(Topic ID: 226630)

Getting my 1st EM, Target Alpha, Any Advice Appreciated

By Gryszzz

5 years ago

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  • Latest reply 4 years ago by Gryszzz
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There are 149 posts in this topic. You are on page 3 of 3.
#101 5 years ago
Quoted from Gryszzz:With a 2 yr old, goin anywhere is tough. That's why I just stay in my basement, where the beer and the death metal are both ice cold.

I remember those days. lol.

Things changed though when she was big enough for Legoland.

Now she goes and gets the pizza and anything else we might need.

#102 5 years ago

Well my other two are 14 and 9. Izzy was a post-cruise surprise. And at 41, motherfucker was I surprised.

#103 5 years ago
Quoted from Gryszzz:

And at 41, motherfucker was I surprised.

I hear ya on that!

I was 36, but her mom was almost 40 missing half her goods and a serious history of partying. She had a 10 year old already, but I was forewarned if I wanted a child of my own, it wasn't likely to be with her.

Two months later and the usual nine more, and boom, baby! Perfectly healthy too despite all the odds. 20 years later and every time I see her or think of her I feel like the luckiest man alive. Amazingly she can still keep up with me too. I don't see much of her mother any more though. Just as well...

#104 5 years ago
Quoted from Gryszzz:

[quoted image]
Love that asshole.

That's what I hear

#105 5 years ago
Quoted from Gryszzz:

Jerry I know yer old ass is already in bed, but I need a new Sinbad cab. You start it yet?

Give me yer box, and I'll get it done.

#106 5 years ago

You're not gonna put my Kruzman pf on that ill balanced rotisserie are ya?? Jam a fuckin cleate on there ffs.

#107 5 years ago
Quoted from Jjsmooth:

That's what I hear


#108 5 years ago

Did someone say rotisserie?

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#109 5 years ago
Quoted from Gryszzz:

You're not gonna put my Kruzman pf on that ill balanced rotisserie are ya?? Jam a fuckin cleate on there ffs.

Got any other helpful construction tips, asswipe?
You better check if Pimp has stencils for that tird..

#110 5 years ago

I can do the 1st round of sanding and bondo.
I'm sure it won't be up to yer high standards asshole. And that's why yer the perfect man for the job. Ill text ya tomorrow about it.

#111 5 years ago

Did you hear! This may be the last run of this game! Last chance!

And chances are there will never be a vault edition. Well maybe... but there would have to be a Tron vault first.

#112 5 years ago

I heard the TA vault is gonna have 2" flippers and reels that never need worked on.

#113 5 years ago
Quoted from Gryszzz:

With a 2 yr old, goin anywhere is tough.

Bring the kid along!
We can hit Knott’s, Disneyland, or both if you’d like since they still get in free at that age. My 2-3/4 year old would be happy to show Izzy the ropes.

Congrats on the TA Gryszzz!

I’ll be sure to save you a bowl of NimbleChili as an extra incentive to visit buddy!

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#114 5 years ago
Quoted from Gryszzz:I heard the TA vault is gonna have 2" flippers and reels that never need worked on.

I have a feeling yours is going to end up that way anyway.

#115 5 years ago
Quoted from Gryszzz:

I can do the 1st round up yer asshole. And that's why yer the perfect man for the job. Ill text ya tomorrow about it.

Hmm. Let me think on that

#117 5 years ago

MY GOODNESS Nimbleswill that pic got me mouth waterin like a sprinkler. I gotta make this happen.

#118 5 years ago


#119 5 years ago
Quoted from Gryszzz:

MY GOODNESS Nimbleswill that pic got me mouth waterin like a sprinkler. I gotta make this happen.

NimbleChilli and ODIN-A-Q washed down with some Odins (ie 8/10 Jack with 2/10 coke) and a few hours on Odins EM collection will have you California Dreamin in no time ...


#120 5 years ago

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#121 5 years ago

New phonebooks get there?

#122 5 years ago

Jerry grab that for ya? Guess he's only 97% asshole. Huh. Never woulda guessed.

#123 5 years ago
Quoted from Gryszzz:

Jerry grab that for ya? Guess he's only 97% asshole. Huh. Never woulda guessed.

Nah, I just got the junkyard guy to ease up on his requirements for making a purchase from him. He never would send me closeups, but once he had it in hands it said it was in as nice of condition as could be especially for being 15 years old. I had enough back and forth with him, that I trusted his opinion and he didn't lie. Darn thing's HUO condition bro! Like brand new! Stoked!

Where's your pinball machine?

#124 5 years ago

It's gettin spitshined by Slim right now. Will get to death save that fucker all night on Thurs.
One of these years you need to make it out to Chicago Expo OD. I have a coat to loan ya.

#125 5 years ago
Quoted from Gryszzz:

One of these years you need to make it out to Chicago Expo OD. I have a coat to loan ya.

At least now I have a steering wheel that will get me there. Even came fully optioned with cruise control which I don't even have! Easy switch though. My dad was a TV repairman with the ultimate set of tools!

#126 5 years ago

The Corolla is the tank of the small car world, I'll give ya that. Pretty much unstoppable. Unless ya hit a screen door with it.

#127 5 years ago

I didn't even need it, but have hardly driven my Tacoma since I got it. It scoots around town real nicely.

