Sign up and join the Pinside

Become a Pinsider and join the world's largest pinball community!

Pick a user name and a password and fill out your email address (that's where we'll send an activation link).

User names are between 4 and 16 characters long and can contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-) and underscore (_).

A good password consists of at least 6 characters and also contains some numbers.

An activation code will be send to your e-mail address to make sure it's yours. Click on the link in this e-mail to activate your account.

Already a Pinsider?

If you're already a Pinside member, go and sign in here!

Forgot your password?

Already have a Pinside account, but forgot your user name or your password? Or need us to re-send your activation code? Click here to reset your password.

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