(Topic ID: 61349)

AUSTRALIAN Owners Of WOZ & WOZ LE Machines Not Receiving Their Product


10 years ago

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#2 10 years ago

To add to the discussion. I SERIOUSLY SUGGEST the following -

Everyone who has paid in part or in FULL for their WOZ or WOZ LE machines please make yourselves known here and supply proof and date of your purchase. Full details including your name and contact details so JJ can make contact and clean up this mess.

JJ can then finally have the information required to distribute the machines to the Australian owners.

This is the ONLY WAY that JJ can fairly distribute the machines to the rightful owners.

WOZ ID # (if known)

If we ALL join together we can accurately ascertain exactly who is owed WOZ machines, and if they can not or WILL not be supplied due to the debacle between BUMPER and JJ, appropriate monies can be returned to the rightful owners, and if NOT, a CLASS action can be formed to make right the WRONG that has transpired.

#3 10 years ago

#4 10 years ago

are we now even for the medieval madness remake? Plenty of guys in the US that have yet to receive their WOZ

#5 10 years ago

Nice rant. No idea what you're talking about.

#6 10 years ago

Does anyone know how many WOZ Bumper ordered and how many they paid for ? JAck has been known to trust distributors... Dont hang him here quite yet.. It may not be a easy as you think to sort this out... I will BET bumper did NOT send Jack all the cash... Why did Jack ask for money up front?? To BUY parts to make machines?? could be.. He had quite a bit of start up cost just to set up a factory

#7 10 years ago

Doesn't matter if you don't know...it only matter to the people who do

#8 10 years ago

Can't you keep this to the other bumper thread?

#9 10 years ago

We are not here to hang Jack in any way...We all trusted JJ and continue to do so...we just want our machines or our money..and not be treated like #%##S

#10 10 years ago

Narrowing your base of support is a good idea?

#11 10 years ago

This is the first that I've heard of people not getting money back from JJP if they've asked for it.

Troll thread? New user.

#12 10 years ago

BTW..This is NOT about people in Australia whinging about not getting their machines because of production and lack of machines available...Far from it.. This is about the lcoal distributor (or EX distributor) taking money for machines and honest people not being given the time of day, the courtesy of being informed of what is actually going to happen, and SOMEONE taking responsibility.

#13 10 years ago

Don't be surprised if you get attitude. New user. First post. Heavy Rant. Many of us know ZERO of what your talking about and your posts so far did not tell much of a story. Very broken up. Maybe just call Jack. He's always been great so far. Good luck.

#14 10 years ago

Excuse my ignorance..but what is a TROLL THREAD ?
I am one of many who paid for a product almost 14 months ago and have not heard anything about when I will be receiving it or offered any money return if it can not be supplied.
I have come here to try and get some answers and more importantly for everyone in OZ that is involved to get together and try and get answers..
Sorry if this offends anyone or is wasting their time but I am down the whole thousands and so are many others. You don't have to read it and it is not aimed at anyone that is NOT involved.

#15 10 years ago

I have spoken with Jack and he has been very good..So ONCE AGAIN, nothing bad about JACK personally. So if you want to flame me, go ahead, but don't mix up the content of this.. I, and others, simply want a resolution. I am sure if you were in the same position in losing a great deal of money, you would all also be wanting a resolution of some kind. It is just common courtesy.

#16 10 years ago

I think you need to drive down to your local distributor, or whoever you handed your hard earned $ to in good faith, & have a heart to heart with them. I don't see any good coming from this rant on this forum. Just my $.02

#17 10 years ago

That would be nice wouldn't it..
A few here have tried...lets see now...the phones are off line...we have left multiple messages, emails, with no return...and yesterday, the doors were closed ..

#18 10 years ago

Then you need to take legal action against the distributor you paid $ to. JJP is not involved.
That's like saying Ford Motor Company owes you $ because your local car dealer screwed you over.

#19 10 years ago

Its not a rant..I have come here for the purpose of ALL the OTHER OZ customers in the same situation (apparently over 50) to get in touch so we cab get Jack the information he needs to ascertain a solution through my discussions with him. So, maybe that was not made perfectly clear..
There is no other way that I can think of to make contact. I am hoping they are all part of this forum.
WHY so much angst from other members here ?
It has NOTHING to do with you guys in the US..so why are you flaming and even replying ?
...Go and PLAY your machines and enjoy yourselves.

