(Topic ID: 170072)

American Fender Stratocaster $799 shipped free

By vid1900

7 years ago

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#9 7 years ago

Looks like they have some great deals.

Shame I didn't know about them a few months back when I was in NYC, I would have popped in there.

Great price on the strat, but I prefer something a bit more hot rod...



#17 7 years ago
Quoted from vid1900:

Windsox emailed and asked if it's worth a trip to visit a Guitar Center

Haha yep that sounds like every Guitar Centre I've been in.

When I was 18 I decided to leave my family's furniture store and go work in a music store. What would be better than playing guitar all day and getting paid for it? And you get all your gear at cost +10%! Whoooopa!!

I lasted 3 months before I went back to the furniture store. Lol!

This video sure brings back memories of that experience ...


#24 7 years ago
Quoted from PorkChopExpress:

Whatever is easy at this point. I'm just learning the cords, week 1.

Yep, that's how it plugs in to the amp.


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#49 7 years ago

Valley Arts were top of the range stuff back in the 1980s. I used to drool at them in the pages of Guitar World.

If my memory serves me correctly they were made in Los Angeles in the "valley" and Steve Lukather was an endorsee.


#135 7 years ago
Quoted from vid1900:

The tubes chosen for guitar amps have proven themselves NOT FRAGILE AT ALL after 60 years of road use.

Gotta agree there. I've always had tube heads, and the same 1977 made Marshall quad with greenbacks (I bought it used in 85 with a 100w master volume head)

After one gig, I had the head up in the top of my box body truck (the type with the extended of over the cab) The head was right up the top part. Anyways, we were driving home from a 6 hour gig out in the country somewhere along 40 miles of windy and hilly roads, and when I got home my head had somehow crashed down from the top of the truck and was right at the back door of the truck! That's like a 2 metre drop and a 6 metre long trip to the back of the truck, presumably all at the same time.

I thought, well, that'll be f**ked. Nope, plugged it in and away she went without a hitch.

Can't remember whether it was my 50w Marshall or my 60w Rivera head. Both were bullet proof.


#138 7 years ago
Quoted from Brazy:

My 18 watt dr z maz18 will handle any mid sized club easily..there's really no need for 500 watts of power imho.

My 50w DSL Marshall can be heard about 4 kilometres away on a clear day. No idea why you'd need any more volume than that....

My ears have permanent tinnitus as it is ...


#198 7 years ago
Quoted from Gryszzz:

So besides Hendrix and Gilmour ; who is yer favorite Strat slinger ?
I'm gonna have to go with Dave Murray, followed narrowly by Buddy Guy.

Ritchie Blackmore is the king of the Strat.


#260 7 years ago

Talking of guitars, I picked up a couple of Chinese made models recently and I'm astonished how good they are now.
Firstly, I got a <12 mth old Charvel Desolation with a Floyd Rose. These are $1100 new here ($850 RRP in the USA) and I got it for $400 bucks. ($300 USD)
The quality of it is great. The Charvel name is now owned by Fender so I presume it is made in the chinese Fender factory. Neck through body, lovely Pearl look binding and inlays, flame top, EMGs, licenced Floyd.
The other one I got is a year old 7 string Ibanez Artist, Les Paul shape. $350 NZ bucks. These are $1100 new here. Again, the quality is great.
Sometimes you can get some great deals on guitars if you know what you're looking for.
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Added over 8 years ago: PS I haven't set up the actions on these yet ..

#284 7 years ago
Quoted from Razorbak86:

It's that damn bullet proof vest you wear, Vid

Just imagine what would happen if he didn't wear it!!!

Game over man! Game over!!


#285 7 years ago
Quoted from Anth:

That Ibanez is bad ass looking.

So, I was really happy with the 7 string, and then a couple of weeks later an identical guitar, but the 6 string version shows up on the NZ "EBAY".

Near new. $250 NZD plus $25 shipping. (Under $200 USD all up)

So now I have a pair of them.


1 week later
#289 7 years ago
Quoted from xsvtoys:

1987 MIJ Ibanez RG570. Wizard neck, jumbo frets, Edge tremolo, Seymour Duncan pickups at the bridge. Low action, 9-43 strings. It has some scars - dings and holes, but plays great

Those 80s Ibanez 550/560/570s really revolutionised hotrod guitars. It was the first time (definitely in NZ anyway) you could walk into a guitar shop and buy an awesome metal guitar off the shelf, at a reasonable price, and walk out the door and go play a gig. The necks were sweet, the pickups were sweet, the trems were sweet .. all ready to rock n roll.

