(Topic ID: 318068)


By wdpvideo

1 year ago

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    #1 1 year ago

    hello guys and gals,

    i’ve been away for a while doing something fairly large and I haven’t been able to stay in Pinball very much because I’ve been so slammed. Back when I was in Pinball before everything went even crazier. I made some great friends. I even have a couple of friends that I consider dear to me and they are also dealers. I feel like that friendship is kind of faded away. And getting back into things and really starting to enjoy what I’ve always enjoyed there was a question that I have. Is CACTUS CANYON (REMAKE - LE) out yet? I asked that question because I’ve been on the list for seems like years. And I’ve been out of Pinball so long but I’m not sure if the games even come out or if my relationship has gone stale and it was released and I was overlooked. either way it doesn’t really matter I just Want to know. I know I can dig around in here probably for 30-40 minutes and figure it out. But I was up early getting ready to takeoff and thought I’d just ask. My friendships are way more important than any pinball machine. People are more important than any pinball machine to me. Just a simple yes or no would be fine. Thanks for your help

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