Twilight Zone


Twilight Zone

Pinside Rating

This game received 1624 approved Pinsider ratings and currently rates 8.711 /10


Top 100 ranking

This game ranks #9 in the Pinside Pinball Top 100.

Score breakdown

Score breakdown in the 4 main categories:

Game Design: 8.908

Artwork: 8.676

Sounds/Music: 8.154

Other Aspects: 8.773

Pinside staff rating

This is how we, the very knowledgeable (wink wink) staff & moderators rate this game. 10 of us have rated this game.


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Found 927 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 927 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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32 days ago
One of the all time classics.
55 days ago
Truly one of the coolest games from the 90s. It's challenging to get far in the game and the different modes are great. The power upper playfield is incredibly unique and the themeing is good. The best wide body out there.
87 days ago
This game is an excellent example of games from the 90’s. Not over the top with gimmicks, but still has lots to look at. Sounds are fantastic and music adds to the experience.
88 days ago
Played on location. Not enough to understand rules but I can already see why this game is so popular. Definitely had the one more game pull.
3 months ago
Twilight Zone, in my humble opinion, is Pat Lawlor's masterpiece.
3 months ago
Most decent pins have a few aspects that are appealing, whether theme, layout, art, a toy, sound, whatever. Very few games pull it all together seamlessly and give you the complete package, with excellence in every department. Twilight Zone is one of those games. Deep rules, cool theme, hard shots, easy shots, hard multiball, easy multi ball, and a great balance of risk vs. reward.

Find one that’s working well (hint: the rocket should launch into hitchhiker 100% of the time, and the slot machine should kick out onto your right flipper), and that you can hear and see, and spend a few minutes getting to know it. Pay attention to what’s lit and what isn’t, and familiarize yourself with the basic rules. Or… don’t! Just shoot the ramps, then slot machine and/or piano. It sucked me in right away. And I’m definitely not a fan of the TV show.
3 months ago
Great game!
3 months ago
Too complicated for its own good, but the powerball is so rad
3 months ago
Finally got this game and even more fun at home than at the arcade
4 months ago
I owned one for several years. It's a good game. My main issue is the special ceramic ball. It is lighter weight and flies off the board behind things frequently getting stuck.
4 months ago
For an older game this one plays very well. I have only played around 20 games on it so I haven’t fully figured it out but I just love the unpredictability of where the ball is going to come back out and I feel like there are probably a few more places the ball could potentially disappear that I haven’t uncovered yet. The ceramic ball is pretty cool when it comes out. It is another one of those elements that just throws you off balance and adds to the twilight zone feeling. I understand why you shoot the ball immediately into a scoop in order for it to be ejected onto the playfield because it’s kind of like your ball is entering another dimension, but it’s one of those sacrifices to theme that I feel detracts from the actual gameplay. I don’t think there are too many others, or at least not others that bothered me enough yet. Maybe after few more games!
4 months ago
In my mind, this game is as close to perfect that I’ve ever played. Challenging shots, tons to do, and a lot of very rewarding shots.
5 months ago
This has got to be an all time classic. The playfield has so much going on from the upper playfield magnets to the gumball machine with the ceramic ball. All this gem needs to be awesome is colordmd and pinsound to make it more modern. give this game a spin and Ill guarantee you will be satisfied!
5 months ago
Cool game for fans for sure
6 months ago
Absolutely amazing game. For 1993 it plays just as fun as any of the recent game. Way ahead of it's time
6 months ago
I need this in my collection,well based on the tv show, GREAT Pin!??
6 months ago
Questo titolo mi ha sempre affascinato e più di una volta ho pensato di acquistarlo ma ogni volta che ho avuto modo di provarlo non è mai scattata la scintilla.flipper oltremodo cervellotico, troppo lento e macchinoso con un flow quasi assente.d accordissimo con chi lo ama poiché per il suo tempo ha rappresentato una grande innovazione ed ha comunque un grande fascino.le regole e i giocattoli sono pazzeschi.
Adatto a collezioni con 10+ flipper.
7 months ago
Visibility of the ball is poor and the game play seems very limited in depth.
7 months ago
This has always been one of my favorite favorite machines. Great deep gameplay, and replayability. Great theme, fast enough and plenty of depth. Unique aspects like magna flipper and power ball. Beautiful art and theme. You can play this game differently every time. I like to unlock a door panel and try to do what is asked if me (battle the power, shoot the camera, hit the greed targets ..etc), but you can not focus on those tasks and try to light all the panels to get Lost in the Zone. Because of the deep ruleset, it never gets old playing this game (I own one). Also, the Fast lock always makes me smile as I am a fan of Pat Lawler's previous games and hearing the music and sounds from them is great. My favorite is Earthshaker's music and hearing,"It's Sunny Drive Time."
7 months ago
This game feels timeless. If/When I could have 4 games in my collection, this will be added. Game is deep and I have barely scratched the surface. More toys, magnets, ceramic ball than you can even try to remember. Simply well designed.
8 months ago
Some likes it others don’t. Much slower than a ToM the TZ is however very addictive While moving forward with the missions. 15 plus a final one!! One of the most complete and performant Williams. The game play Could be compared to the Addams Family even if I prefer the TZ ( but the AF for its theme ! ).
8 months ago
This is easily one of my favorite pinball machines of all time. It is a wide bodied beauty, and plays incredibly well. The theming is top notch, and while I think some of the artwork is not what I would prefer. (Looking at you overly cartoony Rod Sterling), I still adore it and have grown accustomed to it. For a game released when it was the ruleset is fairly deep, and if this game ever enters my collection I could see it becoming a permanent fixture in it. Newbies beware though, it can be brutal if you don’t know what to expect.
8 months ago
Like the game for sure. Just don’t love. I’d much rather play Adams( I know I’m nuts) and STTNG for sure. Road show is right there as well.

Not sure what it is, the flow isn’t great and the sound and call outs are subpar.

That being said the toys are great and I will always play at least once when I see it. Almost sold my Alien LV to get cash to purchase but glad I backed out.

Maybe will own one day but for now just not enough interest
8 months ago
8 months ago
A good game that shoots well and had a ton of mechs. It's easy to see why it's a top ranked game BUT the theme does nothing for me and the prices for these games is too high. I will always play on location though - it definitely pulls you in!
There are 927 ratings on this game. Currently showing results page 1 of 38.

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