I was working in a music store when they came out. They sold like hot cakes. Which is why is didn't have one, I like to be different. I had a Japanese made Kramer Focus 6000 (probably 84-85) then a Japanese Charvel Fusion (87-88?) then an American Jackson Ltd88 which I still have to this day.

Now I also have a Ibanez Jem777 which is the ultimate version of the 550/560/570 guitars. I picked it up at a pawn shop for $150 bucks!! The sign said "Ibanez copy guitar" ... I said "yes please!!" Lol. It's a $3000 guitar.

It's nice to have a win sometimes.


#319 7 years ago

A good guide as per usual, Vid.

Just a note for anyone doing sort of thing on a guitar neck ... the measurements are crucial. The string "contact point" on the new nut needs to be at the same "contact point" as the original nut. Otherwise, you alter the scale of the guitar and the frets are all in the wrong place musically.

14 year old RD found this out the hard way when he installed a Floyd Rose on a guitar. Luckily it was a shitty Cort guitar so no major loss ... but lesson learnt.


#323 7 years ago

Talking of guitar mods ... did I mention I used to make guitars?

When I was 18 and worked in the music store, there wasn't any of the cool guitars available here that I saw in the guitar mags. So I decided to make them.

Although I was a retailer (worked in furniture stores all my life, except for the 3 mths in the music store) I have always been a tinkerer. I got the high school "best woodworker" award and got the highest mark in the exams. And I had a shed full of tools to use.

I ran some Rhoads type Vs and some super strats. I made the bodies, and used ESP necks, dimarzio pickups and Ibanez trems. The strats and Vs were made from Honduras mahogany, same as Les Paul's. They sounded super sweet if I do say so myself.

After the first run, the NZ import laws changed and cheaper, good quality guitars started coming onto the market, so I quit making them.

This is all that I have left ... some things I was tinkering with. They have been sitting around for 25 years now.

1/ Tele body .. American maple body with flame maple veneer on top. Headstock done to match. I have gold hardware somewhere for this.
2/ Tele body ... American maple, routed out tone chamber, with two piece maple top.
3/ a Honduras mahogany strat .. this was a second (ESP changed neck size on me) so I experimented on it, including hand painting the big A on it lol. Hey, I was 18 ...

I only know one guy who has one of my Tiger guitars, and he still plays it to this day. His is the sister of the Anarchy guitar, same colour and style. I often wonder where the other ones are!


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#325 7 years ago
Quoted from vid1900:

How badass is that!!!!

Looking back, it's amazing how basic the process was.

For the Tele shape, I got a piece of 1/2" plywood and got a Telecaster in the shop, put it on the ply and traced around it with a marker. Then I cut it out with a jigsaw. Instant router template. I clamped the timber to the plywood, and ran around the template with my big hand held hitachi router with a roller tip bit. All the routing was done with a hand held router, my hands must have been steadier back then lol

Truely kiwi back yard craftsmanship.


1 week later
#343 7 years ago
Quoted from vid1900:

Even with the action and intonation properly set, it sounds like a piece of cardboard.

I had a 80s Gibson Les Paul like that.

It was my dream to have a black Les Paul like Brian Robertson of Thin Lizzy. When I finally got one, it was pretty much tone dead.

In comparison, I had a Japanese made Tokai "Love Rock" 80s gold top Les Paul copy, and it was one of the best sounding guitars I've ever heard. I sold it to the other guitarist in my band (ironically to find my tone dead Les Paul) and he still has it 20 years on.

Some guitars are winners ... some are not.


#349 7 years ago
Quoted from xsvtoys:

when it comes to guitar money, the best money I could spend would be not on more guitars, but on ----- LESSONS

The best thing you could ever do for your guitar playing is to join a band.

Playing with other musicians will take your playing to the next level.

Playing scales only takes you so far. Locking into a tight groove with a drummer and bass player is the coolest thing you will ever do.


#353 7 years ago

I also never had a lesson. I got my first guitar (an old Hondo SG copy) when I was 12/13ish and sat down and jammed to AC/DC records. Didn't have the internet to look up tabs either! The kids these days have it soooooo easy. Lol

I'm not the best player in the world ... but I got out there and had the biggest rock band in the area. I used to get kids come into the guitar shop who were phenomenal players, but they never did anything with their talent. It's all about getting out there and making it happen.

