(Topic ID: 330933)

Disney announces Toy Story 5

By seenev

1 year ago

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    There are 86 posts in this topic. You are on page 2 of 2.
    #51 1 year ago
    Quoted from Mike_J:

    Because Toy Story 5 will make a fortune and some lucky manufacturer may be granted the opportunity to manufactire another overpriced, mediocre pinball machine.

    And people here will line up to buy them

    #52 1 year ago

    yes all of Hollywood has embraced diversity and inclusivity, after a hundred years of hardcore racism/sexism in the industry. And yes, if something is poorly written and includes these elements it might come off as heavy handed "woke" propaganda, but really it's just bad writing (and not the Jewish-space-laser agenda). Disney/Marvel/Star Wars/Pixar has been so hit and miss lately. Andor is the GOAT of star wars, red was clever, strange worlds was beautiful but boring. Infinity Wars and GOTG are among the best hollywood films ever, She-Hulk was unwatchable. So I don't think it's management so much as it's really hard to make a perfect (toy story) hollywood product. It's usually not about the financing company but the director and writer. Toy Story 5 could be a masterpiece, (I doubt it), depends who they put in charge.

    #53 1 year ago

    Critical Drinker nails it again:

    #54 1 year ago
    Quoted from Viggin900:

    I was afraid they were going to announce sequals to Tron because they haven't mucked that up yet. No way they could pull off a Tron movie with the crap coming out of there now.

    Quoted from Mundy53:

    There is a Tron sequel coming out

    I'm not sure what they could muck up or pull off about a Tron movie. Was Tron ever anything more than a fun aesthetic? Those movies are so amazingly bad, but they sure look cool and light cycles are sweeeeet

    #55 1 year ago
    Quoted from Methos:

    Hopefully Peltz is successful where Steinberg failed in 1984

    Peltz wasn't pushing for that... but he's already called off his Proxy fight today. So you can be assured, your wish will not be granted.

    #56 1 year ago
    Quoted from trecemaneras:

    I'm not sure what they could muck up or pull off about a Tron movie. Was Tron ever anything more than a fun aesthetic? Those movies are so amazingly bad, but they sure look cool and light cycles are sweeeeet

    It didn't make much monies so they already shelved the sequel look a decade ago. Then the Tron Ride was being build as Disney so we always assumed a sequel would be made

    #57 1 year ago
    Quoted from flynnibus:

    Peltz wasn't pushing for that... but he's already called off his Proxy fight today. So you can be assured, your wish will not be granted.

    I'm sure there was something that was given to him to go away. There always is.

    ABC/ESPN need to be spun off. Too much executive resources are spending time on marginal return initiatives while the larger/money making divisions are ignored. WDW is a fucking mess and has been neglected for years (outside of the new tower hotels being built - a tower at Poly? Who the fuck approved that?), sure a few attractions have been opened....but look at the waste of money and time by this company.

    How much did Harmonious cost to create and produce? And it's being shut down. Why? Because the people running this company don't have a clue. Splash Mountain is next if the concept art is anything like what we are really going to get. That attraction will be rethemed again.

    People are pissed and the exodus to Mt. Universal has begun. Wait until their third park opens. Everyone - even the die hards and bloggers have been not feeling it lately, and this will continue.

    Iger just said he was dumping more time and money into ESPN to monetize it. Great idea while the things keeping your bloated company afloat are struggling.

    #58 1 year ago
    Quoted from Rarehero:

    Encanto is amazing.
    Strangely, my daughter actually likes Strange World. I thought it was whatever. Not horrible…looks gorgeous…just boring writing & predictable twist. The last few days tho, she keeps talking about Searcher & plants & stuff lol
    As for Toy Story, I think they realized how bad they botched things with Lightyear, and are hoping to win back audiences by going back to the well. Tim Allen’s gonna ask for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ tho haha…he’s got all the power here.

    Encanto was the first 4K Blu Ray animated move I ever bought. It looks spectacular, the music is great as well as the story.

    #59 1 year ago
    Quoted from radium:

    It’s weird because Disney was doing great with animated features like Tangled and Frozen and Moana that had hit soundtrack’s and huge merchandising, then they pivoted towards bizarre titles such as Turning Red and Strange World. I know it’s bad because my kids don’t watch any of it! Now that their stock is tanking and there’s clearly no winners in the pipeline, they’re gonna crank out more sequels … again. They need to go back to the winning formula.

