Rush (LE)


Rush (LE)

Pinside Rating

This game received 232 approved Pinsider ratings and currently rates 8.650 /10


Top 100 ranking

This game ranks 1st in the game group "Rush". The group itself ranks #18 in the Pinside Pinball Top 100.

Score breakdown

Score breakdown in the 4 main categories:

Game Design: 8.647

Artwork: 8.325

Sounds/Music: 8.564

Other Aspects: 8.686

Pinside staff rating

This is how we, the very knowledgeable (wink wink) staff & moderators rate this game. 4 of us have rated this game.


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This title is part of group: "Rush"

Found 98 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 98 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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47 days ago
Motorized ramp that leads to a "time machine/portal" which gets magnetized and suspends the ball in mid-air = pretty sweet!
The ability to choose your song before playing is a big win with me. I wanna jam from the start - and not have to jump though hoops to get the music playing - A++.

Oh, and the one I played had the topper with gears moving - nice touch as well :) .
4 months ago
Love the layout but Rush as a band does nothing for me. The layout of this game is very fun. I do enjoy shooting it just wish it was another theme. I guess the points deducted are the reason I score this game lower than it should.
5 months ago
This game is all about the music, game play is OK and the lighting is good. Rules not so much..
6 months ago
My favorite of all time
7 months ago
Rush is one of my favorite bands. I spent the first couple months severely disappointed with the game, partly due to the scoop issues and also due to my inability to figure out just how the rules fit together.

After replacing the scoop protectors (Ninjacamp) getting comfortable/familiar with the rules, I really started to appreciate just how much of the band is actually represented in this pin. Whether the awesome callouts, music, video, or even the theme appropriate rules… this pin is a Rush fan’s dream. Not only is it really fun to play… dude, its Rush.
9 months ago
This game is well designed, and very fun. The only thing I would change is a few of the song choices could have been better.
9 months ago
I bought a NIB Rush LE and it is a fantastic game. Incredible flowing shots. Rules are a bit harder to understand for tha casual player.
10 months ago
Big Rush fan, pin is fast and rule sheet must be studied to take the game to another level
10 months ago
I've owned the LE for over a year and a half now. My first NIB. I'm also a huge Rush fan so what can I say I LOVE IT!

The game is very punishing, hard to get ahold of most the time for me. The rules are very deep and I'm normally not a rules guy, they are usually in one ear and out the other. Its been fun to learn by doing, its going to take some time for me to fully get it and that's great! The game is very flowy once you find the shots, it almost seems better in multi-ball.

Being the fan I am, the call outs are great. The band has always had a great sense of humor. There are even callouts that mostly only fan will understand IE during "Flight by Night" a nice tribute to the professor!

Very well done Team!

For a new players that play my game, the enjoy it not having any knowledge of what to do, they get into multi-ball easily and love the light show.
11 months ago
Might be a biased ranking, as I absolutely love Rush and also love a Borg layout with an awesome upper flipper option.
The game is so fun to shoot. This is actually the second time I’ve owned Rush LE. After letting it go the first time, I realized the error of my ways and quickly brought it back into the collection. Most recent code is awesome. And, I’m sure this pin will continue to evolve as code continues to update.
I can certainly appreciate some not loving this pin. The music isn’t for everyone, but I dare you to listen to Headlong Flight and tell me that doesn’t absolutely rock.
The art on the playfield is good, not great. However, the LE cabinet and back glass are stunning, in my opinion.
At the moment, one of the more “reasonably” priced LEs and an absolute winner in my book!
1 year ago
I've had Rush for coming up on 3 months now and have started to settle into a rhythm with it. Adding to the growing list of music themed games I've had through the house where I knew very little about the band or their music prior to spending time on their pin but have gained a real appreciation for it. My past experience with Rush has solely been on Rock Band and Tom Sawyer where my claim to fame is 5 staring it on Expert... but enough about that... how is the pin?

