(Topic ID: 356827)

Next pin of yours to leave?

By briyau15

35 days ago

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#51 34 days ago

I can see the downsides to Led Zep. The playfield is really barren of mechs and components, and some people crave those; even the fancy premium mech goes away for 90% of the time. It's a boring fan layout with a useless upper flipper, with only one shot which is overly difficult and barely even does anything. The gameplay has no big payoff moments, nothing like the destruction jackpot or even winning a monster battle or soul shard, every shot is like, yawn, now hit the next one. The voice work is phoned in.

The payoff of Led Zep is in the scoring - going deep into the song modes, and building up and firing off the Icarus multiplier, like you build your own destruction jackpot by doing that. But not everyone cares about building up scoring like that (see also criticism of the Star Wars multiplier), and if you don't, Led Zep is kinda dull and grindy.

#53 34 days ago

Any pin in my collection. Lay the cash on the glass and its yours. I've got to many!

Always have to many, but always looking for more so trades welcome also. Haha

My Scooby ce for James bond or jaws anyone?

#54 34 days ago

Mandalorian LE. I like it but I don't love it and it gets the least use of any of my pins.

However, it is my oldest son's favorite pin, so I will likely hold on to it until he moves on to something else.

#55 34 days ago

STTNG is on the blocks even though I don't want it to be but we really want a JP so something has to go.

After that would probably be Alien even though we have not had our fill of it yet and we haven't had it long. The incoming game would have to be a major want to ditch it now.

After those 2 titles who the heck knows as we don't want to get rid of anything and have been scheming to try to find a way to keep what we have and add 2-3 more (JP, BKSOR, and X-Men LE) but there is only so much space in the house (contrary to what all of you keep telling me, lol).

Son actually said last night to put games in dining room as we don't ever eat in there, lol. I was like no you mom would kill me over that.

#56 34 days ago

Foo is on the block simply because I found a ready to ship Pulp Fiction. Probably my favorite Stern ever.

#57 34 days ago

Trading a venom LE this weekend for a ultraman CE plus cash.

I love my venom, I'll prolly get a pro in the future. I've always wanted to get a ultraman cause I love the theme and I like the modes. But also kinda needed the excess cash off of the deal to help keep pinball funds and emergency funds going.

Got a LAH that is pretty much bolted because the game has more bang than the buck that title can get. Demolition man my wife wants bolted but will probably find another home in the future.

#58 34 days ago
Quoted from GCS2000:

STTNG is on the blocks even though I don't want it to be but we really want a JP so something has to go.
After that would probably be Alien even though we have not had our fill of it yet and we haven't had it long. The incoming game would have to be a major want to ditch it now.
After those 2 titles who the heck knows as we don't want to get rid of anything and have been scheming to try to find a way to keep what we have and add 2-3 more (JP, BKSOR, and X-Men LE) but there is only so much space in the house (contrary to what all of you keep telling me, lol).
Son actually said last night to put games in dining room as we don't ever eat in there, lol. I was like no you mom would kill me over that.

We got rid of our dining room years ago lol

#59 34 days ago

I have LOTR and The Hobbit in ours and the table and hutch still fit.
Demo Man would be the first to go for me.

#60 34 days ago

The Shadow

#61 34 days ago

Have I woken up in the Twilight Zone with all this love for LED Zeppelin over Godzilla? What is wrong with all of you?

As for the topic - hard to say. JD, JB, Baywatch, T3, TWD I’ve had so many times it’s safe to say I don’t need to get rid of them again. As I’d eventually buy them again.

Future Spa took me forever to find in great shape , Ultraman has grown on me like a fungus (guess I can’t give the LZ fans too much grief…) and I still enjoy Maiden.

Either Ultraman or Future Spa if the right John Wick deal came up, I guess

#62 34 days ago

How about this: not only is my wife supportive of having pins in 6 rooms of our house (including kitchen nook and dining room), but while I was traveling a couple of weeks ago she rearranged furniture and moved a loveseat from one room to another (by herself) to make room for possibility of adding two more pins in the future.

