(Topic ID: 356092)

Best ECLECTIC 5 Pin Lineup

By ParkRangerPinball

39 days ago

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    #1 39 days ago

    I like Sterns. But a WHOLE ROW of them in your house? With this thought exercise, variety is the spice of life.

    Give us your best, ECLECTIC, 5 pin lineup* (real or imagined) with the following rules:

    You cannot repeat manufacturers for any of these categories
    - (1) SS
    - (1) A#
    - (1) DMD
    - (1) LCD

    - (1) You get one wildcard (extra pin) in any one the above categories, but it has to be a different manufacturer than your first pick in that category.

    Bonus, tell us if this is your lineup or not.


    - Gorgar
    - Radical (Laser War currently in this slot)
    - STNG (ST Pro & Stargate currently in this slot)
    - Beatles (I don't have an LCD game, currently)
    - PFBMF

    *Yes there are a few versions of this thread in the archive, but not with these rules, I was actually inspired by Notion's (business process software) list ranking feature as it's a better representation of popularity than the Top100

    #2 39 days ago

    I added a reoccurring theme.

    - Pharoah (SS - Williams - owned)
    - Black Pyramid (A# - Bally)
    - Stargate (DMD - Gottlieb)
    - Iron Maiden Premium (LCD - Stern - own)

    Bonus: Cleopatra (EM - Gottlieb)

    #3 39 days ago

    Let’s do some obvious themes with:

    -Medieval Madness
    -Magic Castle (Zaccaria version)
    Also considered: Game of Thrones


    -Haunted House
    -Bone Busters
    -Monster Bash
    -Ghost Busters
    Also considered: Stern Dracula, most of the Spooky games

    But theming leads to imperfect collections…

    #4 39 days ago
    Quoted from Retreads:

    Let’s do some obvious themes with:
    -Medieval Madness
    -Magic Castle (Zaccaria version)
    Also considered: Game of Thrones
    -Haunted House
    -Bone Busters
    -Monster Bash
    -Ghost Busters
    Also considered: Stern Dracula, most of the Spooky games
    But theming leads to imperfect collections…

    You totally cheated and did 3 Williams in a row. And then 2 Gottliebs!

    You can't break the rules of a made up pin game that doesn't matter, bro!

    #5 39 days ago

    Safe Cracker
    Swords Of Fury
    Solar Fire

    That's pretty eclectic....

    #6 39 days ago
    Quoted from BalkeBoy:

    You totally cheated and did 3 Williams in a row. And then 2 Gottliebs!
    You can't break the rules of a made up pin game that doesn't matter, bro!

    Oh man. You’re right, I’m a dirty cheater.

    Having the alphanumerics as a separate category is a bit of a struggle. They seem like the most anemic category. Or the one that has passed me by.

    Here’s a more honest attempt:
    -Black Hole (SS - Gottleib)
    -Pulp Fiction (A# - Chicago Coin)
    -CFTBL (DMD - Bally)
    -Beatles (LCD - Stern)
    -TNA (Spooky)

    That covers music, horror, single-level, cool movie theme, and lots of art styles. Maybe would sub in Elton (it’s freaking great) or Jaws (which feels like it was made just for me and based on one of my favorite movies.

    #7 39 days ago

    All my games are electric. Still haven't pulled the trigger on any of those early non electric games yet.

    #8 39 days ago

    Do Bally and Williams count as separate manufacturers for this excercise? Or the same?

    #9 39 days ago

    OK, I'll play. These are all machines I currently own.

    Williams- Jumpin' Jacks

    Stern- Nine Ball

    Bally- Radical!

    Data East- RoboCop

    Midway- The Shadow

    #10 39 days ago

    What does A# mean in this context?

    #11 39 days ago

    1933 World's Series by Rock-Ola
    1951 Globe Trotter by Gottlieb
    1980 Nine Ball by Stern
    1993 Twilight Zone by Midway
    2023 Labyrinth by Barrels Of Fun

    #12 39 days ago
    Quoted from cait001:

    What does A# mean in this context?

