Archived ad

Pinside keeps a record of old ads in its Market Archive, for historical purposes and as a price reference. This ad has been ended by its seller and is now archived.

Game - for trade

For Trade: Guns N' Roses (SE)

Added: 2021-08-01 22:00:00 UTC • Re-listed: 2 times (August 17th, 2021) • Ended: August 20th, 2021
Condition: As new - New out of box (first owner)

Linked to game


Listed at $ 1,234

Bought new in box, has 230 or so plays

Side Blades
Shooter rod
Both ramp sign mods
Gnr guitar mod by shooter lane
Action button mod

Looking for a nice spiderman, Walking Dead Prem or a newer Stern pro plus cash my way.

Item photos

0349A6E8-FF40-4368-8B4C-33427D767DC6 (resized).jpeg
1BC0C22C-07FB-4095-B1CD-D026C4DAF0A0 (resized).jpeg
459C97BC-1655-47F5-86E3-98DCFB745125 (resized).jpeg
48178EEC-F48E-4ACD-9520-6D5A254D7CCC (resized).jpeg
75BAD732-8880-42C8-8FA3-825EC4A98F24 (resized).jpeg
78CD498D-A061-4571-BECD-887FCC50725A (resized).jpeg
A0DB8068-CF94-4639-972C-718F64BA0FD5 (resized).jpeg
B034161D-D4EF-411B-9274-DCBA69F0DEFF (resized).jpeg
B66EC062-A87D-46C6-A0E5-961E93432164 (resized).jpeg
BAD1D70A-2E72-4CE0-92DD-9F031F22BBA7 (resized).jpeg
E776491D-E58D-4668-88CA-BF4C2C431D13 (resized).jpeg

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Note! This is an archived ad. No longer for sale!

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Listing result

The seller marked this ad as "not sold". The item did not sell through Pinside so there's no listing result.

Item location

Williamsport, PA, US


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