    I wouldn't say it's "Tanking". Disney stock has been on an upswing as of late:
    Screen Shot 2023-02-09 at 11.08.36 AM (resized).pngScreen Shot 2023-02-09 at 11.08.36 AM (resized).png
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    Sure, it's not as high as it had been, but it is well above it's 52 week low. It's defiantly doing better than Warner Bros. Discovery or Paramount have been doing.

    #60 1 year ago
    Quoted from Rdoyle1978:

    LOL for alien planets?

    The entire plot of the film with Pando and its effects on the world are a clear allegory for what human beings are doing to the planet with fossil fuels.

    The movie is visually stunning. I don’t want to spoil the film for people if they actually want to see it, but there are a lot of intentional storyline design decisions driving an agenda. You can agree or disagree with that agenda, but understand that it’s there.

    #62 1 year ago
    Quoted from JakeFAttie:

    yes all of Hollywood has embraced diversity and inclusivity, after a hundred years of hardcore racism/sexism in the industry. And yes, if something is poorly written and includes these elements it might come off as heavy handed "woke" propaganda, but really it's just bad writing (and not the Jewish-space-laser agenda). Disney/Marvel/Star Wars/Pixar has been so hit and miss lately. Andor is the GOAT of star wars, red was clever, strange worlds was beautiful but boring. Infinity Wars and GOTG are among the best hollywood films ever, She-Hulk was unwatchable. So I don't think it's management so much as it's really hard to make a perfect (toy story) hollywood product. It's usually not about the financing company but the director and writer. Toy Story 5 could be a masterpiece, (I doubt it), depends who they put in charge.

    No point arguing with people that have never left the US or just Kentucky, my friend.

    #63 1 year ago

    Set the final Toy Story in a dump and go all dark Mad Max with the toys falling apart, every kid in the audience bawling and I'll show up.

    Til then no thanks.

    #64 1 year ago

    Toy Story definitely has run its course. I can understand why they would do it from a financial standpoint, but from a story telling standpoint it was over after #3. #4 was already more of a money grab and while it was ok, it lacked the charm and emotional elements of the first 3 which are all deservedly modern classics.

    #65 1 year ago
    Quoted from theadicts77:

    No point arguing with people that have never left the US or just Kentucky, my friend.

    Wow, that doesn’t come across as snobby…

    #66 1 year ago
    Quoted from girloveswaffles:

    Encanto was the first 4K Blu Ray animated move I ever bought. It looks spectacular, the music is great as well as the story.

    I wish I could have seen it in 3D. I don’t think there’s a 3D Blu…but I’m gonna go look now heh. I usually hate Disney live specials - but the Encanto live show at the Hollywood Bowl on Diz+ is awesome.

    #67 1 year ago


    #68 1 year ago

    What a rude, nasty person. Imagine having the energy to be mad at a whole country of people.

    BF8B00EF-0697-4056-BCDB-979BF9041216 (resized).pngBF8B00EF-0697-4056-BCDB-979BF9041216 (resized).png

    #69 1 year ago
    Quoted from Mundy53:

    What a rude, nasty person. Imagine having the energy to be mad at a whole country of people.
    [quoted image]

    Put him on "the list" and move on. You give an opinion, and he gets personal with his insults. Victim mentality at its finest.

    #70 1 year ago
    Quoted from timtim:

    Because it will make more than it’s budget.

    Quoted from girloveswaffles:

    I wouldn't say it's "Tanking". Disney stock has been on an upswing as of late:
    [quoted image]
    [quoted image]
    Sure, it's not as high as it had been, but it is well above it's 52 week low. It's defiantly doing better than Warner Bros. Discovery or Paramount have been doing.

    Iger doing damage control, ask the 7000 Disney employees who were just fired how things are going.

    #71 1 year ago
    Quoted from gdonovan:

    Iger doing damage control, ask the 7000 Disney employees who were just fired how things are going.

    I haven't heard Iger say he'll reduce his salary in solidarity. Iger is the biggest fake progressive in the industry.

    #72 1 year ago
    Quoted from TheLaw:

    It didn't make much monies so they already shelved the sequel look a decade ago. Then the Tron Ride was being build as Disney so we always assumed a sequel would be made

    Tron 2 made a really good profit, but it was stuck in right when the MCU was taking off and Disney had bought Star Wars… something had to give. I’m amazed the 2nd sequel is actually being made but there ARE a lot of fans, so it’s pretty easy money, even if it’s not a top 10 of all time blockbuster

    #73 1 year ago
    Quoted from benheck:

    Set the final Toy Story in a dump and go all dark Mad Max with the toys falling apart, every kid in the audience bawling and I'll show up.
    Til then no thanks.

