Super Spin


Super Spin

Pinside Rating

This game received 17 approved Pinsider ratings and currently rates 8.056 /10


Top 100 ranking

This game ranks #62 in the Pinside EM Top 100.

Score breakdown

Score breakdown in the 4 main categories:

Game Design: 8.064

Artwork: 8.445

Sounds/Music: 3.106

Other Aspects: 7.957

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Found 9 ratings (with comment) on this game

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8 months ago
Super Spin, what can you say that hasn't already been said, it amazes me how in 2024 we are still rating a EM pinball that was built in 1977, seriously, it goes to show how reliable well built these machines were when produced, the game play is outstanding for its time and still is today, vari-target, stand up target, roto-spin, bonus count down, a setting that allows you to make it a AAB to extend games. I love the 4 player Jet Spin as well. Super Spin is so hard to find you will have better luck finding a comparable Jet Spin to play or purchase. Many people would be happy to have Super Spin in their collection. "Update I am a new Lucky owner of a Super Spin"
2 years ago
How hard is Super Spin to find for sale? Incredibly so!!!
That is if you are actively looking for one.
With only a little over 1300 made, you’re better off looking for the four player version, Jet Spin, which is also relatively hard to find.
This all seems unlikely to happen, unless you aren’t looking for one and a Jet Sipn or Super Spin falls in your lap.
We bought a Super Spin recently in what’s best described as a buy one get one free deal which included the Bally classic Mata Hari.
It is bordering on like new condition and literally just needs a tune up. Just like one of our cats when she falls asleep on you and starts purr-snoring.
There is something very special about Gottlieb EM machines that the others of that era just didn’t have.
The odd sweet perfume like smell mixed with the wood, the eerie yet warm lighting from the playfield in a dark room, the sharp clear chimes that ring so much better than they should or ever needed to, and the sound of the ball on the playfield has a distinct deep rumble you won’t hear anywhere else.
It’s all sort of a sad and lonely feeling but also inviting at the same time.
Each machine has its own distinct feel, but Gottlieb EM’s all feel that way to me to some extent.
It’s like when you are missing someone or a time or a place that is long gone while reminiscing over those good memories.
Perhaps that’s weird, I don’t know.
Let’s move on to gameplay.
Looking at the playfield you would think that there’s not a lot going on. The large empty space in the middle is deceiving.
No, trolls don’t pop up and say dumb things. That empty space is for shooting at those targets up top and on the sides. Skill can push back the vari-target or pop your ball back at you for a fast drain. The roto-target on any Gottlieb is a sight to behold!!! The ultimate EM toy! Maybe this machine could have used a bank of drop targets, but on this playfield less is really more.
Worse still, scoring can be incredible, or you could walk away with less than 10,000 points. It may be a “Gottlieb Skill Game” but there is no skill when it decides to drain balls!
I always had a huge love and respect for EM machines but never owned one because, like old wind up watches, I understood how they worked but figured I could never fix them. Believe me, they are easier to work on than SS machines and are a thing of beauty both inside and out. This also means it probably won’t be our last EM machine!
While others are chasing and fighting to be the first one to show up to buy their $10K+ grail machines, the wife and I may keep our eyes open for more of these less than $1,000 works of art.
Electro-Mechanical truly is Pinball’s best kept secret!
2 years ago
What a fun game!!! Super Spin is absolutely infested with fun goodies, I like the roto target :0). Great theme, classic gottlieb chimes, nice scoring strategy. What's not to like? If machine is well tuned, with new elastic bands, waxed playfield it will impress most pinballers. My only complaint is they could of incorporated a bell with the chimes if you hit one of the many toy features correctly. Also could of used a lightbulb or 2? Near the bottom of the playfield for cosmetics? This pinball is a blast.
3 years ago
Super spin is one of the last great electrical mechanical games produced by Gottlieb and the great Ed Krynski.

The Pros:
This layout is one of the best asymmetrical Gottlieb games from the mid to late 70s. Interestingly enough, this is one solid state games really starting to take over the arcade landscape. And wow the newer technology may have brought on great innovations to gameplay, this design is an effective use of older electro mechanical technology combined with a challenging layout. The rotor target is placed very well at the top left-hand corner of the game. And while it may look like a big single target, do you really want that Roto to be a 300 points or more when you hit it. The lane on the left and the saucer on the right are not always easy shots. The saucer on the right in particular requires a bit of nerve to thread through the back bumper and the rubber on the right to score of the shot from the last flipper. The left lane is dangerous because the food coming out of it can go straight down The middle between that wide flipper gap. Keeping an eye on the left and right stand ups in the middle of the playfield it’s a good idea as the score the left and right roto target values at the top of the PF layout design. The very target in the lower right hand part of the playfield is the ability of electro mechanical risk versus reward. Even if you’re not that target all the way to the back of the latter, will the spring shoot the ball straight down between the slippers? Is it worth it? Decisions, decisions, decisions. The very target in the lower right hand part of the playfield is the ability of electro mechanical risk versus reward. Even if you’re not that target all the way to the back of the latter, will the spring shoot the ball straight down between the flippers? Is it worth it? Decisions, decisions, decisions... The artwork on the playfield, the backglass in the cabinet is super rad!

The Cons:
No drop targets. Extremely hungry outlanes and a wide flipper gap in the middle keeps ball times short. Many drains are caused by errant and chaotic reflections from the pop bumpers straight down the middle. I do wish that there was another way to get back to the top lanes for another skill shot during same ball gameplay.

The Takeaway:
This game design might have been a top seller for Gottlieb even just a few years before. But with the advent of digital games and less chaotic layouts that were dependent on skill for shooting and incorporated higher speeds on the playfield, you can see the writing on the wall. Kinda makes you wish that the management at Gottlieb at the time could have seen it as well. The good news is that if you don’t compare this game to designs coming out by Williams and Bally at the same time, it’s a great player. Even with no spinners or drop targets, this game has fantastic shots that always keep the player on their toes when the ball is in play. I’d love to find a copy for myself and put it in my collection.
7 years ago
What a great game this is. Love the spin-roto and vari-target, and the bumpers are well-positioned. The artwork pops and pulls you in, and the gameplay keeps you coming back for more. Certainly one of Gottlieb's best.
10 years ago
My first machine. EM multiplayers are criticised for shallow rule sets. Ok but the unique range of features on Super Spin more than counteracts that assertion. Roto target, vari-target, fixed targets all in one machine. It looks good with a complementary playfield and backglass combination and plays great. This is a very underestimated machine which will not be leaving my collection anytime soon.
10 years ago
This is an amazing EM with nice targets spread all over the playfield. I love the extra ball locations switching sides and coming on and off with the bonus scores. This makes you change strategy while the extra ball light is on and change it up when it disappears.
11 years ago
Considering it doesn't have Gottlieb's staple drop targets, this game rocks! Lots of unique shots that keep you coming back. Two ways to score special /extra balls. Lots going on, , great theme, the height of EM technolgy. Gottlieb got it right with this one.
12 years ago
6 years in (or so) and I still own it and it’s still a game we save for when we’re feeling it and want to play some serious pinball. I always liked the game but it’s grown on me and will never be sold. Amazing integration of a huge variety of toys and a rule set that takes advantage of every last one. Game play is precise control driven and rewards good shots and good control, as a great game should. Not a single wasted shot on the board.
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