Just being a musician who actually shows up to practice on time and who isn't a douche will get you quite far in the business.


#358 7 years ago
Quoted from xsvtoys:

What I really want to do is this:

Honestly, that's the stuff of 13 year old kids. The coolest thing he did there IMO was the funk riff from 49 seconds.

I remember when I showed up to the school hall when I was about 14ish with my Kramer Focus 6000 with a Floyd and my NZ made Stinger amp and played Eruption. Nobody knew I played and they were all playing Cream songs so Eruption just blew their minds. They'd never seen anything like it.

But when you're in a band, people don't want to hear that stuff. We used to play Surfing with the Alien in the band because it was very popular at the time and it's a good song ... but if you came out and stood there and did some guitar wanking for 5 minutes, everyone would leave and the bar manager would come over and punch you in the face. Lol


#360 7 years ago
Quoted from xsvtoys:

I can't explain why I like it, I just do.

All good! If that's your stuff, embrace it!

Personally, I've been to many many concerts, and only ever left two early. Steve Vai was one ... after an hour, I just couldn't take it any more.


#364 7 years ago
Quoted from xsvtoys:

Was the other one Abba or what?

Slayer. Four fat guys standing in one place making a wall of noise. A Christian singer singing satan lyrics. Just wasn't into it that night .. maybe another night would have been different. My younger brother was with me and he wasn't into it at all ... so we bailed.

(Apologies to all the Slayer fans .. don't take it personally ...).


#368 7 years ago
Quoted from fosaisu:

Thank you - I didn't know that "headphone amps" were a thing! I want something that I can make a bit of noise on from time to time, and I definitely want reasonable quality sound on my headphones when I'm using them, so headphone amps are out.
I ran a few searches as you suggested -- do any of these look like decent options?:
denver.craigslist.org link
denver.craigslist.org link
denver.craigslist.org link
denver.craigslist.org link
denver.craigslist.org link
Thanks again!

You could buy that Princeton and the Marshall for less than $200.



#369 7 years ago
Quoted from vid1900:

Offer the guy $200 for this
denver.craigslist.org link

I'm with Vid ....


#376 7 years ago
Quoted from vid1900:

Q: Hey, what do you have that would sound like a 100w Marshall stack turned all the way up?
A: A 100w Marshall stack.

Or a 50w Marshall stack.


#379 7 years ago
Quoted from fosaisu:

Thanks again - he took $220 for it and it looks to be in excellent shape! Now I just have to sit and wait for the Stratocaster to arrive ...

Sweet setup for $1000!


#383 7 years ago

For the first time in 10 years, I spent a few hours playing with guitars today.

Both these guys needed some love ... the Jackson I bought at Guitar Centre on Sunset Strip for $150 USD (it was just traded in) and the Jem 7V that isn't a Jem 7V (it's a good quality copy I picked up for $160 NZD)

New 9-42 strings, set up the floating trems, give them the full set up, and crank up the Marshall in anger for the first time in living memory.


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#392 7 years ago
Quoted from xsvtoys:

after doing a lot of research on low price tube amps for home use

Yesterday, I headed to the music shop to check out some options for in-home recording for some pinball soundtrack stuff I'm working on. I'm out of retirement baby!

I was going to get a Pod unit ... but then I saw these and I was blown away by them.


You can plug them into your computer as well, and they also interface with Presonus recording software. Im just in the process of setting that up now.

The sound that comes out of that tiny box is astounding. Danni_nz was looking around the music shop test room trying to figure out where all the noise was coming from. Plus you can use headphones, and also plug in an MP3 to jam along with.

It was $189 NZD, I would think it'd be low $100s in the USA. Amazing bang for the buck.


#395 7 years ago


All will be revealed. Soon. Ish.

Or as Stern would say ... "coming soon!" ... or whatever they say all the time.


#403 7 years ago
Quoted from Mike_J:

We ordered another earlier this week as a Christmas present for my brother in law.

Shit! Any way to marry into your family?

I got zip for Xmas last year!


#411 7 years ago
Quoted from vid1900:

You are in luck, his brother is gay.

