Archived ad

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Game - for sale

For sale: X-Men (Pro) w/ color LCD, etc. Delivery available!

Added: 2021-04-20 01:49:43 UTC • Ended: April 26th, 2021
Condition: Fully shopped/refurbished

Linked to game


$ 4,995 (Firm)

Price is firm

Previously routed machine restored and upgraded ready for your game room. Color LCD display installed today. New left ramp, new shaker motor, 2 new magnets, Cliffy installed on left scoop, all new rubbers, premium LED’s everywhere, trough shooter lane protector installed, playfield and plastics cleaned and waxed, cabinet vacuumed and wiped clean, 4 brand new balls. Everything working 100%! Delivery and set up available for nominal fee.

Game bought new and routed by one operator until I purchased machine 2 months ago and began servicing it. Magnets were mushroomed, so replaced, but no playfield damage. Mylar placed around magnets to prevent future wear. Left eject ball trail wore playfield down to bare wood; touched up with acrylic paint and mylar put down to prevent future wear. A few cracked/broken plastics have been super glued (see pics).

Cash deal preferred, but would entertain trades in priority order: Walking Dead premium, Oktoberfest, Iron Maiden premium, Champion Pub, Houdini, AFMr special, WW.

Item photos

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Note! This is an archived ad. No longer for sale!

Seller insights

These are jmurphy7's market stats.

Seller Level

jmurphy7 has the Pinside Bronze seller level!

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Feedback score


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Listing result

The seller ended this ad and indicated the game eventually sold for $ 4,600

Seller contributed to Pinside for this listing!

Item location

Warsaw, IN, US


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