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Game - for trade

For sale: Voltan Escapes Cosmic Doom Complete Restore $9999

Added: 2021-08-31 13:53:02 UTC • Ended: September 6th, 2021
Condition: Fully restored (full original status)

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Listed at $ 9,999

Open for offers

Yep, I know you are here for the sticker shock and that is okay. What we have for sale here is an incredibly rare game that has been fully restored with some limited customization. I'm asking $9999 OBO, and yes I'm aware it is expensive but I think for what all I have put into this game both financially and with my sweat equity it is priced just about right.

The Good: This game is absolutely beautiful! almost everything on it is brand new. It is playing great! It is another one of my HUO/GUO games just like the Star Gazer that I sold a few months back. If you haven't seen it yet I did a documenting thread on my restoration for this game on Pinside.
I have also done a few streams of the machine. The last couple minutes of the first stream I detach a camera from my rig and show off some of the cabinet and backglass as well. I'm happy to take more pictures or videos of any aspect of the machine if you'd like.

The Excellent: If you are a Classic Bally collector this tends to be the one missing from everyone's collection, now you can fix that! With only 365 total games produced, I believe this is the only the third known example of a full restoration on the title. This one has the displays upgraded to white led 7-digit displays and it has a custom mirrored backglass that I was able to help design with Coos, and it is honestly one of my favorite backglasses ever now, a ton of mirroring on it.

The Bad: Just like a few months ago, I'm still not a professional at this. I simply restore games to the best of my ability at that time, but I will say that my abilities seem to be getting better with each title I work my way through. Additionally, I first chose to restore this title because I thought it was an excellent work of art and I loved that about it, but I believed the general hype that it isn't a good playing game. After having played roughly 150 games on it my opinion has drastically changed and I find myself loving the game play of this title. Because of that I'm not insanely motivated to sell it outside of the fact that once again it is in my kitchen because I'm out of space and my girlfriend is getting on my case about it. The game makes you shoot all over the playfield, and it has a great balance of risk and reward. If I hadn't made it so pretty I would love to put it at my location, but I worry about it taking damage from a public location at this point.

What's new: Almost everything!
-Playfield and Plastics - CPR
-Custom Mirrored Backglass - Coos
-Spinners - Marco Specialties
-Custom Spinner Decals - designed by me, they are holographic and feature Voltan and his lady, and I have 3 sets of spares for each spinner.
-All new star posts clear
-Titan rubbers clear
-Apron Powerder Coated - Black with slight gold flake
-Coin door skin - Marco Specialties
-Legs - Pinball Life
-Flipper Mechs - Pinball Life
-Rear metal playfield glass channel - pinsider @gadget
-Backglass metal lock bar - Marco Specialties
-Shooter rod - Pinball Life
-All new Boards - nvram.weebly from Andrew
-Speaker - Amazon
-Cabiner repainted using Molotow Paints with Pinball Pimp Stencils and clearcoated
-Pinitech Uno 7-digit white LED displays (I have pink and purple color filters)
-Light board completely sanded and repainted, all new sockets and wiring
-Pop bumpers rebuilt with parts from multiple companies, caps from Pinball Resource
-Coin Door Decal
-Flipper buttons clear red from @Zitt
-Flipper bats - Pinball Life
-Screws and thread posts
-Chrome 6-32 post nuts
-Playfield rails sanded, painted, clearcoated
-Cabinet side rails - Pinball Life
-Lockdown bar and receiver - Pinball Life
-Lock down bar label - Titan Pinball
-Apron Decals - Marco Specialties
-Cabinet metal leg protectors - Pinball Life
-Stand-up targets - Pinball Life
-Cabinet Flipper Switches - Pinball Life
-Playfield Glass - Pinball Life
-Spinner Switches
-Comet LEDs throughout

After a setback the lady and I are still trying to have a kid, and I'm still going to be selling things off here and there. I'm open to offers but really should be looking for cash on this one. Let me know what you have questions about, or your interest in the game. The worst I can do is say no thank you. I'm find with shipping and I can get the game up to Expo in Chicago if you are going to be up there in October. Also check out the thread linked above if you want to see the transformation on this one and get all the juicy details on how it came into existence. Have a good one everyone!

Item photos

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Listing result

The seller ended this ad and indicated the game eventually sold for $ 10,000

Seller contributed to Pinside for this listing!

Item location

Lafayette, IN, US


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