Hmmmmm ... dunno if I would swap sides for a Strat. A new Jem 7V, maybe ... hmmmmm


#423 7 years ago
Quoted from xsvtoys:

On a somewhat-related note, the "word" floating around is that sometime very soon the American Standard from Fender will be discontinued, no longer made, no longer sold new. They are switching to what will be called the "Pro". Not much as far as details yet.

I heard they are adopting the following lineup, following some other industry they have been watching closely ....

Costco model ... guitar made of cardboard

Pro ... stripped back. One pickup. 4 strings.

Premium ... gets the same 6 strings as the LE model, but is a very undesirable colour

LE ... what a guitar used to be in the 1990s. 6 strings, pickups, volume and tone controls.

Super LE: the LE with a Yngwie Malmsteen figure superglued to the headstock, and some pinstriping on the pickguard.

Sounds like a winner.


#428 7 years ago
Quoted from freezie:

i just died reading that Dave , LMFAO...

Take it easy champ ... my humour is not meant to be fatal.


3 weeks later
#477 7 years ago

Metal Santa (ie me..) came a day early and bought me this Blackstar Metal 100 amp head!

Jeeeeezus it's loud! My ears are ringing after 5 minutes ... lucky I have no neighbours ...

Great tones if you are into rock/hard rock. The clean tone is actually really nice, unlike some rock amps. Three channels, each has separate volume controls and tone controls, and it also has a master volume. It'd be great to use on stage. Reverb unit is great. It also has an "emulated output" which you can plug straight into a desk for recording.

Got it from a guy who only had it a few months and it was too metal for him. So another half price score for Dave.


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#480 7 years ago
Quoted from Wolfmarsh:

I stopped by guitar center after my wife got me the guitar and picked up a Blackstar amp. The guy told me a ton about it and I read a bunch of reviews online while I was standing there, which I'm sure they love.
I got the ID:Core Stereo 10 amp. It's got that same emulated output for both the headphones and the usb recording output. I'm not sure if that's a standard feature on all amps, but a lot of the reviewers seemed to like both the features and the brand.
I'm about to hook everything up and give my first try at guitar a go.

I got one of those a little while back and wrote about it here ...

Amazing value for money.

It comes with recording software as well ... you can hear my first attempt at it here. I have progressed a lot since this was recorded ... this is that little Blackstar amp plugged straight into the computer.


1 week later
#506 7 years ago
Quoted from vid1900:

Any leads come out stiff and clumsy, so I sound like Eric Clapton.

Great burn!


2 months later
#526 7 years ago
Quoted from foureyedcharlie:

TPF special right here....$500. Gretsch Electromatic, like new....just thinning the herd.

Got anything more "metal" you're looking to sell? I'll be at TPF ...


#530 7 years ago

Another great Vid deal!

Fire up some metal guitar deals next!


#532 7 years ago
Quoted from vid1900:

What could be more metal that a Baritone guitar tuned to low A ???
The top string is a friggin' .68 !

My little fingers like a 24" fretboard. And a Floyd. And DiMarzios


#536 7 years ago
Quoted from vid1900:

A few years ago in the States there was a Gibson called Les Paul Studio Shred that was a short 24" scale, Floyd Rose.
I think they closed them out for $900 back then.


I really like the ESP hot rod Les Pauls, a lot of metal dudes use them.

I only ever owned one real Les Paul, it was my dream guitar. 1980s model, Black with cream binding like Brian Robertson from Thin Lizzy. It was a tone dead POS. Luck of the draw I guess.


#538 7 years ago
Quoted from xsvtoys:

Here's some metal-ly stuff for your fix. Latest iteration of the 1989 Ibanez RG570, now with kill switch (red button) and maxed out pedal board

Thems a lot of pedals!

Do you put it all through the Peavey amp?


3 weeks later
#555 7 years ago

I got a guitar score on this USA trip.

Been looking for a good deal on a 7 string Jeff Loomis signature metal guitar.

Got one from http://www.gearorphanage.com

The Jeff Loomis retails at $1500 ... guitar centre has them for $1199 at the moment.

I got a slight second from Gear Orphanage for $760 shipped from LA to Texas for me to take home .. and no sales tax either!

It has a tiny blemish on it .. hardly noticeable.

Floyd, EMGs, swamp ash body, metal cross inlays, neck through construction.



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#557 7 years ago
Quoted from vid1900:

Wow, that thing looks badass!

26.5" scale so you can downtune it to make devil-like sounds ...