A month ago I was looking for a GSX or a GTO, but when the lady stopped by my work with a for sale sign on it, I knew what I had to do.

#128 5 years ago

It even fits in the garage with the door shut if need be.

You know me, I wouldn't own anything unless it was super stylish. Image is everything.

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#129 5 years ago

I see woodrail cabinet repair in the near future.

#130 5 years ago

I gotta get out there mang. Old surfer that says fuck you to LA trends I'm afraid I might not ever leave bruh.
Hails to the OD!

#131 5 years ago

I've got an extra room and a coupon for buy one dinner at El Farolito Jr's get one half price with purchase of two beverages if you are enthused.

#133 5 years ago

That stupid Beach Boys pic reminds me of somethin.

#134 5 years ago
Quoted from CrazyLevi:

Advice: if it ain’t broke, don’t fucking fix it.
If it IS broke, be patient and don’t “fix” 20 things at once or you’ll just make it much, much worse.
Also, whatever is wrong with it, it’s
Probably the latch trip X relays. Good luck with that.

What he said...


1 week later
#135 5 years ago

Well, Target Alpha made it through Expo with only being down Thurs night. Still not sure why it wouldn't start a game, but Fri morning it fired right up.
Was really concerned about gettin her home, as I clearly have no experience with em's. Gotta start somewhere! She made it, got her set up on Mon and honestly, just played Maiden for the first time last night. TA is addictive as hell. Pure pinball magic. I love this machine.
Question: this morning I rolled the score for the 1st time, ended up at 123,790. How do you know, if you're not playing, that it rolled over? Is there something I'm missing that proves this? Also...what is the little 2 in the bottom box on bg?
Might just go on an OD craze and replace all these Stern's with em's lol. Already thinkin about my next one, but extremely happy to be bangin on this one.

#136 5 years ago

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#137 5 years ago

Your lucky it made it through expo. The score reels need attention seeing the 9 doesnt center. Is it on free play then the 2 doesnt matter. No 100000 # comes up, it`s just knowing you did it

#138 5 years ago
Quoted from Gryszzz:

Question: this morning I rolled the score for the 1st time, ended up at 123,790. How do you know, if you're not playing, that it rolled over? Is there something I'm missing that proves this? Also...what is the little 2 in the bottom box on bg?
Might just go on an OD craze and replace all these Stern's with em's lol.

Some Gottliebs have a 100,000 points light(s), Sadly Target Alpha does not. The 2 in the window is the Replays remaining, some of us will call it the Credit Wheel. You could find Stern EM pins, they are out there.

#139 5 years ago
Quoted from Gryszzz:

Question: this morning I rolled the score for the 1st time, ended up at 123,790. How do you know, if you're not playing, that it rolled over?

What that means.... is the game is too damn easy!

Told ya you should have taken on an Eager Beaver.

And to keep track of your high scores, you just scratch them onto the cabinet somewhere like has always been done.

#140 5 years ago

Player 4 is killin it
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#141 5 years ago

Is Player 4 already passed out? Its only 9PM! (9PM, at the time of posting this comment, from the peanut gallery.)

6 months later
#142 5 years ago

Welp, has been playin great since Oct now all of a sudden it won't power on. Dead as Jerry Garcia. Nothin, nada, zilch. Don't have any idea where to start. Yes I checked the cord and the outlet it's plugged into...all good there. Hope this is simple, like me.

#143 5 years ago

First look at the main fuse near the transformer. Probably 5A slo blow.

Spin the score motor manually to see if it can find its self stop position.

Manually actuate the start relay.

#144 5 years ago

Thanks Mike.
They speak English in What?
Honestly I have no idea what you just said, but I do have the schematics for this so looking them over now trying to translate.
Thank you for yer reply.

#145 5 years ago

Check the fuses and fuse clips?

The metal drum on the score motor. Turn it a bit. It should automatically begin to run, then stop automatically. If it doesn’t, power is missing somewhere.

#146 5 years ago

Open the game and prop the playfield up. Remember to remove the ball first.

There is a fuse holder near the the transformer. Check the fuse.

If fuse holder is snug and fuse is good, turn game on and spin the about 5” diameter cam counterclockwise and see if the motor catches on its own and moves to the next 120 degree detent. This would prove you have power.

If you have power manually push the “S” relay actuator laterally. The “S” relay will be labeled on the main relay board and positioned near the center of the rows of relays. See if the game will start from here.

#147 5 years ago
Quoted from MikeO:

First look at the main fuse near the transformer. Probably 5A slo blow

Gryzzzzz before you go near the fuses pull the power plug out of the wall. Lots of voltage around there.

Likely a blown fuse. Did you move the game at all? Some EMs, if the slam tilt switch in the cabinet is open, it kills the power. I had this with a Gottlieb Big Hit.


#148 5 years ago
Quoted from rotordave:

Gryzzzzz before you go near the fuses pull the power plug out of
the wall. Lots of voltage around there.
Likely a blown fuse. Did you move the game at all? Some EMs, if
the slam tilt switch in the cabinet is open, it kills the power. I
had this with a Gottlieb Big Hit.

There is also a tilt switch on the coin door that needs to be closed. Be careful on this one as it channels 110v.

2 weeks later
#149 4 years ago

Twas just a fuse fellas. It's alive!
The main power 5 amp slo blo to be exact.
Thanks for all your tips though, gracias.

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