It's good. I like it. I was out of a commission a bit with a failed Node 10 board, but with a new one in place I'm back to playing it about daily and I usually turn it off feeling fulfilled. Fulfilled for me on Rush is scoring about a billion and every 2 or 3 sessions making it to Cygnus Book 1. Book 2 continues to elude me, I've had it lit a couple of times and drained, but Im confident I'll get there. 2098 is also as close as I've gotten progressing towards 2112, so I don't think that is out of reach for me either.

The shots vary enough that I don't get board playing it. The Combo system I like a lot, I often find myself chasing as many albums as I can before cashing in and shooting for the super jackpot or chasing the flashing records and rising the % to at least 100% before I start a mode. These two things are distractions towards getting to Book II but I can't seem to stop doing it so the game is doing something right. There are a couple of frustrating things on the game I have yet to spend time trying to resolve and that is bounce backs on the deadend shot and rejects out of the side ramp, both are frustrating, but not frustrating enough for me to do something about... I should too however.

Overall, I really enjoy the game, the shots are fun, wouldn't really call any of the shots "hard", beyond locking a ball behind the drop targets, I suck at that shot, but besides that, all the shots are very makable, I enjoy the variety of the modes, the mini-wizard modes are attainable for my skill level and overall, I think it's a solid game, happy to have it around for a bit.
1 year ago
The theme and campiness are great and fit the band. Time Machine is cute concept for getting to all the music/modes. I find it's easy to eventually drain balls more than other newer pins, so it loses some fun. Love the videos from R30 in it. Really hard to play as I always want to air drum instead of hitting the flippers. It's a must have if you're a Rush fan, if not I'd likely only keep it for a year or so.
1 year ago
I overlooked this game for a while but it’s actually pretty damn good! Better than I thought.

The layout is typical Borg. I prefer the Dead End return ramp on the premium/LE over the pro’s implementation.

The artwork on the LE is top notch and I love the way that the side rails compliment the steam punk design.

RayDay and Timballs have this game humming along and the code seems to have balanced out. The rules are well thought out and diverse and the game shoots nicely. Some of the rules are a little obscure but watching RayDay’s YouTube tutorial cleared some things up. The Expression Lighting really brings the game alive!

