Archived ad

Pinside keeps a record of old ads in its Market Archive, for historical purposes and as a price reference. This ad has been ended by its seller and is now archived.

Game - for sale

For sale: Spirit

Featured Ad

Added: 2021-10-29 22:00:00 UTC • Re-listed: 2 times (January 29th, 2022) • Ended: February 27th, 2022
Condition: Used - shows wear but 100% working and clean

Linked to game


$ 7,800 (OBO)

Open for offers

Game has been fully serviced and is in excellent working order. The circuits are really clean (The original MPU has been upgraded to include a lithium battery on board) and so is the rest of the game. I would rate P.F 9 : it was had some touch-ups in 2 main areas which look well and do not detract; but they are there and I am being honest about them. BG is a 9.5. Looks great and I can't point out any flaking in it. The Cab is a 8.5 great overall and no particular damage but it has a nice patina to it; the front face has been touched up but looks good and does not detract. It obviously has age related marks since it is not a new game but it is a beautiful piece overall. Fully LED'd.

I can send more detailed photos and a video as required.

I have revised the add to include shipping to Cartaret, NJ. Shipping to other shipping hubs can be organised in the price (or at the cost difference subject to verification from my end). Shipping within the EU free of Charge.

Any serious queries welcome.

Item photos

20211030_150409 (resized).jpg
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20211030_162136 (resized).jpg
20211030_150209 (resized).jpg
20211030_145139 (resized).jpg

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Note! This is an archived ad. No longer for sale!

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Listing result

The seller ended this ad and indicated the game eventually sold for $ 7,800

Seller contributed to Pinside for this listing!

Item location

Saint Paul's Bay, MT


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