Archived ad

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Parts - for sale

Mousing’ Around complete Cabinet & apron decal set

Added: 2021-09-29 16:28:33 UTC • Ended: November 9th, 2022
Condition: New (selling multiple, business)

Linked to game


$ 220 (Firm)

Price is firm

I bought these a few years ago and decided to not restore my cabinet. They have been in a shopping tube this whole time. I pointed out one small slice on the left side cabinet decal that would probably go under the head hinge. The other cabinet decal is a little wrinkly in that same area. These are being sold as is. I don’t make these decals. This is my only set. Shipping will be $20 in the USA. I won’t ship out of mainland USA.

Item photos

0189ECEC-E2BB-457E-94BF-479A14BC5F89 (resized).jpeg
59994C3E-4D87-4B72-93BA-A8A6310D30B3 (resized).jpeg
5AA86CBD-3D14-496F-A013-9AE1951AC768 (resized).jpeg
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9AE05052-C564-400A-8FB0-D6623AD8B580 (resized).jpeg
A957AC57-FC2B-4D62-B0C3-430B88C4E2CB (resized).jpeg
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D1C82287-C918-44A6-B70F-0D24738A56F0 (resized).jpeg
D59EE7F1-862E-4182-988F-353D0E61226D (resized).jpeg
E7665577-3DA3-4A90-89A7-180CADF3D111 (resized).jpeg
F3CAE965-9C5C-40A4-ABB3-75535FF67CED (resized).jpeg

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Note! This is an archived ad. No longer for sale!

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Listing result

The seller marked this ad as "not sold". The item did not sell through Pinside so there's no listing result.

Item location

De Pere, WI, US


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