Prices seem to be coming down a little and the game is not currently slated for production in the future. End of run? It’s the perfect time to give this game a chance to win your heart.
1 year ago
One of the best shooting music pins out there. Code is deep, shots are fun and flow well. I’ve had this game for well over a year and still play it regularly. Recently added the new topper and it’s even more fun. This one will remain in my collection for a long time. I wasn’t even a Rush music fan but this was a game changer for me. Their music is well integrated into the game play, now I don’t mind it at all.
1 year ago
Rush really took awhile to grow on me, I was ready to sell/trade this game from the minute it became mine. I watched the Rayday video, after maybe a couple months, and really focused on the combos and multipliers and it went from being a must sell game to a must own forever game. I have played the LE through a local friend and it's stunning, on top of all the great code and layout. Definitely Borg's best game, and in my top 3 overall. This game will be a pricey addition in a couple years when they are truly done selling new ones, and the pro is every bit as good as the premium/LE layout and shot wise IMO you can't go wrong with whatever you can afford on this title-
1 year ago
Dream theme, still can't believe they made this title. Another solid effort from John Borg. Love the music of course. Art is great, has some good Easter eggs if you're a fan of the band. Layout is solid, filled are fun. Criticism is with the light show, real repetitive for every mode.
1 year ago
Confession - Rush Fan! But have waited over a year to rate. One word and I know it's over used - Flow! Flow! Flow! O.K. - one word used three times. People have said it before and it is true - Borg has perfected a layout that he seems to have had rattling in head for several years. Shots are smooth and neither easy or impossible. Rules are both approachable and layered with depth. Love the backless and cabinet art (Premium might actually be a little better backglass) and the playfield grows on you - but at first I was kinda like -"uh-huh . . . I guess it's ok". Is this a top ten machine - probably not but it definitely deserves it's current spot in top 20 (15/16 place) of all time.
1 year ago
been playing my 3 buddies Rush LE's and decided to finally add one to the lineup. Picked up a gently used one with less than 250 plays and it plays fast. The back glass is incredible, the music is phenomenal and Rush is damn fun pin. I love the new code update and ability to play mini modes. I appreciate the cool side armor on the LE but come on Stern, ramp up the side artwork and if we are all buying a LE, at least make it shiny. Oh and put this one next to another JB themed pin, GOTG which is another favorite.
1 year ago
OK, so, let's get this out of the way then. Theme in pinball is huge for me. It can make or break my experience on a machine. I will definitely put more time into a not fantastic layout and rules, with a theme that resonates, than I will a fantastic layout and rules, with a theme that falls flat with me. Rush is not a great theme for me. I'm a massive metalhead with hard rock coming a close 2nd. So, they're definitely in my wheelhouse. But, I've never been able to fully connect with they're music, especially Geddy Lee's voice.
Then there's the John Borg thing. Wait,....don't pile on. I'm not bagging him out. I love the guy for everything he's done in pinball that I've enjoyed. Thank you John. Especially for my Metallica Premium. It's just that having lived with a Borg creation in my home for over 6 years, I'm now able to see the "sameness" (to a degree) in his work. I feel like between Metallica, EHOH, and Rush that the right side of all 3 machines shoot very similarly. Which does mean that they're all great fun to shoot as well. This is not a criticism of JB's ability to put fun shots and flow into a layout. We all know that ability probably just oozes out out his pores like chi straight into his pinball creations.
Rush does differentiate itself with its upper right flipper, and the shots to the left of table you hit with it. These are some satisfying shots. Rush has avoided the problems of a sloppy upper flipper, and of making "must hit" shots too hard, or having them obscured behind other parts of the playfield. But. I really did find this game to be right flipper centric. In 35-40 plays thus far, I've had this play out without exception. And then when the ball did head towards the left flipper, it drained down the side way to often. Is it just me, or do others feel like the left in lane is very narrow?
For all my highlighted "faults", Rush is still a game I will happily play on location whenever I see it. The Borg fun factor is turned up high. Once you're into a game the music and call outs are great. And the lighting pulls you into your own private rock show.
1 year ago
Another great game by John Borg. I love the flow of the game when you're hitting your shots. Easy keeper for me because I love Rush's music. Stern mods just announced this week and can't wait to add the topper. I haven't figured out all the rules yet and I could do without some of the goofy callouts but overall the game is top notch!!
1 year ago
First I don' want buy it, because I didn't like the Theme........
I played it several times by a Friend....
This is the best Pin ever... Really !!
Fantastic Gameplay
Fantastic Flow
Fantastic Rulesheet
I like the music ( it's a little bit like STIX )
Great shots with satisfaction guarantee
Try it !!
1 year ago
i didn't mention this pinball machine before i got one clearly under RRP. it seems that this machine is not a top seller? but! this is one of stern's most dynamic pins ever. the theming is not my cup of coffee; but the layout, the ruleset, the whole package is really really great. very good flow, no lack in shots, very well balanced concept. great game!... and i am not a stern boy :)

i still like this game very much. but rules are still incomprehensible for me:)
1 year ago
Huge sleeper hit. I'm not a Rush fan, but this is the game I keep coming back to. Has it all and is John Borg's best layout - that in itself speaks volumes.
1 year ago
The more I play it the more I love it. The combo rules take it over the top. There are different ways to get points. I love pushing the record (mode start) value. Usually I drain before I can exploit a big multiplier! I am now trying to get several combos before I start a song or multiball. The Weapon is genius as a reward for doing the 1-2-3.
Stern needed some play testing before release, that is clear. But now all fixed up by the modders and it is butter. Best game ever? Possibly! Not kidding!
1 year ago
This game really made me a fan of John Borg. I think it is the best shooting Stern game out there. I have always been a fan of the 1990’s Williams Bally games and the Lawlor and Ritchie classics, but this game will make me seriously consider buying the next Borg Stern creation. So glad my wife is a big Rush fan and demanded that I buy this machine! It got my whole family playing our whole collection of machines competitively again! Thank you John Borg - now we have another designer to be a fan of and waiting with excitement for your next machine.
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