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Parts - for sale

1982 Striker Playfield

Added: 2023-12-09 15:24:05 UTC • Re-listed: 2 times (March 4th, 2024) • Ended: March 31st, 2024
Condition: Used, good condition

Linked to game


$ 800

1982 Striker Playfield. This one is refurbished. Playfield touched up and clear coated by Neo Skywalker. He did an incredible job on the touch up and clearcoat. Paid $200 for the used playfield plus $1300 for his work. In the interim I found a NOS playfield that I used for my project. Selling this at way less than I have in it.

With the clearcoat, reflections show up in every single picture. So if your concerned about an area, look in another picture from another angle.

There are square areas - sections where the playfield speckle is different, most notable between the top pop bumpers. This is from the original screen printing the 80s. It's the same on every Striker playfield I have seen.

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Listing result

The seller ended this ad and submitted the final sales price into our price database but opted not to disclose the price publicly.

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Item location

Warner Robins, GA, US


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