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Game - for sale

For sale: Slick Chick

Added: 2022-08-22 16:12:42 UTC • Re-listed: 1 time (October 3rd, 2022) • Ended: October 19th, 2022
Condition: Functional - needs minor work

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$ 1,000 (OBO)

Open for offers

Gottlieb 1963 Slick Chick Pinball Machine

Machine has been cleaned, switches checked and adjusted as needed, all new rubbers installed. Cabinet and head were cleaned, sanded, and repainted. Playfield is very good, backglass is poor, a previous owner did some touch-ups that were not the best. Playfield solenoids re-sleeved. Missing one plastic piece from playfield, does not affect play. Functionality is at about 95%. Can be played as is, but all 9 bumpers should light up at game start; instead, they come up in same state as when previous game ended. When you successfully get all the bumpers off, they reset and all turn on. In garage for easy loading. Will ship if buyer arranges and pre-pays. $1000 OBO.

Item photos

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Listing result

The seller ended this ad and indicated the game eventually sold for $ 700

Seller contributed to Pinside for this listing!

Item location

Grand Blanc Township, MI, US


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