Archived ad

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Parts - for sale

Abra CaDabra playfield for wall hanger or...

Added: 2022-08-15 11:46:12 UTC • Re-listed: 1 time (September 26th, 2022) • Ended: October 1st, 2022
Condition: Used, fair condition

Linked to game


$ 100 (OBO)

Open for offers

Doing a game restiore to a Wade pf, here is the old pf good for an art display or at a stretch for restoration. Also have a backglass as well with paint loss if you want a matched set.

Item photos

20220604_162748_resized (resized).jpg
20220814_194835_resized (resized).jpg

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Note! This is an archived ad. No longer for sale!

Seller insights

These are pinhead52's market stats.

Seller Level

pinhead52 has the Pinside Silver seller level!

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Listing result

The seller ended this ad and submitted the final sales price into our price database but opted not to disclose the price publicly.

Seller contributed to Pinside for this listing!

Item location

Colleyville, TX, US


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