#559 7 years ago
Quoted from Wolfmarsh:

Looks super cool.
I'm still learning, working on memorizing chords and getting my fingers to the places they need to be in time for the notes.

I've been playing for 30 years and I'm still trying to figure that stuff out.


#561 7 years ago
Quoted from freezie:

That's a beauty ! I just picked up an ibanez s970w for $970 cnd , originally they sold for $2900 in Canada , its new old stock , just waiting for it to show up !

Man, sweet looking guitar.

I remember when the original Sabres came out around 1987. They were all Japanese made back then. Satriani and Frank Gambale were endorsing them.

I went to buy the first one that came to NZ back then ... but it didn't give me the vibe (sometimes they don't ..) so I bought a lovely Japanese made Charvel Fusion Deluxe instead. Same blue as the photo. That was a sweet guitar ... then a few years later I traded that on the USA Jackson Ltd88 that I still own today.


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1 week later
#563 7 years ago

Now you've got your new guitars, Satchel has some good tips for you ....

Some gold here.


#566 7 years ago
Quoted from Taxman:

The woman wants a Violin, any recommendations?

Jeff Loomis Signature Guit errrr violin ...


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2 weeks later
#573 7 years ago
Quoted from RVH:

Nice, when you go to change strings some day be prepared for a pain in the ass unless you use the same gauge strings that floating Floyd rose makes it tough

The trick is, use the same gauge (probably 9-42s) and only change one string at a time. Keeps the tension on the Floyd springs and saves any problems.

How much was the chinese SG Wolfmarsh? Come off Alibaba? Do the "EMGs" use a 9v battery?


#578 7 years ago
Quoted from Wolfmarsh:

I'm pretending I'm Angus of course.

Angus would be angry with the Floyd.


#586 7 years ago
Quoted from TOK:

First string change with a Floyd was daunting for me, but here is what I do now...

It's far simpler/easier to just do one string at a time. Takes a minute or two per string. You just release the one nut at a time, do those two strings, and tighten it back up. I usually adjust the fine tuners to about 1/3rd down, as usually the guitar goes flat rather than sharp, and you have more adjustment available.

Another trick ... I do one string, put it in place, wind up the tension to about half way tight, then pull up on the string a little to "pre stretch" it. Then when you've finished, the strings don't stretch and make your guitar go flat. A guy showed me that trick in a music store 25 years ago, works a treat.


#590 7 years ago
Quoted from TOK:

That's the scaredy cat way to do it.
I clean/condition the fretboard and polish the frets while I have it destrung. Can't do that farting around with one string at at time.

I would do that every year or two when I was gigging twice every weekend.

Any more than that, and its equivalent to waxing your pinball playfield after every game.


#592 7 years ago
Quoted from Wolfmarsh:

I wanted to clean and oil the fretboard as well, so I used a similar trick to lock the bridge in place and then did all the strings at the same time

If you want to clean the fretboard with a Floyd, sit the guitar on your lap, push the whammy bar down, clean the fretboard to your hearts content, release the whammy bar ... wham! Clean guitar, only a minute taken, still in tune. Win!

Yet another tip .. buy some of this stuff! Every time you play the guitar, when you've finished run this stuff over the strings. Cleans them sweetly. Lasts for years too!


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#594 7 years ago
Quoted from DanQverymuch:

Wow, this thread is chock full of great hints and tips.
If I ever get a chance to actually play my new Strat like it deserves to be, I'm sure I'll be referring to it often! Thanks, guys!

If you're not playing it much, run some Fast Fret over the strings every now and again. Saves them from going rusty.


2 months later
#617 6 years ago

As seen 200 metres down the road from my apartment....



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#624 6 years ago
Quoted from vid1900:

Or $4500 for this Telecaster:

That's a country and western dream guitar! Yeeeehawwwwwww!


#632 6 years ago

Fuseholder sent me links to this cool web series ... lots of cool guys interviewed.


3 weeks later
#634 6 years ago

They've gone all out with the white paint on that one!


#646 6 years ago

Another plug for Gear Orphanage ...

I was playing my Jeff Loomis 7 string last night, and it's the best guitar I've ever owned. Neck is beautiful, and the tone from the EMG57 is buttery smooth.

They do make 6 strings as well, with and without Floyds.

They retail for $1300 but they have them as "blemished" for $780.