#20 10 years ago

LJ, who did you pay the $$$ to, isn't that the guy that you have recourse against, what is the resolution that you are asking for specifically?

#21 10 years ago
Quoted from LJ:

WHY so much angst from other members here ?
It has NOTHING to do with you guys in the US..so why are you flaming and even replying ?
...Go and PLAY your machines and enjoy yourselves.

Sorry, but read your own posts above.........

#22 10 years ago
Quoted from LJ:

A few here have tried...lets see now...the phones are off line...we have left multiple messages, emails, with no return...and yesterday, the doors were closed ..

Ask yourself, "What would Batman do?".........You cannot always wait for justice.........It doesn't always come, you need to take the matter into your own hands........Bring on the "Batman" justice.

#23 10 years ago

there is so much more to this involving distributors and manufactures that this is not the forum to find that solution...As I said, it is for everyone involved to get in contact.

#24 10 years ago

Batman is the last resort..which I am hoping to avoid...as last time Batman did me a favor he got little carried away.

#25 10 years ago
Quoted from LJ:

It has NOTHING to do with you guys in the US..so why are you flaming and even replying ?
...Go and PLAY your machines and enjoy yourselves.

And this is a rational way to respond to us? Do you realize that most of us in the US who have ordered games do not have them yet? I hope you can work out your issues with the distributor. We are not the enemy, just as Jack is not the enemy either.

#26 10 years ago

For those wondering what he is talking about it is in this thread.


There is a lot of he said - he said going on down under right now. We will probably know more soon, we hope.

LT, you are telling us you are one that is involved and want others to post their info. I do not see yours. You might get a better response if you post your info that you are asking others to post.

#27 10 years ago
Quoted from LJ:

As I said, it is for everyone involved to get in contact.

And whom should they get in contact with ?

I'm not well versed in Australian law. I would think the distributor has been involved with a legal body of some sort, and that would be who claims should be made to.

So who exactly should anyone who paid the distributor, get in touch with ?

Thank you.

LTG : )

#28 10 years ago

It seems to me this is the PERFECT place for the aussies to do this. Kudos for speaking up. We need a record of what happened as this could be the largest scandal in pinball history.

AussieArcade apparently will not allow free discussion of this topic, extending to lifetime bans for merely posting about it on that forum.

They need a spot to talk about this, Pinside is perfect. So - speak on brother and get your friends, we want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

edit:My bet is a lot of buyers thought they were buying from JJP. Caveat Emptor? Sure but for the whole Australian market to get screwed seems like a crisis for the manufacturer as well as the customers. IMHO

#29 10 years ago

Its a terrible situation for all the guys who have not only waited all that time, but now have this big scare to deal with. I hope it is resolved and all the Aussies and Jack can hopefully find a win-win for everyone.

#30 10 years ago

Not quite sure what your trying to accomplish by attacking JJP. He can't control what a business does, nor doesn't do. You didn't pay JJP a dime. So, why does he own you something? He trusted the dealer and so did you by buying it threw them. Still trying to figure out why Jack is at fault?

#31 10 years ago
Quoted from wdpvideo:

Not quite sure what your trying to accomplish by attacking JJP. He can't control what a business does, nor doesn't do. You didn't pay JJP a dime. So, why does he own you something? He trusted the dealer and so did you by buying it threw them. Still trying to figure out why Jack is at fault?

He added info, it is not directed at JJP. It is a call for the old Bumper customers to try and make contact to try and get details.

#32 10 years ago
Quoted from absocountry2:

He added info, it is not directed at JJP. It is a call for the old Bumper customers to try and make contact to try and get details.

Nothing wrong with that. I totally understand being ticked off. I would be very upset and hope they get their money back and stick the guy to the wall who did this. I just see allot of post that blame JJP and I just do not get that part.

