Matt's Basement Arcade

“Making pinball better, one ROM at a time!”

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NBA Fastbreak Pinball - Eprom Upgrade

Revision History: (Included for reference)
Version 3.1
Date: September 2, 1997

G11: Checksum: EE31

Changes from Version 2.3:

- Added the PINBALL SCORES adjustment which enabled 'standard'
pinball scoring to be displayed.
- Fixed a bug where the player number was not shown in score
- Fixed a bug in linked games when a multiball was the
last feature prior to TROPHY multiball.
Version 2.3
Date: June 2, 1997

G11: Checksum: 4223

Changes from Version 2.2:

- Fixed some bugs in linked play, especially when starting new games.
- Fixed a music bug in Around the World Multiball
- Added new country jumper setting (Export Alternate). This new
setting is identical to EXPORT (all SA settings, Australian
pricing) except all service credits are disabled.
- Right flipper button now compensates for the launch button when the
launch button is broken.
- Removes FLIPPER PLUNGER feature adjustment.

Version 2.2
Date: May 20, 1997

G11: Checksum: 5322

Changes from Version 2.1:

- Rearranged some displays on linked games.
- Added German, French, and Spanish translations for linked text.
- Fixed a scoring bug in Sudden Death.

Version 2.1
Date: May 9, 1997

G11: Checksum: 4312

Changes from Version 1.1:

- Support for linked games. Linked play requires Sound ROM S2
Version 3.0 and the NBA Fastbreak Linking Kit (contact your
WMS/Bally distributor for more information about this kit).

- German speech included in Sound ROM S2 3.0, no separate German
speech ROM is necessary now.

- Fixed display conflict when Shoot Around and Around the
World multiballs were running simultaneously.
- Fixed JET BUMPER DIFF adjustment to allow Power Hoops
to happen at all levels.
- Presets for Ex Easy through Extra Hard ball time now match
the manual.
- Shoot Around Multiball corrected when Extra Balls are turned

Version 1.1
Date: March 26, 1997

G11: Checksum: FB11

Changes from Version 1.0:

- Fixed a bug where the REPLAY BOOST adjustment incorrectly
displayed values above 9.
- Changed the default European jumpered pricing default settings
to match German-jumpered pricing.

Version 1.0
Date: March 17, 1997

G11: Checksum: FC10

Sound Version 1.0

S2 : Checksum: 6A00 *NOTE* Do not use a Texas Instruments 27C040 for S2.
S3 : Checksum: 4300
S4 : Checksum: 8300
S5 : Checksum: F800
S6 : Checksum: 1900

Version 1.0 is the production release.

This version requires version 1.0 Sound ROMs or higher.
German-jumpered games require version 2.0 of Sound ROM S2. (Cksum=$FD00)

Changes from revision 0.2 (Sample release):

- Added German, French, and Spanish translations.
- Added German speech under an adjustment for German jumpered
games only, which also requires the German S2 version 2.0
sound ROM.
- Added Operator-run Tournament mode adjustment.
- Added the attract mode backbox adjustment (default ON).
- Added some new sound effects.
- Updated NBA Team rosters.
- Improved IN THE PAINT timeout.
- Some ball-holding features sped up to improve gameplay.
- Added new FOUL SHOT rule.
- Improved Multiball scoring.
- Fixed lamp problem with LITE FASTBREAK and 3 point shots.
- Added grace periods for the combination shots.
- HOOPS LOOPS are now disabled if extra balls are disabled.
- Changed Midnight Madness to only score on shots.
- Added backbox backet award for hitting a completed Crazy Bob's.
- Added an additional jet bumper hit when the Jets ball drain
switch is made to help HOOPS modes.

This is an officially licensed replacement part. Please view my shop policies for more information.

Linked to game

Item photos

nba fast break flyer front (resized).jpg
nba fast break flyer back (resized).jpg

Order here!

Pick a variation

[G11] CPU Rom Version 3.1 In stock
$ 17.99
[G11] CPU Rom Version 2.3 In stock
$ 17.99
[G11] CPU Rom Version 2.2 In stock
$ 17.99
[G11] CPU Rom Version 2.1 In stock
$ 17.99
[G11] CPU Rom Version 1.1 In stock
$ 17.99
[G11] CPU Rom Version 1.0 In stock
$ 17.99
[G10/U22] Security PIC Chip Out of stock
$ 29.99
[SU2] Sound Rom v3.0 In stock
$ 19.99
[SU3] Sound Rom v1.0 In stock
$ 19.99
[SU4] Sound Rom v1.0 In stock
$ 19.99
[SU5] Sound Rom v1.0 In stock
$ 19.99
[SU6] Sound Rom v1.0 In stock
$ 19.99



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From $ 9.99

Price depends on selected item variation.

Ships for $ 9.00 (International $ 20.00)

Listed in

Parts > Eproms


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