When I purchased, I requested pics of the guitar and they emailed me heaps of pictures and pointed out the (almost un-noticable in the flesh) blemish. I'll take a $500 discount for something I don't even notice! 10/10 for the deal and the service.



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#648 6 years ago
Quoted from vid1900:

Nice guitar!
If that little blemish is not all the way into the primer, you should be able to remove it with Novus2

I think what's happened is they have buffed through the finish a little bit.

When I saw the picture, I thought I'd repair it ... but in the flesh, you can't even see it! Maybe if you look reaaaaal close ...

I'll always take a discount on a blemished/display item. Odds on I'm going to dooosh it anyway!

My Lexus RCF, a guy bought it new and drove it for 3 months then traded it on a Audi R8. I got it for almost half new price ... 6/10th new price to be exact. Still has the 4 year Lexus warranty. I'll take the savings!


#650 6 years ago
Quoted from vid1900:

I saw that Gibson's last 5 year financials have been posted.
Pretty grim for a company that used to be an **American institution **:

I'd read about this. Fender is in the same boat.

Are kids just not buying guitars these days? Or are they still buying them, but different brands?

You can buy a very good guitar for a cheap price these days. Like my Jeff Loomis for $780. I wouldn't even consider paying $2000 for a Gibson. I owned an 80s black Les Paul, it was tone dead. I love the Les Paul shape, but if I wanted another one I'd buy an ESP or other hotrodded version.

And Fenders do nothing for me at all (sorry guys ...) so I'd never buy another one of those. (I owned an American Strat Plus when they came out)

Thoughts from the group?


#678 6 years ago
Quoted from vid1900:

SA now has these Gibsons on super clearance in this morning's email.
How about a USA Les Paul with robot tuners and hard shell case for $599 free shipping?
That's like 70% off.....
And with Mr Rebates, you get another 4% in cash back on your Sam Ash order:

Bammmmm goes $1200! I bought two!

They are $2000 over here. Instant profit.

Beers are on me when we meet up, Vid.


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#682 6 years ago
Quoted from vid1900:

Great interview with the new Gibson production engineer:
» YouTube video

I see the Gibson forums are as much fun as the pinball forums

I got the Sam Ash email today, there is a deal on a blue Les Paul. Not my cup o tea, but looks like a sweet deal.

50% off. Now $1399.



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1 week later
#687 6 years ago

Happiness is when the courier delivers some new Metal goodness. \m/

This is Blackstar number 2. One in my apartment and one in my house. Also very cool when you score a slightly used one for 1/3rd of new price.

One can not have enough amplification.


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#689 6 years ago
Quoted from SilverBallz:

I just saw this thread. Looks like the sale is over.

Give them a call, they'll probably honour it.

Since I bought my 2x Les Paul's, I've been bombarded with sale emails, they clearly want the business.

Actually, I've got some "personalised" emails with a guys contact details, ring him and sew up a deal!

If you don't ask ... you don't get.


If you have any questions, please give me a call or send me an email. I'll be glad to help you get the right gear at the guaranteed lowest price!

Jordan Kellogg, Sales Associate
[email protected]
(800) 472-6274 X 2231


#692 6 years ago
Quoted from vid1900:

Further SA deals as the Gibsons keep dropping:
How about a made in USA Les Paul, brand new for $399 free shipping?
Or a brand new USA Gibson SG for $449?
Both of these have the robot tuners also.

I ask you, where in the world are you going to get a brand new, with warranty USA guitar for $399 ???

Crazy prices!

They keep bombarding me with Gibson deals too, since I bought the 2x LPs.

Here's some more deals on more expensive guitars ... they are on a personalised email (has no links in it) so if anyone wants a guitar, email the guy directly.


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#695 6 years ago
Quoted from TOK:

They had a tough time unloading these, just like the 2015's. They weren't forgotten, nobody wanted them until they were 1/3 their original price. These guitars are a big part of the the reason Gibson is in trouble.

But why is that? Just because of the robot tuners?

The rest of the guitar appears the same as the "normal" ones ...


#709 6 years ago
Quoted from thedefog:

Guitar has run its course. Kids aren't interested anymore

It'll come back. People get sick of the status quo and rock/metal will be huge again. A lot of people say the metal cycle is every 10 years, so it's due back in the next year or two.


