Archived ad

Pinside keeps a record of old ads in its Market Archive, for historical purposes and as a price reference. This ad has been ended by its seller and is now archived.

Game - for sale

For sale: Rick and Morty (Standard)

Added: 2022-08-15 13:58:05 UTC • Re-listed: 1 time (September 27th, 2022) • Ended: October 17th, 2022
Condition: HUO - Documented (Home Used Only)

Linked to game


$ 9,750 (Firm)

Price is firm

Got this machine NIB at the end of the run in May 2021. I made some tweaks to rail positioning to get it playing well and haven't had any issues since. The decals are slightly flaring at the bottom of the cabinet, but it came that way from the factory and it isn't very noticeable.

Interior art
Lit speakers
Plastic Protectors
Cooling fans (not installed)
Metal bracket for ship (not installed)
Improved ball launch rail (not installed)

Item photos

IMG_5492 (resized).JPG
IMG_5493 (resized).JPG
IMG_5494 (resized).JPG
IMG_5495 (resized).JPG
IMG_5496 (resized).JPG
IMG_5497 (resized).JPG
IMG_5498 (resized).JPG
IMG_5499 (resized).JPG

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Note! This is an archived ad. No longer for sale!

Seller insights

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Listing result

The seller ended this ad and indicated the game eventually sold for $ 9,750

Seller contributed to Pinside for this listing!

Item location

Kansas City, MO, US


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