“Useful (hopefully) addons, mods and repros for the awesome pinhead community”
“Useful (hopefully) addons, mods and repros for the awesome pinhead community”
Useful adapters for anybody who wants to grab signals, power, GI or whatever from the original boards in the pinball machine. Often used for mods based on the PinLightShields or the Pinduino which use these signals to create lightshows etc. But can also be used for various other purposes like monitoring signals and so on. The adapters also allow your mod to be completely reversible - no soldering, no wire splitting and also no crocs.
There are adapters for both 0.100" and 0.156" headers in your pinball machine. Usually the "out" header of the adapter is a 0.100" type. For some adapters there´s also a variation with a 0.156" "out" header available in case you want to connect to some supply voltage in the pinball machine.
The adapters are sold as kits, so some very easy soldering skills are required. Please ask for quote if you need them pre-assembled.
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From € 2.00
Price depends on selected item variation.
Ships for € 6.00 (International € 16.00)
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