Archived ad

Pinside keeps a record of old ads in its Market Archive, for historical purposes and as a price reference. This ad has been ended by its seller and is now archived.

Game - for sale

For sale: Medieval Madness (Remake - Special Edition)

Added: 2022-08-28 21:15:58 UTC • Ended: August 30th, 2022
Condition: As new - New out of box (first owner)

Linked to game


$ 15,000 (OBO)

Open for offers

Beautiful condition lighted inside art blades, tasteful mods installed, Royal kit installed bigger monitor, speakers and light kit, comes with cliffy’s and trolls that the eyes light up they need to be installed buy new owner topper included

Item photos

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DEF232CB-A305-4429-8D10-5BEDF04BACD2 (resized).jpeg

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Note! This is an archived ad. No longer for sale!

Seller insights

These are Wally16's market stats.

Seller Level

Wally16 has the Pinside Diamond seller level!

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Feedback score


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Listing result

The seller ended this ad and indicated the game eventually sold for $ 14,500

Seller contributed to Pinside for this listing!

Item location

Plantsville, CT, US

Location not recognised by our GeoCoder. Please double check the city name and state. If the problem persists, please contact us.


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