Archived ad

Pinside keeps a record of old ads in its Market Archive, for historical purposes and as a price reference. This ad has been ended by its seller and is now archived.

Game - for sale

For sale: Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle

Added: 2021-12-01 14:55:55 UTC • Ended: January 1st, 2022
Condition: HUO - Undocumented (Home Used Only)

Linked to game


$ 8,500

Beautiful Alice Cooper for sale
Number 450 out of 500

Factory upgrades include
Inner art blades
Plastic protectors
Shaker kit
Interactive RGB Speaker Lights
Scary Blue Powder Coat

Medisinyl Crypt and Secret Passage Mods

67 plays on current code, under 200 total

Might be interested in trades
AIQ Prem, JP Prem maybe others

Item photos

13F3530C-9B1A-4E53-AD81-F6FB19902C21 (resized).jpeg
1CF6F459-F019-47CB-BFBD-8192CF7F864A (resized).jpeg
2560D76B-1D86-4808-998C-C67C76632B88 (resized).jpeg
2DE81D35-B2B5-404B-9F48-5B9A7B041B61 (resized).jpeg
4EFA2C9E-4B96-4FB1-8C7F-FE66989F720C (resized).jpeg
9E9CC3FE-8A68-4F3E-AB49-5E5010DFDD50 (resized).jpeg
A20CBC29-E511-4857-92DC-6639295465DD (resized).jpeg
A712FC0E-BCBA-4D22-B1ED-D283CF8D2F6E (resized).jpeg
BCA07A5C-D9D3-49A2-B3A1-9A38D36B7D79 (resized).jpeg
C98EB89B-649C-4D7E-B543-D0A5CC1CE79D (resized).jpeg
CBA4CFFD-9DC5-4221-B8A4-38D29ED16B38 (resized).jpeg
D7DCFCBA-6083-4667-9ADC-16FEC409FD6A (resized).jpeg
D8EDB987-5C21-4B24-94F4-817D9E90C45B (resized).jpeg

Photos not showing? Make sure your ad blocker plugin is not hiding them.


Note! This is an archived ad. No longer for sale!

Seller insights

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Listing result

The seller marked this ad as "not sold". The item did not sell through Pinside so there's no listing result.

Item location

Williamsport, PA, US


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