    You guys know you’re not the target audience, right? Watch them bring out the bulldozer to collect on the box office earnings

    #74 1 year ago
    Quoted from oldbaby:

    I have a crazy secret that revolves around the toy story franchise but I'm not telling.

    I saw the same interview with the executive producer.

    Someone in the new movie has three dads.

    #75 1 year ago
    Quoted from Mundy53:What a rude, nasty person. Imagine having the energy to be mad at a whole country of people.
    [quoted image]

    And there you go.

    #76 1 year ago
    Quoted from Rdoyle1978:

    Tron 2 made a really good profit, but it was stuck in right when the MCU was taking off and Disney had bought Star Wars… something had to give. I’m amazed the 2nd sequel is actually being made but there ARE a lot of fans, so it’s pretty easy money, even if it’s not a top 10 of all time blockbuster

    Problem is when your opening one billion dollar box office after another it's hard to find room for a couple hundred million. Tough life!

    Quoted from Mundy53:

    The entire plot of the film with Pando and its effects on the world are a clear allegory for what human beings are doing to the planet with fossil fuels.

    Not a big Wall E fan huh?

    #77 1 year ago

    I'm not sure how long this will last before being removed but here it is, a top secret photo of the prototype Toy Story 5 pinball machine that features an industry first 20" mini LCD and apron mounted spinning disks.

    ts5 (resized).jpgts5 (resized).jpg

    #78 1 year ago

    Fuck Toy Story, make Tron 3 ya bastards.

    #79 1 year ago
    Quoted from SLAMT1LT:Fuck Toy Story, make Tron 3 ya bastards.

    No - the current crew in charge will fuck that up too.

    #80 1 year ago
    Quoted from Yoko2una:

    It's 100% this, and 100% because it keeps their main theme park IP's fresh, which is a major source of their revenues.
    I just got back from Universal in Orlando, and they greatly suffer from the opposite. Their rides are good (you know, the ones that aren't 100% screen-based, shake you, and spit water in your face), but the IP's are SUPER dated. Some like Bourne, FnF, Transformers, Minions, Simpsons, Kong try to be refreshed, but the source material that was popular/good is now 10-20 years old. Others like MIB, Woody Woodpecker, Shrek, Mummy, and everything in Toon Lagoon are total cultural fossils and they know this. Harry Potter risks a similar fate.
    Disney however has IP's which are easy to keep fresh. Timelessness and animation are on their side vs. Universal featuring a lot of aging actors (Will Smith from his late 20s... in 4:3 footage no less, the HP kids who are all now grown, a mid-30s Brendan Fraser...etc). They have so much work they do just to keep the parks from being a total embarrassment. This is why the BTTF, Shrek, Terminator, Woody Woodpecker, Jimmy Neutron, Twister, Jaws, King Kong, and Backdraft have all been replaced in the same park, and even the replacements are getting long in the tooth.
    Meanwhile all Disney has to do is make another sequel, make hundreds of millions of profit along the way, and BOOM - another generation is now tied to their long-enduring IP's for life.

    Mario World is the best thing to come to a theme park ever...I love Universal, more fun than Disney IMO

    #81 1 year ago
    Quoted from PanzerFreak:

    I'm not sure how long this will last before being removed but here it is, a top secret photo of the prototype Toy Story 5 pinball machine that features an industry first 20" mini LCD and apron mounted spinning disks.
    [quoted image]

    Dude, we get it...You don't like JJP, stop being a tool

    #82 1 year ago
    Quoted from dsmoke1986:

    Dude, we get it...You don't like JJP, stop being a tool

    It was just a joke, all of the pins I own are JJP’s including Toy Story 4 CE which I think is an awesome pin.

    #83 1 year ago
    Quoted from PanzerFreak:

    It was just a joke, all of the pins I own are JJP’s including Toy Story 4 CE which I think is an awesome pin.

    I like it, shows a good sense of humor.

    #84 1 year ago
    Quoted from SLAMT1LT:

    Fuck Toy Story, make Tron 3 ya bastards.

    They are

    #85 1 year ago
    Quoted from vid1900:

    Someone in the new movie has three dads.

    Well, now I'm REALLY OUTRAGED!!!!!1

    #86 1 year ago

    Turning Red was solid. Encanto also great. Luca another banger.

    Lightyear was ass.

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