(Topic ID: 343602)

Dungeon Door Defender: new 3rd party downloadable game for the P3 now available

By Mocean

9 months ago

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#101 48 days ago
Quoted from rockrand:

Just purchased,I had heist installed for a few weeks and decided to go for it.


After you play a few games you might want to re-watch the little "how-to-play" tutorial. It's easy to start skipping to the point that you don't remember it is there at all,, but once you start to get the general hang of the game, it's good to remind yourself about the shots for heroes, shots for mana/magic, side targets for arrows, etc.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!

#102 47 days ago
Quoted from rockrand:

Just purchased,I had heist installed for a few weeks and decided to go for it.

And?! such a great game for heist! Also check out Silver Falls

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