(Topic ID: 356049)

I dropped a pinball in the toilet

By CrazyLevi

47 days ago

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    “Do I need to extract this thing?”

    • Shit no, just let the pinball live in the toilet 38 votes
    • Call a plumber and remove it, or you'll be in a world of shit 16 votes

    (54 votes)

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    #1 47 days ago

    OK, so I was at the shop last night cleaning off a new set of Stern's legendarily shitty new pinballs, and i managed to drop one right in the shitter.

    I heard it clang around for a few seconds. Shoving a telescopic magnet into the drain produced nothing (either good or bad how you look at it).

    I don't know shit about toilets except the tank (I replaced the flapper recently to stop it from running and was so proud), so I don't know what the rules are here.

    I'm guessing it settled into the S somewhere. Do I really need to get that thing out of there or can I just let the pinball live in the toilet for the rest of my life? This is the toilet at the shop, not the home.

    #2 47 days ago

    I love this thread already.

    #3 47 days ago

    With enough flushes (probably one) it’ll go down the drain. Something this small and spherical, I wouldn’t be too worried about it clogging a line down stream.

    #4 47 days ago

    So the toilet eats the balls??

    #5 47 days ago
    Quoted from Geeterman1:

    With enough flushes (probably one) it’ll go down the drain.

    A good plunger would probably work even quicker. Depending on the geometry of the trapway, the water could just go around a dense object without some serious force behind it.

    This also would never be an issue if you just had a fart toilet.

    #6 47 days ago

    Put some paper in to grab the ball, I don't think the water is enough to push it through. Is it a low consumption or a good old school 3.5 gallon flusher?

    #7 47 days ago
    Quoted from rwmech5:

    Put some paper in to grab the ball, I don't think the water is enough to push it through. Is it a low consumption or a good old school 3.5 gallon flusher?

    If it's still there should I give it another shot with the magnet? or is it not a straight line?

    I think it's an old school 3.5er.

    #8 47 days ago

    Turd'll push 'er through.

    #9 47 days ago

    I think the logical thing to do here,

    Is nothing.

    Let it be. And hopefully it will let you be.

    Live in peace my friends.
    (This thread is about to take off lol)
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    #10 47 days ago

    Yup you could, if it's there I can't se it making it up around the trap those balls are a good weight. At least it's smooth and if the drains are sloped properly it'll roll away!

    #11 47 days ago
    Quoted from rwmech5:

    Yup you could, if it's there I can't se it making it up around the trap those balls are a good weight. At least it's smooth and if the drains are sloped properly it'll roll away!

    Maybe it's already rolling around somewhere under 10th avenue. It sure clanged around for a bit before settling in (at least 3-4 seconds).

    #12 47 days ago

    I can’t see how it will cause any issues in the future. It will just rust away and eventually something will carry it through. Unless you really need that ball back, just leave it

    #13 47 days ago

    The trap is about 18" -20" so if you're magnet is past that, she gone! I managed to get a lost toilet brass toilet bolt to go down the drain so a ball should go easy.

    #14 47 days ago

    I’d go get a good Reuben, then return in a few hours, have a seat and it’ll push it straight through.

    #15 47 days ago

    Tell the truth CrazyLevi.

    You were inspired by Ted of Roadshow. A couple days later...

    #16 47 days ago

    “Dropped” in the toilet. Sure. I suspect you’ve been swallowing pinballs.

    #17 47 days ago
    Quoted from CrazyLevi:

    Maybe it's already rolling around somewhere under 10th avenue. It sure clanged around for a bit before settling in (at least 3-4 seconds).

    If this happened to me,the pinball would have broke my toilet before it want down the pipe.

    #18 47 days ago
    Quoted from jackd104:

    “Dropped” in the toilet. Sure. I suspect you’ve been swallowing pinballs.

    There are worse things I could be doing with pinballs that would make them end up in the crapper! So I’ll accept this.

    #19 47 days ago
    Quoted from ralphs007:

    If this happened to me,the pinball would have broke my toilet before it want down the pipe.

    Believe me that thought crossed my mind. Porcelain ain’t exactly bulletproof.

