Perfect Plunge

Perfect Plunge Pinball

Pinball Shooter Rods And Mods


63 Smith Road
31324 Richmond Hill, GA
United States

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Shop: Perfect Plunge

“Quality Shooter Rods”

This shop is currently listing 16 items on Pinside.

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What's new

Items added to our inventory recently.

$ 39.99
Cabinet - Shooter Rods
$ 39.99
Cabinet - Shooter Rods
$ 39.99
Cabinet - Shooter Rods
$ 39.99
Cabinet - Shooter Rods
$ 39.99
Cabinet - Shooter Rods
$ 39.99
Cabinet - Shooter Rods
$ 39.99
Cabinet - Shooter Rods
$ 39.99
Cabinet - Shooter Rods

Item categories

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Game-specific items

View our items by specific game.

Stern - 1 item
Stern - 3 items
Stern - 1 item
Sega - 1 item
Stern - 1 item
Stern - 1 item
Stern - 1 item
Stern - 1 item
Stern - 1 item
Stern - 2 items
Stern - 1 item
Stern - 1 item
Stern - 1 item
Stern - 1 item
Stern - 1 item
Stern - 1 item

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