Archived ad

Pinside keeps a record of old ads in its Market Archive, for historical purposes and as a price reference. This ad has been ended by its seller and is now archived.

Game - for sale

For sale: Jurassic Park (Pro)

Added: 2020-11-17 22:48:56 UTC • Ended: November 22nd, 2020
Condition: Routed - fresh off route

Linked to game


$ 4,800 (Firm)

Price is firm

Fully working. It’s been on location at a local brewery. Only maintenance issues was replacement of faulty coil stops.

Item photos

12E19500-4285-4BC5-B9F3-DF8D6A7647B1 (resized).jpeg
4661EE21-FE31-47F4-A1D9-22BF4CCE40FF (resized).png
46817BBA-5706-4C17-8C62-201496CA74AF (resized).jpeg
8791E032-DBB6-4E08-8ECA-B5E903AD65E4 (resized).jpeg
6409796A-B7AB-42EC-AE90-FD5306FB4356 (resized).png
7A3A6C59-3B05-42B9-A55E-DB8ACCCA1356 (resized).png
7C42DC43-4801-4A86-BE48-B2A12C052B55 (resized).png
0DCC47D5-540F-4F6F-A986-77CBB4FE2CE1 (resized).jpeg
AA86D6A6-6400-4F0C-8DF5-1CA793DC45F8 (resized).png

Photos not showing? Make sure your ad blocker plugin is not hiding them.


Note! This is an archived ad. No longer for sale!

Seller insights

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Listing result

The seller ended this ad and indicated the game eventually sold for $ 4,800

Seller contributed to Pinside for this listing!

Item location

Danville, VA, US


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