade conferences in luxury locations. Just what we have always been, THE LAST REAL ARCADE IN AMERICA!

    I also want to state that we have been trying very hard to raise funds in other ways, not just asking the Pinhead community. We have sold over 20 machines all rebuilt for top dollar that were donated by myself and others. We have even taken on a few outside jobs for cash. We have also stopped helping our charitable partners, something I am looking forward to doing again as soon as we open.

    Please also realize that while we have bought a few new games to keep our local customers coming back, we have for the first time passed on many new offerings from Sturn and Gurnsey Joe. Sprinkling in a few Pro games keeps the show new for the folks who live right here is prudent. We have in the past supported anyone stupid enough to try and build something in America, and we will get back to that soon as well.

    If you want to make a large contribution, or if you have any other ideas, please contact me directly at [email protected]

    #2 3 years ago

    This was posted by another Pinside member in another thread, but here is the link to the GoFundMe page. Didn't see it in your post, but I'm a few in and there are a lot of words there, so maybe I missed it.

    Anyway, here it is: https://gofund.me/37f7e2b2

    And donation sent!

    #3 3 years ago

    You need to have your bankers help you apply for the Covid relief bailout program . The government loaned 763 billon dollars so far .

    #4 3 years ago
    Quoted from Calfdemon:

    This was posted by another Pinside member in another thread, but here is the link to the GoFundMe page. Didn't see it in your post, but I'm a few in and there are a lot of words there, so maybe I missed it.
    Anyway, here it is: https://gofund.me/37f7e2b2
    And donation sent!

    Just now made a good donation. I've been to this place multiple times. The most recent was a couple months ago in November. They are forced by lockdown rules to have half the machines turned off, and they had two staff going around the entire time cleaning one machine after another with disinfectant. It definitely wasn't crowded, and having half the machines off effectively drops their income by a lot.

    #6 3 years ago
    Quoted from Bakko:Deleted post

    Tim's not a asshole. He does have a different personality from most of us. But that's one of the things I like about him. I have been a friend of Tim's since one of the early Pinball Expo's. Maybe the first Expo in 1985. He has never done anything but made my laugh. Good luck Tim. I look forward to the grand opening. Donation is on its way.

    #7 3 years ago
    Quoted from Bakko:Deleted post

    Is this really necessary here? ... Comon Man. If you don't have something proactive to share then just don't say anything. We all care about PHOF. Lets concentrate on how to keep this institution going.

    #8 3 years ago
    Quoted from Bakko:Deleted post

    Really? I agree on PPP funds. Issue they had was most labor was volunteer. It is clear who the deadbeat and low life is.

    #9 3 years ago
    Quoted from Onwallst:

    Really? That is not acceptable. I agree on PPP funds. Issue they had was most labor was volunteer. It is clear who the deadbeat and low life is.

    #10 3 years ago

    Couldn't get PPP funds as we have no employees. WE also looked at several state and local programs, but most of those were for for profit companies, we are a not-for-profit.

    #11 3 years ago

    Just donated.

    #12 3 years ago

    Just a thought but perhaps city of LV could consider PHOF an important element of tourism or historical site? (And make a loan)

    #13 3 years ago

    He doesnt need a PPP loan he needs a small biz loan from the SBA which they are in fact giving out pretty easily.

    Issue there would be I doubt they have the financials to get approved for much or as a non profit maybe not eligible.

    Would be worth looking into since the rates are low and its a 30 years term.

    #14 3 years ago

    I just dontated to Pinside, so I'm feeling generous today....a small donation from me.

    I've visited from the UK twice and met Tim on one occasion. I was making some virtual pinball games and I asked if I could take a look at some of the games close up with the glass off. He was more than happy to help.

    I plan on visiting again, so I hope they make it.

    #15 3 years ago

    just thinking outside the box , and please don't beat me up , i mean no disrespect , but could selling some games off help ? used market is crazy high

    #16 3 years ago
    Quoted from luch:

    just thinking outside the box , and please don't beat me up , i mean no disrespect , but could selling some games off help ? used market is crazy high

    Tim has been selling a few games locally. The games were either donated or duplicates.

    #17 3 years ago
    Quoted from luch:

    just thinking outside the box , and please don't beat me up , i mean no disrespect , but could selling some games off help ? used market is crazy high

    I know a guy in Cave Creek that would love to buy his Pinball Circus.

    All joking aside, that machine always brings a smile to my face when I stop in and play it. I always feel like I’m partaking in something special when I walk in the door.
    Best of luck Tim, your neighbors to the south are rooting for ya.

