Game - for sale
For sale: Flash
Added: 2024-08-09 23:59:09 UTC
• Expires: September 21st, 2024 01:59
Condition: Fully shopped/refurbished
Added: 2024-08-09 23:59:09 UTC
• Expires: September 21st, 2024 01:59
Condition: Fully shopped/refurbished
Fully shopped/refurbished - Plug and play, needs nothing. Freshly shopped with LEDs and titan rubbers, color changing LEDs added to pop bumpers. Switches adjusted and flippers rebuilt - fresh back glass.
With 19,505 Units built it's the most successful machine under the Williams-Sign and the 3rd most successful Flipper-Game of all time. But if you keep in mind that there were some licensed versions for the south-american and italian market, see below, PLUS that Steve Ritchie himself confirmed that Williams stopped production at 19.505 units because "they wanted to leave the market wanting" it's only fair to admit that FLASH stands equal on top together with THE ADDAMS FAMILY (20.230) and EIGHT BALL (20.130)
Anybody who sniffes about the sound, please compare it to the crude "Bally-Tunes" from early 1979 ... anybody who sniffes about the artwork, do not forget this was the first machine in "Black" since decades. This alone made it stand out.
There were at least 4 similar but separate versions around the globe produced by other manufacturers - Zeus, Super-Zeus, Storm and Shock with identical artwork and the same playfield-design, sometimes missing some features.
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Willing to ship mainland
Willing to ship overseas
Willing to deliver
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