Revenge From Mars


Revenge From Mars

Pinside Rating

This game received 558 approved Pinsider ratings and currently rates 7.992 /10


Top 100 ranking

This game ranks #83 in the Pinside Pinball Top 100.

Score breakdown

Score breakdown in the 4 main categories:

Game Design: 7.735

Artwork: 8.251

Sounds/Music: 8.118

Other Aspects: 7.816

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Found 332 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 332 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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4 months ago
good theme, fast game and simple rules to understand, very intuitive, the problem with pinball is the poverty of the games in the sense that it only has 2 Martians who move in some multiball, for those who want to spend little and have a fast, simple and fun pinball machine this is the right one, it bored me straight away but I know people who have had it in their collection for at least 10 years, so it's subjective.
6 months ago
This pinball machine is truly unique!
For that reason alone, I think he should have been higher in the ranking. The cabinet is smaller, darker but above all special! I think the theme is very well done and the projections make the cabinet really unique! Even though the cabinet is a bit darker at the back, these projections more than make up for it. Too bad there aren't many of these types of cabinets left.
If the now outdated technology had been further developed in recent years, successors could have done great things with holograms and other 3D effects, for example... but who knows, maybe that will happen :)
7 months ago
This game is very unique and a lot of fun. It has many different voices that say a lot of different funny things. The artwork is well done and really fits the game. I find it to be a challenging and very fun game. It definitely has that just one more game feeling to it.
7 months ago
I actually like this game more than the original, I know that's not a popular take. I think the hologram screen is integrated perfectly and aside from a few display animations that are showing their age, the game still works incredibly well today. The code could be a bit better, a lot of up the middle shots, but the Hologram makes it so it never really feels like you're hitting the same thing. Layout is great, Art is great, Music and Callouts are hilarious. I really wish Pinball 2000 kept going, I think there's a lot of possibilities for what you can do with a game using it.
8 months ago
Using the "Ghost Pepper Effect" as part of the playfield makes it more encaging I believe.
10 months ago
I only review pinball machines that I own.
This pinball machine is really something different.
I upgraded it with the latest software, LED lighting and a thick subwoofer.
The game has many missions and I always find it amazing that the software is still being developed. There are new animals at the Big O Beam.
I really enjoy the pinball machine.
Playing the ramps is a lot of fun.
The balls move very smoothly.
I think I'll buy the SW1 too...
11 months ago
Great game with unique animations and modes, great shots too! Pinball 2000 is very cool but its a shame they didin't make more games using this very unique ststem.
1 year ago
Revenge from Mars is one of the most strange games of all time. The game is evidence that the people within Midway's pinball division hadn't given up on pinball. Especially given the serviceability of this game which even modern games cannot compete with. And yet it still didn't save pinball.

The idea of creating essentially 3D pinball is great but it limits the pinball elements down to the animation. There is still the pinball feel to it but there is almost no focus on real toys like the Saucer on Attack from Mars or the Castle on Medieval Madness. Nevertheless with this game it does work and I appreciate Midway's being brave enough to try something new.

All shots on the game feel very smooth and are well balanced out. I love that jump shot from the center ramp.

The gamecode feels a bit unfinished but nowhere near as much as Cactus Canyon's. Attack Mars is a fairly good wizard mode although I have seen many better ones. And I don't think the multiball is as relevant here as on Attack from Mars though I like it very much.

The sound quality is a world class improvement on the WPC-95 games, even newer Stern games didn't sound this good coming out of the factory. And the callouts are nice on this as well like "16th President wins!".

Playing this game is pure fun, as all of the modes have many comedic elements and thought put into them.

