JF711's ratings

Pinsider JF711 has rated 17 machines.

This page shows all all these ratings, and forms JF711's personal top 17.

Rating comments

JF711 has written 16 rating comments:

31 days ago
It is fast and unforgiving. Ricochets from not precise shots are ending up in the outlanes or drain right through the middle.
The theme is well integrated. There could be more callouts from the actors during the chapter modes. But I guess this is a licensing issue. But overall it is very entertaining and varied.
76 days ago
I love my LE. One of the Stern releases worth the purchase. It is a difficult Machine to play. Nothing for beginners.
Anything else doesn't matter at this point, because there are not enough ratings for this LE to be considered. I will edit this rating as soon as the LE shows up in the top 100.
76 days ago
70 Plays off today. I love Jaws. Since Godzilla finally a Stern release I enjoy and like a lot from the beginning.
I am on code 0.87. It only can get better with more code releases. The game is imo very fast. No ball eating shark who interrupts the flow. The only break you can catch comes with the posts over the flippers before the fin shots or Jaws multiball. Some rule knowledge is an advantage. The wave shot to the upper playfield is difficult and must be on point, no margin or it comes back. Also tricky the skill shots. You have to master them in order. No level 3 SK without making the two before. So be precise and practice.
I keep hunting sharks on daily basis.
6 months ago
Oktoberfest: On one hand I really like it on the other hand i am disappointed.
I like the theme. It is silly fun. Good for entertaining family and friends while having a couple of wheat beer and laugh about the silly callouts. Good enough for a nice evening when you don't care about scoring and advancing in the game. I like the idea of the barrel. As long as the pin is powered on the locked balls carry over to the next player till it is filled up and a lucky one gets the multiball.
Me, as an owner who likes to dig into the rules and try to advance deep into the game starts the disappointment with the corkscrewramp. 4 out of 5 shots hit the playfieldglas and come back. This is frustrating. I tried to lower the coil power but then the flippers are to weak to shot the ball to the food stand (up the middle). So I am still trying to figure out the issue with the ramp shots.
There are a lot of tent missions, where you can proof your skills as well. I personally think these are tough. Not an easy game at all.
10 months ago
I my opinion this game is completely underrated. It is so much fun to play and has a to offer a lot variety. The lower playfield is cute and tricky to play these tiny balls, specially when you play both playfields at the same time. It is not a difficult hard shooter. The placement of the ramps and orbits is good. And this I like a lot. I'm a hobby player. I want to have fun while playing pinball. The theming is nostalgic for me. I loved watching this old TV show when I was a kid. This one was a good decision and will definitely stay.
A good game for beginners and advanced players!
10 months ago
It is a fun shooter. Seven "long" lanes. (even the crypt I consider far). And I recognized for myself, it is kind of refreshing not having a fully loaded Playfield, where the ball bounces back in the speed of light on short distance. I think Elvira is also very good for beginners.
I played 260 games on it so far and I want to play again and again and again.
The variety of Elvira announcements and animations is much better than in newer Stern models . Of course it repeats after a while.
After a slow start into the game, when you advance, one MB follows the next. But you have to be patient! This one is definitely a keeper. My top three, in no particular order- Godzilla, Iron Maiden, Elvira!
1 year ago
PB did an amazing job with this pin. In my opinion, it is a nice shooter. Not to difficult to score or to start a MB.
I played 100 games so far on it and I always want to play again. The song choices are great. A music themed pinball is always tricky. You have to like the band and their music to enjoy the game. For me queen is a perfect addition to my lineup. If my wife likes to play it, it was the good choice. And in this case she does!
I would compare it a bit with EHOH. Long shots onto ramps or into orbits.
The red guitar is still a big challenge for me. Didn’t make to play at least one red guitar MB. So there are challenges left to conquer.
1 year ago
