
Pinside member


Providence Village, TX

April 2nd, 2015 (9 years ago)

September 27th, 2023

C65Mustang last donated to Pinside (2018-01-25)

Account verification: Basic Address (What does this mean?)

Background story

The Journey toward addiction

“This is a short story but pretty much how I am going into this hobby.  I first started collecting arcade cabinets and got about 12 deep then figured I would wander over into the pin side of things.  Its a bit more expensive over here and   ... continued here”

C65Mustang's photos

Gameroom and profile pics

C65Mustang has not uploaded gameroom pics yet.

C65Mustang's top 8

favorite games

Wizard of Oz
1. Wizard of Oz

Jersey Jack, 2013

Jurassic Park
3. Jurassic Park

Data East, 1993

Last Action Hero
4. Last Action Hero

Data East, 1993

Grand Slam
6. Grand Slam

Gottlieb, 1972

Shaq Attaq
7. Shaq Attaq

Gottlieb, 1995

Beat the Clock
8. Beat the Clock

Bally, 1985


C65Mustang's collection, wishlist and history

4 games listed in C65Mustang's collection.

Phantom of the Opera
Phantom of the Opera

Data East, 1990

X Files, The
X Files, The

Sega, 1997

Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park

Data East, 1993

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