Quoted from LJ:

This is hurting JJ in a massive way...Reputation is EVERYTHING, and it is VERY hard earned.
Good luck with future sales in OZ such as the Hobbit and whatever else comes..How can anyone trust the industry here..

Seems like a dig at Jack to me.

#33 10 years ago
Quoted from absocountry2:

He added info, it is not directed at JJP. It is a call for the old Bumper customers to try and make contact to try and get details.

From who?

#34 10 years ago

I've been following the Bumper thread and I'm certainly no expert on the deal but I think the summary goes something like this:

An estimated 73 customers in Australia placed orders with Bumper Amusements for Wizard of OZ machines. Now supposedly this distributor only sent forward $100,000 initially and then $50,000 as a secondary payment to JJP. So if I follow all of it, $150,000 has been paid to JJP for WOZ product. Assuming those were all early purchases of ECLE WOZ at $6,500, that covers only 23 machines.

Supposedly, Bumper Amusements was keeping the *rest* of the money in some sort of a trust fund as they "felt safer keeping it in Australia than with JJP".

Then Bumper Amusements goes out of business, kaput. Sells some part of itsself to the former general manager of Bumper who then creates a new company, named almost identical, as Bumper something or other. (yeah, it smells pretty damn fishy).

Jersey Jack (according to the new Bumper) has dropped them as a JJP distributor. (not sure if this is true or not either)

No one seems to know the status of the rest of the customer's money that was paid for WOZ product. Not even sure if JJP ever got any of the end-customer's information so not sure if they even know *who* the machines were bought by.

So the $325,000 question seems to be where's the rest of the end customer's WOZ purchase money.

Quite the quandry as JJP has been paid for 23 machines but jeez, does *anyone* trust anything to do with Bumper old or new to send the machines to THEM and let them dole them out?

Hopefully the original customer's info can reach JJP and all of this mess can be converted into direct purchases from JJP, assuming that someone can find the rest of the money that Bumper whatever has/had.

#35 10 years ago

We do not need to post our personal details on this forum..that is for JJ to see only so they can allocate the machines fairly.
The list was just the information all involved should have at their disposal to give to JJ. Geez...

I guess I am not use to forums and people taking things the way they do ?
Once again, I am not trying to offend anyone. I just want the responsible parties to stand up.

Enough said on all this now in regards to WHY and who I am offending.
The customers involved can send their information to Jack at JJ and we can all try and get a resolution.

#36 10 years ago

Global preorders fully paid 3 years in advance will result in casualties.

The lifespan of a business is certainly finite.

OP best of luck in your attempts to collect what is yours. Seems to me the Distro took your money & that's your enemy to square up with unless he sent some of that money to JJP.

If JJP received payment for your game via some Aussie entity no longer in existence perhaps you stand a chance in recovering a % of your money.

Sounds like a legal mess for JJP, you & etc however.

Best of luck man

#37 10 years ago

Holy cow, talk about a Clusterf*ck!

#38 10 years ago
Quoted from LJ:

We do not need to post our personal details on this forum..that is for JJ to see only so they can allocate the machines fairly.
The list was just the information all involved should have at their disposal to give to JJ. Geez...
I guess I am not use to forums and people taking things the way they do ?
Once again, I am not trying to offend anyone. I just want the responsible parties to stand up.
Enough said on all this now in regards to WHY and who I am offending.
The customers involved can send their information to Jack at JJ and we can all try and get a resolution.

To be quite honest, each and every Aussie that was involved in this needs to get in touch with JJP, forward any and all info/paperwork they have to help prove what part they had in this. Posting on an independant forum like this may feel helpful, but putting the end customers in direct contact with JJP is going to accomplish a lot more.

#39 10 years ago

Thanks for the summary Gary, what a mess, that's terrible, sounds like the "trust fund" money is gone......

#40 10 years ago

Once AGAIN.This is not against Jack or JJP.
Please do not continue to make these comments if you can..

#41 10 years ago

I was unaware. Holy shit! I'd be calling dateline ASAP.

#42 10 years ago

From the OP.

Surely you (several posts up) see how this will affect JJP (or insert name of any manufacturer of anything) ? Blame does not really matter, if 70 people plus, or the bulk of Australia gets screwed out of their order that would be MAJOR news for pinball. If you were an aussie buyer and lost 8k plus, would you ever buy again?