    Alpha numeric

    #13 39 days ago
    Quoted from 11strings:

    I added a reoccurring theme.
    - Pharoah (SS - Williams - owned)
    - Black Pyramid (A# - Bally)
    - Stargate (DMD - Gottlieb)
    - Iron Maiden Premium (LCD - Stern - own)
    Bonus: Cleopatra (EM - Gottlieb)

    LOL that's a great lineup theme!

    #14 39 days ago
    Quoted from EchoVictor:

    Do Bally and Williams count as separate manufacturers for this excercise? Or the same?

    grey area, have fun!

    #15 39 days ago
    Quoted from cait001:

    1933 World's Series by Rock-Ola
    1951 Globe Trotter by Gottlieb
    1980 Nine Ball by Stern
    1993 Twilight Zone by Midway
    2023 Labyrinth by Barrels Of Fun

    90 years of pins, fun game room idea

    #16 39 days ago
    Quoted from o-din:

    OK, I'll play. These are all machines I currently own.
    Williams- Jumpin' Jacks
    Stern- Nine Ball
    Bally- Radical!
    Data East- RoboCop
    Midway- The Shadow

    my man, who needs an LCD?

    #17 39 days ago
    Quoted from ParkRangerPinball:

    my man, who needs an LCD?

    I have one up in the corner of the garage I watch Hawaii 5-0 on every afternoon. It's like going on a trip and never leaving the farm.

    #18 39 days ago

    This is a good thread. So i only have 5 spots to fill for my underwater themed room in my AirBnB- heres my 5:

    1977 Nautilus (weird EM, plays like a flipped Gottlieb Atlantis with a spinner)
    1980 Seawitch (because, Seawitch)
    1989 Bally Atlantis (underrated, and Fathom is too similar to Seawitch in my book)
    1992 Creature of the Black Lagoon (fits the theme and its an ass kicker)
    2024 Jaws (by default, i dont think theres another LCD that would fit the theme)

    #19 39 days ago

    Punchy The Clown
    Sittin Pretty

    LTG : )

    #20 39 days ago

    OK, I'll play....

    SS = Fathom - Bally (don't have)
    A# = BK2000 - Williams (don't have)
    DMD = Game Of Thrones - Stern (got it)
    LCD = Alien - Pinball Bros version (got it)
    Wildcard = P3 System w/ Weird Al - Multimorphic (got it)


    #21 39 days ago

    I like these dumb little hypotheticals. I've never owned any of these and all my current games are from 88-91 so I probably don't know what the hell I'm doing.

    SS: Centaur (Bally)
    A#: Banzai Run (Williams)
    DMD: Tales from the Crypt (Data East)
    LCD: Labyrinth (Barrels of Fun)
    Bonus: Pulp Fiction (CGC)

    I don't like the recency bias of those last two but I keep driving 90 minutes to play them every few weeks for some reason...

    #22 39 days ago

    In my line up:

    Future Spa
    Dirty Harry
    Black knight LE

    #23 39 days ago

    these are all sick lineups

    #24 39 days ago
    Quoted from truemagoo102:

    This is a good thread. So i only have 5 spots to fill for my underwater themed room in my AirBnB- heres my 5:
    1977 Nautilus (weird EM, plays like a flipped Gottlieb Atlantis with a spinner)
    1980 Seawitch (because, Seawitch)
    1989 Bally Atlantis (underrated, and Fathom is too similar to Seawitch in my book)
    1992 Creature of the Black Lagoon (fits the theme and its an ass kicker)
    2024 Jaws (by default, i dont think theres another LCD that would fit the theme)

    Amazing. Now I want an Atlantis

    #25 39 days ago
    Quoted from Lostcause:

    In my line up:
    Future Spa
    Dirty Harry
    Black knight LE

    Hell yeah. That's weird and it rules.