    #20 47 days ago

    The irony, I can't type.....

    #21 47 days ago

    Oh shit lol u will be fine just leave it , it will go though by it self

    #22 47 days ago

    I came here to read about John Wick but I clicked this thread first.

    I am not disappointed.

    #23 47 days ago
    Quoted from ThePinballCo-op:

    I came here to read about John Wick but I clicked this thread first.
    I am not disappointed.

    Since the stupid “gun gate” stuff came up this thread is a far less shitty alternative !

    #24 47 days ago

    Big order from Taco Bell will push it out.

    #25 46 days ago

    NY Chinese food, time, nature, and some liquid plumber to be sure.

    That should do the trick.

    #26 46 days ago

    nobody’s asking the important questions.. like, why were you cleaning pinballs in the bathroom, over the toilet?

    #27 46 days ago

    I'd email American Pinball. Their service department are pros at shitty pinballs.

    #28 46 days ago

    Since toilets can flush golf balls, you should be just fine:

    #29 46 days ago
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    #30 46 days ago

    I imagine it already went past the trap and out through the plumbing. Otherwise, it would have sunk to the bottom of the bowl.

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    #31 46 days ago

    I'm just surprised we haven't yet seen someone post "This happened to me once and . . . "

    #32 46 days ago
    Quoted from bigehrl:

    nobody’s asking the important questions.. like, why were you cleaning pinballs in the bathroom, over the toilet?

    Well, now we all know where Levi’s “shop” is.

    #33 46 days ago

    Just take a massive load and it will push it down

    #34 46 days ago
    Quoted from bigehrl:

    nobody’s asking the important questions.. like, why were you cleaning pinballs in the bathroom, over the toilet?

    Water comes out of the sink

    Paper towels sit on the toilet tank

    I have butterfingers

    There ya go. You’ve been here before!!! You know
    It ain’t exactly the ritz!!

    #35 46 days ago
    Quoted from EaglePin:

    Since toilets can flush golf balls, you should be just fine:

    See this is what I’m looking for.

    #36 46 days ago
    Quoted from CrazyLevi:

    See this is what I’m looking for.

    Yes u will be fine for sure no worrys

    #37 46 days ago

    Much better than the John Wick Hype thread...

    #38 46 days ago

    I really wish someone else had posted this.

    Just to see CrazyLevi's response.

    LTG : )

    #39 46 days ago

    Not the worse place to lose a ball. Could have been eaten by a dog!

    #40 46 days ago

    Maybe this is how we solve the baby wipe and tampon issue, Shark Tank here we come Levi!

    #41 46 days ago

    Reminds me of that time when my wife and I were fooling around and....wait nevermind.

    #42 46 days ago

    If the toilet keeps flushing like it already did, I wouldn't worry about it.

    If it starts flushing different, or several flushes for crap to go through. Throw a few more balls in there.

    That makes the plumber visit more worthwhile. And if the plumber asks what the F ? Explain you might have too much iron in your diet.

    LTG : )

    #43 46 days ago

    I really expected this thread to start off with “this one time at band camp…..”

    #44 46 days ago

    Wall hung toilets with flush valves won’t flush vape containers. Stupid high school kids.

    #45 46 days ago

    It needs a better story.

    I was playing pinball, had a great game going. Ball hops off a ramp, breaks the glass, goes bouncing across the room. Hits the cat, careens off the dog, bounces down the stairs, into the bathroom scares the wife who stands up, and bounces into the crapper.

    Now that's a story we'd believe or relate to.

    LTG : )

    #46 46 days ago
    Quoted from CrazyLevi:

    See this is what I’m looking for.

    Go big or go home!

    #47 46 days ago

    Just make sure you demagnetize the basin before flushing the next one.

    #48 46 days ago

    That thing is probably gone. If you fished around with a magnet and didn’t get it, it’s in the sewer.

    #49 46 days ago

    So there seems to be a consensus that it probably passed through fine. The next question is how many pinballs can be “dropped” until it does clog? Someone please test and report back

    #50 46 days ago

    I have learned some important lessons today. Thanks guys!

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