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Game - for sale

For sale: Hollywood Heat

Added: 2022-07-13 01:23:34 UTC • Re-listed: 2 times (October 5th, 2022) • Ended: October 22nd, 2022
Condition: Partially shopped/refurbished

Linked to game


$ 1,600 (Firm)

Price is firm

*Final Markdown. I know my HollyWood is nice. No going down from here. Either the right person takes it or it stays with me for a while.*

Hello everyone. I listed this before but have done some work to make it a bit more desirable.

*Updated Info*
Fixed the issue with the sound board(It was a ground problem...surprise.)
Added lighted blue buttons to the cab.
Spotlights in the upper left playfield(It was so dark and awful before.)
Added some cute palm trees to go with the theme.
Hot Pink Lamborghini that is lit by the gi.
Brand new ramp made by Rampomatic.
Brand new backsplash sticker at the back of the cabinet.
Brand new hot shot sticker on the metal ramp.
Hot new insert cards.

The Good
*Boards tested and working
*Head grounds done
*Lower cab mods done
*All posts changed to teal ones
*Led above and below(Except for flashers)
*New Drop targets+decals
*New shiny trim t-molding

The Great
*The translite(Custom made by me..I dare you to tell me it isn't sexy!)
*Additional led strips to allow fading effect in back box
*Rails, coin door bracket, lock down bar and legs all sanded and painted teal then polyurethaned
*Lockdown mech taken out, sanded and painted a matte white
*Brand New driver and aux power supply board

The not so great
*Inside of the cabinet is a little ugly
*A few of the plastics are a little rough especially the upper right one.

Yeah I think that's everything. I might have forgotten something. Anyway I really would sell than trade since room is tight. If you have something of interest please contact me though. There are no bad offers. ^_^

Item photos

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Note! This is an archived ad. No longer for sale!

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Listing result

The seller ended this ad and indicated the game eventually sold for $ 1,600

Seller contributed to Pinside for this listing!

Item location

Belfast, NY, US


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