Discos Pinball Mod Shop
“Fun mods for machines”
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“Fun mods for machines”
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Want to add a little flair to the inside of the rail? Well then this Xilien-style UFO picking up a goat might just add that flair!
This mod is 3D printed and fits perfectly within the rail loop.
Installation is easy and can be done in less than 5 minutes!
1. Unscrew bolt holding the rail.
2. Take the nut and washer.
3. Place tractor beam part over bolt.
4. Put washer on bolt (over the mod).
5. Re tighten the bolt making sure not to go too hard as you could warp or even break the mod.
6. You are done!
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions at all, I am here to help!
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$ 29.95
Ships for $ 4.95 (International $ 0.00)
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