Archived ad

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Game - for sale

WTB: Terminator 2

Added: 2021-12-26 23:00:00 UTC • Re-listed: 1 time (February 7th, 2022) • Ended: May 18th, 2022
Condition: Fully restored (full original status)

Linked to game


$ 5,500 (OBO)

Open for offers


I am in Canada and been looking for a T2 for a while now, unfortunately, a lot of the games up here are in subpar shape. I am now shopping for a game in the US, however, if you are in Canada and have a mint condition T2 for sale I would be happy to entertain that as well.

I am also open to original games in excellent condition.
Projects can also be entertained, however, condition will dictate its value.
Top dollar for mint units.

I can assist with importation, I have done it before, it is easy and I know the process.

I am in Ottawa, which is somewhat central for most of of the US, however, if you are on the west side of the US, I have friend in Edmonton that will assist me with importation to both reduce the shipping time and reduce costs.

More details can be offered when contacting me.

Thank you!

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Listing result

The seller marked this ad as "not sold". The item did not sell through Pinside so there's no listing result.

Item location

Ottawa, ON, CA


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