Overall I am kind of happy that pinball didn't entirely develop into this direction. Nevertheless Revenge from Mars is a very good first effort for a new generation of pinball machines and it is a lot of fun as well as a worthy successor to Attack from Mars.
1 year ago
My favorite game, just so fun to play!
1 year ago
The theme reminds me of Mars Attacks and I love the campiness of the game. It's a collection of selectable mini games with a ton of irreverent humor. Is it on the same level as Godzilla? No, but I always have fun and get a laugh when playing this game. I love the reflective screen and the way that it interacts with gameplay.
1 year ago
Looking forward to playing this game for a long time, when finally played I was surprised how good it was. A worthy successor to AFM. Much more interesting and fun than Star Wars Episode 1.
1 year ago
This game is just fun. Great callouts and animations. A joy to play. On the easy side.
1 year ago
I've owned 24 different games at this point and in my mind, this game is the MOST FUN for the LEAST $$$$. I bought a pristine example for $4,500 at a time when many of the top LE games sell for 3 times that. This game is soooo funny, the call outs are epic...... my favorite was Bill Clinton's voice saying "Hillary, come here, ya gotta see this".

This was my wife's favorite game. She LOVED it and was mad me when I sold it. I regret selling it and have been looking for another in my area. This might be heresy but my family liked this better than the original Attack From Mars which is a perennial top 10 game.

The cons of the game are this: The lighting and unique projection screen makes the upper part of the playfield quite dark. The amount of shots are kind of limited and the game is REALLY REALLY heavy so if you have to move it, eat your Wheaties.

If you have one of these to sell in the Phoenix area, please message me cause I might want to buy it.
1 year ago
Awesome game that attracts all skill levels! Playing this game brings me back to the pre-9/11 era. I wish Pin2K series lived on, seemed it was too ahead of its time.
1 year ago
Fun game! Lots of cool humor. A bit dark like both Pinball2000.
1 year ago
After putting the update from applejuice into my revenge from Mars and putting shaker kit / LEDs . This pin is a blast now. I now rate it over Godzilla pin. I thought about selling it from my collection with 1.2 program and now it's staying.
1 year ago
Pinball 2000. I have both Playfields Revenge from Mars and Star Wars Episode 1 with new Computer and LCD.
2 years ago
This game pushed all modern games forward. A lot of fun. It has great variety of game play, awesome multiballs and fun witty dialog. Highly recommend.
2 years ago
Enjoyed having this game in my collection. As someone who grew up in the 70's and 80's, I enjoyed the fusion of pinball and arcade game elements. Easy to learn rule set. Fun call outs and audio.
2 years ago
Its definitely a different bird in the pinball world, friends who dont play alot of pinball are drawn to this game the most in my collection. Call outs on this game are easily in the top 10 ever. Updated code from is a must, adding drunken flippers which is hilarious.
2 years ago
Updated from 1.5 to 2.24 from myPinballs and what a great upgrade. Super fun to play, has that one more game appeal. You think it's easy, then a missed shot and you are eating humble pie. Love the playfield art, the projected display, the funny sound clips. 100% recommend this game.

Edited scores having owned and sold. Loved it, but loved my other games more.
2 years ago
the shots are a little too simple, but some of the higher levels are super fun (Like hypno mode)
2 years ago
I always liked this game and was really bummed when Williams shut down and abandoned the platform. (I blame that garbage movie Star Wars EP1 they tied the 2nd pin to) I finally got one of these and played the heck out of it and then discovered the applejuice code. It really takes the game to the next level and shows what could have been of the Pin 2k platform.
The shots on this are straightforward but still moderately difficult to master. The animations provide the feeling of more variation than is actually there. It's not the hardest or deepest game to play but it is a blast and really holds up.
I really think Williams was on the right track as this could have brought the "video game" kids over to pinball. It is still the first pin that kids play at my house.
2 years ago
The new code is absolutely brilliant. Changed the game from a weak 8 to a solid nine in my book. I sold mine to a good friend and I still get to play it and he has made it a phenomenal machine with all the upgrades.
2 years ago
Absolute Top.
I have tried one 2 months ago.
Can't sleep fine until I found one 2 weeks ago.
Got it like a brand new one.
Now I can't stop playing it.
There are 332 ratings on this game. Currently showing results page 1 of 14.

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