    #18 3 years ago

    Have you considered approaching Stern, Jersey Jack, or other manufacturers for a boost? The sales side of the industry seems to be thriving right now and everyone loves the good PR that comes from a donation.

    #19 3 years ago

    I thought you could also buy a membership in different tiers to the New Museum on strip?? Can't find info on that program!

    #20 3 years ago

    Bakko deleted his post... Good. What an awful thing to read. PHOF is awesome, and I go every trip I make to LV. Imagine the work hours just to keep that place running.
    I'm sure Tim is assaulted with fans every time he shows up to work. Can't imagine the patience he has.

    #21 3 years ago
    Quoted from timarnold:

    Couldn't get PPP funds as we have no employees. WE also looked at several state and local programs, but most of those were for for profit companies, we are a not-for-profit.

    Round 2 off PPP is going on now and they are taking lost revenue into consideration so might want to give it another try

    #22 3 years ago

    Love going to the PHOF, and will go every time I’m in LV. I don’t get why you even had to move it in the first place, it was fine where it was/is. Donated.

    #23 3 years ago

    I restored a totally destroyed 1949 King Arthur and long story (somewhat) short I ended up with a sweet game but no back glass. I went around collecting pictures and bits of the artwork trying to get one made. No real luck until while in Vegas for work I decided to go to phof and ask Tim. He helped me out in a huge way. He helped save this game from obscurity and my restoration efforts. The game was at the York show later that year. If anyone thinks he’s an asshole they should meet me because I’m much worse.

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    #24 3 years ago
    Quoted from dropdeadhippie:

    I restored a totally destroyed 1949 King Arthur and long story (somewhat) short I ended up with a sweet game but no back glass. I went around collecting pictures and bits of the artwork trying to get one made. No real luck until while in Vegas for work I decided to go to phof and ask Tim. He helped me out in a huge way. He helped save this game from obscurity and my restoration efforts. The game was at the York show later that year. If anyone thinks he’s an asshole they should meet me because I’m much worse.
    [quoted image]

    Beautiful game, nicely done. We need more positive stories about Tim, like yours above. Let's try to keep this community positive as I feel it should be.

    #25 3 years ago

    If the games played better you would make a lot more money. Spend some time fixing up your equipment. I’ve lost money too many times in your machines.

    #26 3 years ago
    Quoted from Ericpinballfan:

    I thought you could also buy a membership in different tiers to the New Museum on strip?? Can't find info on that program!

    Some swag would be nice too! T-shirts, mugs, bling bling!

    #27 3 years ago
    Quoted from V8haha:

    If the games played better you would make a lot more money. Spend some time fixing up your equipment. I’ve lost money too many times in your machines.

    The issue is clearly Covid not how well his games are maintained. You lost some quarters and you think that justifies kicking a man while he’s down? Especially someone who has dedicated their life to this hobby. Some people man...

    #28 3 years ago

    Just got our sales tax exemption last week. This clears us to sell MERCH without charging sales tax. It took a long time and a legal fight to get this exemption but we finally prevailed and are getting ready to sell lots of logo swag!

    #29 3 years ago
    Quoted from timarnold:

    Just got our sales tax exemption last week. This clears us to sell MERCH without charging sales tax. It took a long time and a legal fight to get this exemption but we finally prevailed and are getting ready to sell lots of logo swag!

    Well, if you are willing to ship, make a pinside storefront here and/or advertise in this thread and I am sure a lot of us will make some purchases to help out!

    #30 3 years ago

    Save it!
    Through this pandemic.
    And even before, we as a community have lost too many places to play pinball and classic arcade game’s.

    Once it’s gone, most likely it will not return ever.
    Locally to me, we have lost play land not at the beach.
    Sf, coin op.
    Vallejo vinyl and pinball,
    Bosie Idaho has lost Grinkers.
    So many towns, so many other great places lost.

    Papa, replay fx. The list goes on and on.
    Give 5-10-20. Whatever you can spare.
    Once it’s gone. It’s gone for ever.

    Everyone here loves pinball.
    Help keep it thriving.

    #31 3 years ago
    Quoted from mrgone:

    Save it!
    Through this pandemic.
    And even before, we as a community have lost too many places to play pinball and classic arcade game’s.
    Once it’s gone, most likely it will not return ever.
    Locally to me, we have lost play land not at the beach.
    Sf, coin op.
    Vallejo vinyl and pinball,
    Bosie Idaho has lost Grinkers.
    So many towns, so many other great places lost.
    Papa, replay fx. The list goes on and on.
    Give 5-10-20. Whatever you can spare.
    Once it’s gone. It’s gone for ever.
    Everyone here loves pinball.
    Help keep it thriving.