I used to say she was the enabler. Now I’m realizing that I’m the enabler!

#63 34 days ago

High Speed, doesn't fit with the sci-fi/space/fantasy themed gameroom. Hope to trade for a Black Hole, Haunted House, Embryon, or Space Station. Half-restored Riverboat Gambler is packed up right now but would sell for what I have into it.

#65 34 days ago

ID love an elvira HOH.. so thinking my Star Trek pro is the one to go.. I love my Alien, GZ and AFMr too much... i dont want STrek to go, but if one has to go, it be that one. UGH.

#66 34 days ago

1978 Playboys, 2 of them
Silverball mania
Theatre of Magic
Starship Troopers

Yep, selling off my collection.

I closing my shop and retiring.

#67 34 days ago

Hurts to say, but I think The Shadow is the only one in my collection is could part with. Its the only one i own based on pure mechanics/competition play, and not also rooted in something more meaningful/nostalgic.

To that end, i'd only sell it to make room/cut costs for one of my "big" ones: Batman 66 or Big Lebowski. So not sure that's gonna happen anytime soon

#68 34 days ago
Quoted from pinballinreno:

1978 Playboys, 2 of them
Silverball mania
Theatre of Magic
Starship Troopers
Yep, selling off my collection.
I closing my shop and retiring.

Shouldn’t you be buying and playing more pins if you retire?? At least that’s my plan…

#69 34 days ago

Our Scooby is up next, headed towards the door

#70 34 days ago

Congo, spiderman, tails from the crypte, bsd

#71 34 days ago
Quoted from briyau15:

Shouldn’t you be buying and playing more pins if you retire?? At least that’s my plan…

Lol, these are just the ones at my shop. I want to let them go.

#72 34 days ago

TZ, I do not like the stop'n'go nature of that game and hardly play it-I prefer faster flowy games

#73 34 days ago
Quoted from Fatsquatch:

I’m surprised to hear so much Led Zeppelin over Godzilla talk. I had been led (see what I did there?) to believe that LZ was generally considered to be a dud, while GZ was “OMG THE BESTEST PINBALL MACHINE OF ALL TIME!!!”

It's probably a bit on both sides. Godzilla is overhyped and Zeppelin underhyped.

I just got a Godzilla and I do like it quite a bit but I don't think it'll end up as my favorite.

I WAS the target market for a LZ being a huge fan all my life and a pinball fanatic. It was always a dream theme until I saw it and played it. The artwork left something to be desired. The basic fan layout left me wanting more and it felt like it was rushed with only the most basic theme integration and rules. I can enjoy a game or two but no way I was paying big bucks to own it.

#74 34 days ago

Super Soccer, I suppose

#75 34 days ago

All of them?

#76 34 days ago

I'm ready for TFTC to go, Stern POTC after that. I could be talked out of WOZ but it would have to be a trade of something I wanted.

#77 34 days ago

All this talk of selling Tales from the Crypt but never near me.

#78 34 days ago

TFTC reminds me of that old saying about boats. Two best days are the day you buy it, and the day you sell it.

#79 34 days ago
Quoted from BalkeBoy:

All this talk of selling Tales from the Crypt but never near me.

Sounds like time for a road trip!

#80 34 days ago

If one had to go, it'd be Met Prem. Love it, but it's the one that's been around the longest and played the least. The rest are on cold dead fingers terms.

#81 34 days ago

A SEGA Lost in Space will be up for sale soon

#82 34 days ago
Quoted from yancy:

TFTC reminds me of that old saying about boats. Two best days are the day you buy it, and the day you sell it.

You want to have a friend with a boat you can go on twice a year, you don’t want to own the boat.

#83 34 days ago
Quoted from grantopia:

You want to have a friend with a boat you can go on twice a year, you don’t want to own the boat.