The newest pin to my lineup. The first not being a Stern. It took me longer to understand the gameplay and the rules. The first 20 games were just confusing to me. I had to get used to the gameplay on a wide body machine. The three inches make a big difference on the timing. Also very interesting the high amount of challenges and MBs. I like the variety! Short ones with up to 10 mil points and some which can boost you score immensely. It is a fast pin. I put 70 game on it so far and will put on many more for sure.
The Artwork on the cabinet, the playfield and specially the lighting are awesome. It is really a beautiful Pin.
Where are pros there are cons. Three things i do not like so much about this Machine, because it is supposed a limited edition, where I expect some extra quality.
1. the lockbar looks cheap ( each stern pro offers nicer looking one)
2. the outlanes are wide that a GMC can drive through.
3. The Xeno looks very cheap. On a LV I would have expected a much better one.
1 year ago
I played Elvira a few times on Location last year. I liked it but I was not 100% convinced, but I liked it enough to keep it on my list.
Finally I got my hand on a 40th Anniversary edition and I grabbed it. I am 100% happy and satisfied that I did.
Played it 50 times now, before leaving a rating.
It is a fun shooter. Seven "long" lanes. (even the crypt I consider far). And I recognized for myself, it is kind of refreshing not having a fully loaded Playfield, where the ball bounces back in the speed of light on short distance. I think Elvira is also very good for beginners.
The variety of Elvira announcements and animations is much better than in newer Stern models . Of course it repeats after a while.
After a slow start into the game, when you advance, one MB follows the next. But you have to be patient! This one is definitely a keeper. My top three, in no particular order- Godzilla, Iron Maiden, Elvira! Oh, and I almost forgot - It is a Beauty!
1 year ago
I played 62 games on my LE so far. I am not very happy. More disappointed I would like to say. The new code from today didn't change my feeling (0.84.0). The programming is nicely said - unsatisfying. For example, you are in a mode ( Villian, Henchmen, Q-branch or spectre weapons), doesn't matter, it happens in all of them and you advanced the Jetpack MB or the B1 MB, that the next shot starts the MB, it kills the mode you are in. It does not make sense to me. In all my other pins, the MB helps you to conquer the modes/ battles. It is frustrating, at least for me and hey - this is my opinion.
Visual, the game is great! The DB5 eject and the rocket. The art work on the cabinet is great too. I hope new codes will make this pin a better pin as it is at the moment. If not? Then I guess it won't be my Mandalorian, I gonna sell first if I need space for new pins.
If anything changes, I will edit this rating!
Update: With the new code (0.87) I played 40 more games. So far it makes more sense now. And I had more fun to play. Stern might get there, to make it a good pin. It is a very fast shooter and definitely not a good pin to introduce someone to play pinball.
2 years ago
The latest addition to my collection. since two weeks I am playing this game on daily bases. I love the playfield layout. The Ramps, the Tower, the portal. But I personally struggle with the stand up targets. Which are hard to hit (for me)! On the other hand, it doesn't make the challenges too easy and you have something to work on. Over all I love it.
2 years ago
Star Wars is Star Wars. Who doesn't like it. But I could not get excited with the gameplay. The theme is amazing. The pin looks excellent, the sound is good.
2 years ago
This pin rocks just like Guns N' Roses themself!
2 years ago
As an Iron Maiden fan this pin was a must have. After playing it a few times on location, finally I got my hand on a NIB in December.
This pin is fun pure. Callouts and music are excellent. Gameplay and rules are even for beginners good. My wife loves to play it very much. This should say all!!!
2 years ago
Now, after more than 300 plays on this pin, I still can say, it is my favorite! I really like everything about it. Fun to play! For me it doesn't get old!
2 years ago
JPP is amazing! The day I went out to buy a pinball I wanted to buy Iron Maiden. But sadly it was sold a few days earlier. So I took a look around and played different pinball machines. I spent half the day in the store, played each machine several times. But by the end of the day it was JP which I liked the most. This was over four month ago and I don't regret my decision. Playing almost every day with it and the whole family loves it. And "No wonder you have been extinct" gives us a laugh even if it is one of the sentences you don't want to hear in this game. Love this game!

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