    #26 39 days ago
    Quoted from BalkeBoy:

    I like these dumb little hypotheticals. I've never owned any of these and all my current games are from 88-91 so I probably don't know


    I don't like the recency bias of those last two but I keep driving 90 minutes to play them every few weeks for some reason...

    Ha sweet, how many in 88-91 and why?

    Agree on recency bias, I'm trying to space out my ears.

    #27 39 days ago
    Quoted from EchoVictor:

    OK, I'll play....
    SS = Fathom - Bally (don't have)
    A# = BK2000 - Williams (don't have)
    DMD = Game Of Thrones - Stern (got it)
    LCD = Alien - Pinball Bros version (got it)
    Wildcard = P3 System w/ Weird Al - Multimorphic (got it)

    That's dope. Alien is a good call for my potential lcd spot instead of Beatles, since I theoretically have SS layouts covered in PF and Gorgar.

    Related, PF is alphanumeric?

    #28 39 days ago

    part of my 5 month old, quickly expanding collection:
    Future Spa
    Laser War
    No Fear
    Iron Maiden

    * have others in collection but think these are very eclectic with one A+*

    #29 39 days ago

    I'll go with games I don't currently own:

    SS - Paragon
    A# - whirlwind
    DMD - Breakshot
    LCD - stranger things
    (Wild Card)
    DMD - stern star trek

    #30 39 days ago

    “ I'm trying to space out my ears.”

    I’ve got a lot of space between my ears.

    #31 38 days ago

    - (1)SS- Paragon (Just got)
    - (1)A#- Torpedo Alley (Had)
    - (1)DMD- STTNG (Have)
    - (1)LCD- Jurassic Park (had)
    - (1) EM-Abra Ca Dabra (technically not in a category above, but as an EM I deem it more eclectic)

    #32 38 days ago

    ss. Sorcerer ( 85 Williams )
    A#. Transporter the rescue
    DMD Dr. who
    LCD. Deadpool pro
    Bonus Alien Star

    But If I had to only have 5 solid states that would be ok too.

    #33 38 days ago
    Quoted from topkat:

    ss. Sorcerer ( 85 Williams )
    A#. Transporter the rescue
    DMD Dr. who
    LCD. Deadpool pro
    Bonus Alien Star
    But If I had to only have 5 solid states that would be ok too.

    Alien Star and Deadpool…2 of my faves and want both!

    #34 38 days ago

    SS - Medusa
    A# - Defender
    DMD - Attack From Mars
    LCD - Jurassic Park (Stern)
    Wildcard - Pulp Fiction

    #35 38 days ago

    I'll try to meet the criteria from my collection,

    SS - Star Light - williams
    A# - Class of 1812 - Gottlieb
    DMD - Star Trek - Stern
    LCD - P3/Heist - Multimorphic
    Bonus - Alien Star, Fathom, TNA, Stars.. take your pick.

    #36 38 days ago

    Here's an eclectic subset of five from my collection.

    The first three (SS, A#, and DMD) are my first pins from 12+ years ago. If I had to downsize right now, these five would be the last to go.

    - SS - Future Spa (Bally)
    - A# - Pinbot (Williams)
    - DMD - Jurassic Park (Data East)
    - LCD - Beatles (Stern)
    - Wildcard - Houdini (American Pinball)

    #37 38 days ago

    Orbitor 1 , Stern
    Hyperball, Williams
    Galactic Tank Force
    Haunted House, Gottlieb
    Pinball Circus, Bally/Williams

    #38 38 days ago

    For me, a killer collection from those selections:

    Gamatron - Pinstar (Have)
    Swords of Fury (Have had) - this was the hardest for me, i find SS more enjoyable than alphanumeric
    DMD - Creature From Black Lagoon (have)
    LCD - Maiden (have)
    Bonus - either Tropic Isle (EM) or Quicksliver have both, and would really struggle to choose, with high hand very close behind

    #39 38 days ago
    Quoted from topkat:

    But If I had to only have 5 solid states that would be ok too.