This 100%

#84 34 days ago
Quoted from BalkeBoy:

All this talk of selling Tales from the Crypt but never near me.

It took me 3 years of looking to find a tftc reasonably close to me (<5 hr. Drive) and for a decent price. Mine is not going anywhere for a long time

#85 34 days ago

Wait, you can resell these things?

3 weeks later
#86 10 days ago
Quoted from Parkshow30:

Still having fun with my Street Fighter 2 but maybe by winter I’ll be looking to trade it or sell it for a Surf n Safari. I like having a spot for a game that is fairly different than the rest of my collection that I can rotate.

Going to have to change this answer, got my SF2 dialed in and it’s surprisingly fun and challenging both with the multiball and the champion challenge, and although layout and rules trump theme for how fun a game is for a long term keeper it has to have a theme that resonates. I spent hours playing the arcade with my cousins and friends at the bowling alley and roller rink as a kid and it was the first Arcade I got for my basement that I played a lot with my daughters so I think it’s a keeper.
So next pin to leave will most likely be Lethal Weapon 3. Super fun game, really like the rules, theme does nothing for me or my family. It gets basically zero play from friends and family like the other games do and only having room for 7 right now I just want to have games everyone enjoys. Will probably look to trade this winter for something else.

#87 10 days ago

Only have room for 6.

STh came in and TZ went out this winter.

SW CA Prem just came in and I’m about to list X-Men LE to offset.

JP Stern was supposed to be next and JP DE was going, but one of my grails was finally listed and now I’m conflicted.

And if BTTF 2.0 gets made I’m really F’ed.


Cliff notes, X-Men LE and JP DE are next. After that I’m screwed, everything else feels bolted. Sigh.

#88 10 days ago

Our AIQ-Premium is out the door next, I Love it - just too deep of a Game for Friends & Family
Looking to $ELL or trade for a Foo-Premium, DFW area TX.

#89 9 days ago

I had AFM n WCS
Was going to trade AFM for deadpool but had to sell both my pins to help my son start his business
Sometimes you have to let go of your previous pins to help some out but hopefully I’ll get a Deadpool or jaws prem next year

#90 8 days ago

I'm pretty sure Monster Bash is on its way out next. Something has to give at this point and the family has chosen to keep AFM over MB.

#91 8 days ago
Quoted from hypnotoad:

I'm pretty sure Monster Bash is on its way out next. Something has to give at this point and the family has chosen to keep AFM over MB.

Smart family. MB is the game I lost the most money on because I finished it in six months and didn't care to keep it any longer. Should have kept it until Covid hit. I still have my AFM, but that's probably next.

#92 8 days ago
Quoted from Parkshow30:

Still having fun with my Street Fighter 2 but maybe by winter I’ll be looking to trade it or sell it for a Surf n Safari. I like having a spot for a game that is fairly different than the rest of my collection that I can rotate.

wow, easily entertained.

#93 8 days ago

I have some time to think on it. Nothing I really want to get rid of right now. But the end of the year thru next year I'll have three new games coming in. So three here now will be leaving.

Kind of a nice problem to have.

LTG : )

#94 8 days ago
Quoted from Only_Pinball:

Jurassic Park Premium


#95 8 days ago

JJP POTC or Bond 60th will be next to go, but only when something I can’t resist comes out.

#96 8 days ago

Swords of Fury. I really like it, but it helped me cross most other sys11 games off the list b/c turns out my wife is a pop bumper absolutist.

#97 8 days ago

Revenge From Mars, the glass and the prism card gives me anxiety

#99 7 days ago

Alien RV is getting there for me; it’s a full time relationship. Love the pin when she’s up and running but terrible soldering and sketch parts are marshing my mellow. I’ve got PB customer service on speed dial…

#100 7 days ago
Quoted from hypnotoad:

I'm pretty sure Monster Bash is on its way out next. Something has to give at this point and the family has chosen to keep AFM over MB.

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