(Topic ID: 308959)

What invisible disabilities do you have?

By unclerudy

2 years ago

Topic Heartbeat

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2015 October - Jady's RHS Clavical - 8 months after - measurements (resized).png

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#70 2 years ago

I thank God for my health every day.. it's not until you see or know people that have serious problems and you actually understand that some of these problems are indeed problems and not choices- Chronic fatigue syndrome being a huge one for a loved one I know. I can't speak for it personally as my disease, but I know someone very close to me and I have learned that what can appear to be laziness in a lot of people is instead something medical that holds back the energy/drive/motivation on chemical level and not a mental choice level.

Before I knew someone with this problem I never understood it, just thought of some as being "lazy". While some lazy people do exist, chronic fatigue medical problems are VERY real.

What was the eye opening part of this for me? Seeing someone who not only had zero energy to do work tasks, but ZERO energy to do fun things (and sometimes, extremely fun/unique things). Lets say, for example, you were sitting right in front of something extremely enjoyable (as admitted by you that you loved the activity) and you can't even get out of your seat to do it. Not work, but PURE FUN. Just a small example, but I have been educated and now understand that my judgements on others may not always be correct... and that the person may be going through something or experiencing something (medical/disease/problem) I don't know about.

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