#712 6 years ago
Quoted from TOK:

I think it has already started, but more like acoustic folk style. Since Ed Sheeran, there are a ton of similar sounding acoustic players on the radio

That'll get old real quick.

The kids are bringing back the rock!!


#714 6 years ago

More close outs ....


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#715 6 years ago

And more ... I'm not an SG dude, but that's a good deal ...


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1 month later
#746 6 years ago
Quoted from vid1900:

If you want to be **the cool uncle** this Christmas, get everyone a Gibson Maestro SG and Amp to noise up the holidays for $65 free ship, no tax.

$65!!! I thought you’d made a typo.

The strings almost cost that much!


3 months later
#755 6 years ago

Some good deals on ESP LTD guitars in the latest Sam Ash promotion.

The LTD guitars are cheaper versions of the ESP Japanese made axes. I’ve had a few of them and they’re great for the dough.



5 months later
#760 5 years ago

Got a sweet score tonight. I was on the dirty old Facebook Marketplace and this Jackson ATX came up.

These were made in Japan in 96/97 only for the Europe and Australia/NZ market. Arch top poplar body, maple neck with rosewood board, shark fin inlays, Floyd Rose.

This one has been unused for a long time, needs a little bit of a tidy up but has no major dings or damage. Should come up mint ...

Scored it for $100 bucks. ($65 USD).


#763 5 years ago
Quoted from vid1900:

Get the Novus2 out and polish that bitch up

Yeah man - out comes the buffer!


#765 5 years ago
Quoted from Aniraf:

This forum does nothing but make me want to spend money on shit that I’ll never master!

Well, to be fair, that’s also most of the pinball dudes here as well.


1 week later
#770 5 years ago

Tonight’s score ...

Slightly more than $100 .. I fact the most expensive guitar I have ever bought ... but scored it for well less than what it is actually worth.


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#773 5 years ago
Quoted from vid1900:

I've always seen those on AE, but I've never know anyone who owned one!
How does it play???[quoted image]

Just like a normal Jem. It’s heavy as hell. The bodies were made by a Japanese company that makes custom acrylic fish tanks.

Maybe one day I’ll bring it to the states ...



#775 5 years ago
Quoted from vid1900:

Then the Yankees will have 201 of them.

And NZ will have either 0 or 1.

I paid $2200 USD for it. The guy really didn’t want to sell it but he was in a bind. Not many buyers for guitars like this over here. I paid pretty close to his asking price, so everyone was happy.


#776 5 years ago

Here’s the original owner playing the Jem.

He is an Ibanez endorsee. Maybe the only one in New Zealand.

Ritchie Allan from Heavy Metal Ninjas. He plays 8 strings now.

He sold my Jem to a collector a few years back, now I have it.


#778 5 years ago
Quoted from RVH:

Not a deal at all at $200 and only available for pre order till October 1 is the pussy melter guitar pedal.
Had to have it. It’s got 2 settings, moist and gushing.

Yeah man, I meant to post that.

I was going to buy one too. Just to put on the mantelpiece. Soooo cool.


1 week later
#779 5 years ago

I caught up with one of the owners of one of the Tiger guitars I made back in 1989/90 when I was like 19/20 ish.

I think I sold 5 of them - 2x Rhodes style flying Vs, and 3x super strats.

All of them had Honduras mahogany bodies (like a Les Paul) ESP Japanese necks, Ibanez edge Trems and Dimarzio pickups.

This is the only one I know the whereabouts of. The owner has 5x guitars but still plays this one as his main guitar, which is pretty cool for something I cobbled together with a hand router almost 30 years ago.

Looks like he needs to give it a clean too, just quietly.


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1 week later
#780 5 years ago

After 5 years, I finally got permission to hang some guitars up in the apartment lounge. Haha!

This is where the Jem 20th Anniversary perplex guitar will live (it’s not here at present) The Jeff Loomis or the Jackson will hang next to the pinball machines in the other lounge. Like a lot of modern homes, this apartment has very few internal walls to hang stuff.

Guitars are works of art (in my eyes) - they deserve to be displayed.


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#781 5 years ago
Quoted from rotordave:

After 5 years, I finally got permission to hang some guitars up in the apartment lounge. Haha!
This is where the Jem 20th Anniversary perplex guitar will live (it’s not here at present) The Jeff Loomis or the Jackson will hang next to the pinball machines in the other lounge. Like a lot of modern homes, this apartment has very few internal walls to hang stuff.
Guitars are works of art (in my eyes) - they deserve to be displayed.
rd[quoted image]

Hard to see in the pic - The red Jackson is almost an exact colour match to my Ironman.