But surely all this is still speculation? Is there any hard evidence that prepaid buyers will not get their machines? Have they come down with some sort of ruling or something that says only 26 machines were paid for? and now the rest of the buyers are SOL? last i checked they were still deciding.

#43 10 years ago
Quoted from iceman44:

Thanks for the summary Gary, what a mess, that's terrible, sounds like the "trust fund" money is gone......

Well see that's part of the problem, the new Bumper is telling people everything is fine, no worries, relax. ;(

#44 10 years ago
Quoted from LJ:

Its not a rant..I have come here for the purpose of ALL the OTHER OZ customers in the same situation (apparently over 50) to get in touch so we cab get Jack the information he needs to ascertain a solution through my discussions with him. So, maybe that was not made perfectly clear..
There is no other way that I can think of to make contact. I am hoping they are all part of this forum.
WHY so much angst from other members here ?
It has NOTHING to do with you guys in the US..so why are you flaming and even replying ?

If this is for customers down in Australia how come this thread isn't on the Australian pinball forum? I know that there are users from all over the world on this forum but it seems to me that most pinball enthusiasts from Australia who are on Pinside would also be on the Australian pinball forum.

#45 10 years ago
Quoted from GaryMartin:

Quite the quandry as JJP has been paid

Well here is another problem for the legal experts.

If ( and I don't know if happened ) JJP was paid money. Who ever is dealing with the legal side in Australia. They might want the money back to pay off other issues. And not games.

This stuff is best left to the experts. And anyone in Australia that paid a distributor for a game, should be seeking legal help and going after who ever is dealing with the distributor's assets in Australia.

And the original poster hasn't provided info yet who anyone concerned should contact.

LTG : )

#46 10 years ago
Quoted from LJ:

The customers involved can send their information to Jack at JJ and we can all try and get a resolution.

That sounds like a good plan. Good luck with getting what you paid for. Sorry it went down this way but I know if Jack can do anything he will. He's a great guy and I know is not happy about what has expired.

#47 10 years ago

If this goes down I am NEVER prepaying for a machine again. Except for the 6 I already...CRAP

#48 10 years ago
Quoted from LTG:

Well here is another problem for the legal experts.
If ( and I don't know if happened ) JJP was paid money. Who ever is dealing with the legal side in Australia. They might want the money back to pay off other issues. And not games.
This stuff is best left to the experts. And anyone in Australia that paid a distributor for a game, should be seeking legal help and going after who ever is dealing with the distributor's assets in Australia.
And the original poster hasn't provided info yet who anyone concerned should contact.
LTG : )

Agreed completely. It gets even more obscure because the business law of Australia is seemingly quite different from the US. They (The new Bumper) is trying to say that it's common business practice to essentially dissolve an old business, selling the assets to a new business, (operating under almost the same exact name) while being able to dump all or most of their liabilities.

Sounds like a load of BS to me.

Anyway, I really feel for any Aussie that ordered a machine through Bumper. I certainly hope that they don't all get screwed over but "I've got a bad feeling about this".

#49 10 years ago

Just a reminder everyone, Pinside is not a court of law:

I do not pretend to speak for Robin but I am not sure he would want Pinside to be the rallying center for a dispute between collectors and JJP.

I assume that the people who bought from Bumper have a voice on the JJP WOZ forum that he hosts. I would suggest people inquire there first before spreading any panic or discontent here. That is just my suggestion, I am not weighing in on the matter as I do not know Robin's view on this point at this moment and it is 5am his time.

Thank you.

#50 10 years ago

If this is for customers down in Australia how come this thread isn't on the Australian pinball forum? I know that there are users from all over the world on this forum but it seems to me that most pinball enthusiasts from Australia who are on Pinside would also be on the Australian pinball forum.

Apparently this Bumper company is a significant sponsor of the Australian Pinball forums. They are supposedly killing all threads about this issue over there and giving users a lifetime ban for talking about it.


It's hard to tell what's true and what isn't from this great a distance but the BS meter is off the dial on this one...


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