    This.. And not to mention that this is in Vegas where many of us visit from time to time so the opportunity to go and play is there for a lot of us. Just easier to open the wallet for most non-locals when you might actually be able to visit someday.

    #32 3 years ago
    Quoted from V8haha:

    If the games played better you would make a lot more money.

    He's already running the most successful arcade that has ever been. Non profit and look at what he has donated to charity for years.

    Sounds like he knows what he's doing.

    LTG : )

    #33 3 years ago
    Quoted from V8haha:

    If the games played better you would make a lot more money. Spend some time fixing up your equipment. I’ve lost money too many times in your machines.

    Once again, if you dont have something nice to say here, don’t post! This is not a thread to bash PHOF!

    #34 3 years ago
    Quoted from timarnold:

    Just got our sales tax exemption last week. This clears us to sell MERCH without charging sales tax. It took a long time and a legal fight to get this exemption but we finally prevailed and are getting ready to sell lots of logo swag!

    I'll be visiting in person sometime on 2/4-2/8, as I scheduled a trip to Vegas there, and I always visit PHOF on every trip.

    #35 3 years ago

    Donation sent.
    Hope you get your new PHOF opened.
    Plan to drive down there soon and play some pinball when it opens.

    #36 3 years ago

    My mother in law used to live a block away from PHOF

    I use to tell my wife that I loved to go too see her mom just so I can walkto the PHOF every time we went..lol

    Donation Sent and I would like to buy some PHOF merch

    Can’t wait till the new place opens so we can go visit my mother inlaw

    GodBless and hope everything goes well

    #37 3 years ago

    Also going to have a sale area for parts and spare backglass. I have been hoarding way too many parts for years, and we just went and picked up big huge rolling peg board racks from a store going out of business. Now that we have the O.K. to sell from State Tax Commission I am going to unload.

    #38 3 years ago
    Quoted from timarnold:

    sale area for parts and spare backglass.

    If you want them listed in a Pinside PHoF shop reach out. I'm sure there are many here that would be willing to assist setting that up.

    #39 3 years ago

    Never been there. Will probably never make it. $20 sent anyway.

    #40 3 years ago

    I wish we could get the Marcos and Pinball Life to help out too. Doesn't need to cut into profit, but it'd be nice to "round up" or throw a couple bucks to the PHOF. I'd shop anywhere that is helping.

    #41 3 years ago
    Quoted from Travish:

    Never been there. Will probably never make it. $20 sent anyway.

    Welcome back Travish! I always wondered how u were doing. Although I’ve never been to the phof, it’s definitely on my wish list to go once the border is open!

    #42 3 years ago

    Tim, when you set up shop please also post or direct us to PHOF’s non profit tax ID for direct donations. Would love to help - thx!

    #43 3 years ago

    Been to PHoF a couple of times, damn well hated to leave. What a goldmine. Swinging into Vegas early next month, I'm gonna donate by seeing if I can play through $50 of quarters. Alrighty Pinball Circus, prepare to kick my ass (again)....

    #44 3 years ago

    Sorry to read this, but very excited to see an avenue for you to make more $$$ and survive this.

    I think an online site could definitely bring in bank ( definitely get some of mine), and can't wait to get back over there soon...all the best!!!!

    #45 3 years ago

    Where’s that big donation from Stern? PHOF got so many folks into the hobby.

    #46 3 years ago

    Give stern a minute.
    The thread is less than a day old.
    On a weekend.
    All of the real pinball companies are good folk who have and will again lend support to the community.

    #47 3 years ago

    What if major pin makers each held a raffle to give away a new machine?
    Would they / could they raise bunch?
    What about straight up 50-50 raffles for PHOF?

    #48 3 years ago

    Tim, I hope you got a big fancy LED sign so you can sell advertising on The Strip...

    #49 3 years ago

    Donated! I would have gladly donated to save Replay FX and Pinburgh too...

    The loss of Pinburgh hurts bad. I don’t want to lose the Pinball Hall of Fame too.

    #50 3 years ago
    Quoted from Hi-Fi:

    Donated! I would have gladly donated to save Replay FX and Pinburgh too...
    The loss of Pinburgh hurts bad. I don’t want to lose the Pinball Hall of Fame too.

    Could be an opportunity for someone to organize something in a place people actually want to visit post COVID....

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