Now that’s what I call interior decorating!


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1 week later
#782 5 years ago

Not a guitar, but a musical instrument story worth telling ...

I’ve wanted a Mesa Boogie rectifier amp since they came out in 1991.

I looked longingly at them in the music magazines ... so shiny! And so many knobs!

More knobs must be better, right? And cool musos were using them! So they must be cool!

At Xmas time, 1991, we were at Disneyland in Anaheim. We rode the greyhound bus (!) from Anaheim to Hollywood to visit the Mesa Boogie store on Sunset to check them out .. but they didn’t sell to overseas customers. I recall they were $1299 USD at the time. Probably Duel Rectifiers I guess.

Now they are $2399 USD over there (they still wouldn’t sell to me direct, I was in the Hollywood store a few months ago) and here they are $3999 NZD ... so I’ve always had cheaper tube Marshalls, Laneys, and now the Blackstar HT Metal (which is a really cool metal tube amp)

Last week, a slightly used Triple Rectifier popped up for sale at around $1000 less than what it was worth at a pawnshop... I was around there like a zip and here we have it. Got it for $1400 NZ which was a sweet deal.

I don’t play guitar so much these days - but now I have the coolest office around, with Recifiers, guitars and pinballs ahoy!


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#786 5 years ago
Quoted from Rdoyle1978:

OMG man good luck hanging the perspex guitar - that thing is like a million pounds!!

You’re not wrong ....


1 month later
#791 5 years ago
1 week later
#794 5 years ago

Those are some cheap guitars ...


1 week later
#798 5 years ago

Got some more guitars up on the wall. Then I ran out of holders. Dooooh


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1 month later
#805 5 years ago
Quoted from HighVoltage:

Adorama.com has select Charvel Pro Mod San Dimas Style 1 Electric Guitars on sale from $549.
Charvel Pro Mod San Dimas Style 1 Electric Guitar (Transparent Blue Burst) $549
Charvel Pro Mod San Dimas Style 1 Electric Guitar (Rocket Red) $549
Charvel Pro Mod San Dimas Style 1 Electric Guitar (Metalic Black) $549
Charvel Pro Mod San Dimas Style 1 Electric Guitar (Transparent Blue Burst) $579
Charvel Pro Mod San Dimas Style 1 Electric Guitar (Neon Pink) $599
Charvel Pro Mod San Dimas Style 1 Electric Guitar (Transparent Black Burst) $619
Charvel Pro Mod San Dimas Style 1 Electric Guitar (Transparent Purple Burst) $619

I couldn’t see those on the site, but I found this one.

Nice Ibanez RG470. $319 shipped.

Retail $500-600 - $499 at guitar centre at the moment.

Real good guitar for $300.



1 week later
#814 5 years ago
Quoted from Hougie:

Who knows? It looks like 370 were made. Only a few were released in 1969 and my serial # is 8898xx. That would put it as one of the earliest according to this site: http://www.latesixtieslespauls.com/article_lowimp.asp
Apparently, even the case is rare.
[quoted image]

So, gonna keep it or flip it?

Someone like Norms Rare Guitars would tell you what it’s worth ...


2 months later
#819 5 years ago

Another good pickup the other day - Ibanez Jem. Just like new - Picked it up at a great deal.

The necks on these things play like greased lightning.


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3 months later
#824 4 years ago
Quoted from j_m_:

I've been a huge rush fan for over 40 years and finally got the chance to add something personal to my collection. it's a 2015 R40 les paul ruby red axcess custom, autographed and played by alex (he probably just strummed it a few times or ran a scale, but still)
looking to probably pair it up sometime in the near future with a semi hollow body ES
[quoted image][quoted image]

Cool guitar JM! Always interesting to see a Les Paul with a Floyd rose on it.

How much was that if you don’t mind me asking?

Gene and Paul have been selling their “stage played” guitars for big money.

$8,500 USD for an Ibanez guitar, played for one song ... oh, add $2,500 if you want the strap as well.



#826 4 years ago
Quoted from xsvtoys:

God those two are whores, don't they have enough money? Ok I looked it up, estimated net worth for Stanley is 150 million and for Simmons 350 million.

Clearly they need more.


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