    Quoted from robm:

    Swords of Fury (Have had) - this was the hardest for me, i find SS more enjoyable than alphanumeric

    I'm with you. Swords currently in my collection, but will be leaving soon.

    #40 38 days ago
    Quoted from PopBumperPete:Orbitor 1 , Stern
    Hyperball, Williams
    Galactic Tank Force
    Haunted House, Gottlieb
    Pinball Circus, Bally/Williams

    Eclectic form factors for sure!

    #41 38 days ago
    Quoted from JWilberdog:

    part of my 5 month old, quickly expanding collection:
    Future Spa
    Laser War
    No Fear
    Iron Maiden
    * have others in collection but think these are very eclectic with one A+*

    Quoted from Willathrilla:

    Here's an eclectic subset of five from my collection.
    The first three (SS, A#, and DMD) are my first pins from 12+ years ago. If I had to downsize right now, these five would be the last to go.
    - SS - Future Spa (Bally)
    - A# - Pinbot (Williams)
    - DMD - Jurassic Park (Data East)
    - LCD - Beatles (Stern)
    - Wildcard - Houdini (American Pinball)

    Two Future Spas and a Laser War! I love the data that could come out of ranking by era.

    #42 38 days ago
    Quoted from SantaEatsCheese:

    - (1)SS- Paragon (Just got)
    - (1)A#- Torpedo Alley (Had)
    - (1)DMD- STTNG (Have)
    - (1)LCD- Jurassic Park (had)
    - (1) EM-Abra Ca Dabra (technically not in a category above, but as an EM I deem it more eclectic)

    EMs — off course. Good wildcard, fun list.

    #43 38 days ago

    Different manufacturers across the different categories? Tough.
    From my collection that has to be:
    Flash (Williams …my only SS)
    Genesis (Gottleib…A#)
    AFMr (CGC…cheating?)
    Godzilla (stern)
    Scooby (Spooky)

    If I don’t limit to my collection:
    Medusa (Bally)
    Class of 1812 (Gottlieb)
    TAF (Williams)
    Godzilla (Stern)
    EJ (JJP) or R&M (Spooky)

    #44 38 days ago
    Quoted from ParkRangerPinball:

    Two Future Spas and a Laser War! I love the data that could come out of ranking by era.

    I started back into hobby with NIB Stern’s and love them BTW but changed my direction after playing in a couple classic tourney’s.

    As the OP mentioned, a row of modern Sterns was what I “thought” I wanted but it quickly reminded me of my car buddies that only have the latest and or one marque.

    To me, variety and uniqueness are what keeps things spicy. I was addicted to Bond/FF/IMDN for 3 months but now find myself on RBION more than any game

    #45 38 days ago
    Quoted from LTG:

    Punchy The Clown
    Sittin Pretty
    LTG : )

    LTG is always invited to my arcade. Quality lineup.

    #46 38 days ago

    From my collection past and present..

    Bride of Pinbot
    Creature from the black lagoon
    Stranger things pro
    Mad Max custom build

    Very hard to narrow down as I have 3 flip a coins all but Lcd category, maybe I'll cheat and have two go's!

    Black Knight 2000
    Attack from mars
    Stranger Things pro
    Jaws custom build

    Bugger it, I'm not satiated, one more go...

    Dracula custom build
    Black Knight SOR pro

    #47 37 days ago

    Currently in my Gameroom.

    Gottlieb Astro
    Gottlieb C 37
    Gottlieb Black Hole
    Pinstar Gamatron
    Bally Eight Ball Deluxe 81

    #48 37 days ago
    Quoted from ParkRangerPinball:

    Ha sweet, how many in 88-91 and why?
    Agree on recency bias, I'm trying to space out my ears.

    Swords of Fury: ‘88
    Torpedo Alley: ‘88
    EATPM: ‘89
    Party Zone: ‘91

    I have a soft spot for System 11s with their weird themes and creative use of music and sounds. And I don’t like 40 minute games on the regular.


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