No Good Gofers


No Good Gofers

Pinside Rating

This game received 457 approved Pinsider ratings and currently rates 8.011 /10


Top 100 ranking

This game ranks #80 in the Pinside Pinball Top 100.

Score breakdown

Score breakdown in the 4 main categories:

Game Design: 8.123

Artwork: 7.921

Sounds/Music: 7.512

Other Aspects: 8.115

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This is how we, the very knowledgeable (wink wink) staff & moderators rate this game. 7 of us have rated this game.


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Found 221 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 221 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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79 days ago
Swing and a miss
4 months ago
NGG is solid in terms of gameplay and rules. Hit a Drive and then putt out. Pretty self-explanatory. Multiball isn't terribly difficult to get to, and there are some variations with the wheel.

That being said, I really cannot understand why this game is rated so highly. If I were to take the theme out of my bias here, and pretend its a Caddyshack game, it still doesn't make up for the eh-feeling layout. Sure, it's satisfying to smack around some gofers, but hitting the ramps is easy to do in this game, and most of the time shots go wild because of the wheel in the middle.

Apart from hitting the upper left ramp, the right flipper isn't really needed although it can sometimes make the putter with the right angle.

Did I have fun with it for a while? Sure, it's neat to see modes like Dance Mode with hilariously '90s music. It has some interesting gimmicks like the Hole-In-One shot with the slam ramp and the sand trap. But man, there are so many better Pat Lawlor games out there: Earthshaker, Whirlwind, Dialed In!, NASCAR even (actually, that's a fun game where the theme doesn't really matter).

And why do I have to spell a whopping four letters (K-I-C-K) to get the kickback? Usually it's three or less targets (e.g., Foo, Terminator 3, Stern JP, JM, etc.).

If you must have a game from 1997 for the same or lower price, I would suggest games like The Lost World: JP, NBA Fastbreak, Starship Troopers, etc. Otherwise, don't waste your time.
5 months ago
Finally got to play one at the Dutch Pinball Museum (and the Williams iPad app).

Honestly, this pin is criminally underrated. Whether it’s the variety of shots, including the Hole in One, the simple - but satisfying - ruleset (complete a round of golf while hitting gofers), or the goofy callouts from aforesaid gofers, this was fun… fun… FUN to play. I prefer it, on theme, to The Addams Family and on walk-up gameplay to Twiglet Zone.

The music is great, the timed gofers are great, the golf (a game I don’t play or like especially) was goofy and great. Possibly my favourite Pat Lawlor to date.
7 months ago
I don't care for many Lawlor pins, but this one fits in the "I like" category. It has a lot of TAF,& Whirlwind going on, which isn't a bad thing. The gofers are up there with rudy, less complicated mechs, but cute how they wiggle while they talk, nice touch. Real backglass! and rock solid art. Software needs help. Like caucasian2step might say, is there a mystery programmer out there? Very lame when the left ramp is down and ball lock is lit.
7 months ago
Played on location and thought I was going to have a seizure with all of the flash bulbs going off. Little bit of a problem with repetition but it’s actually a really fun game. I dig the theme and it plays well! Need to wear sunglasses when playing though.
1 year ago
No Good Gofers is one of the most fun WPC-95 games.

The layout is very good. I especially like the Hole-in-One shot. This is the Pat Lawlor layout with the most flow, courtesy of the side-ramp. The gophers beneath the ramps are a really good idea too. My only issue with the layout is the clear plastic screen on top of the ramps, on location there's a constant tint of grey over the playfield due to the dirt on it.

The gamecode is kind of the issue with this game. There are not a lot of different features but the ones that are there are a lot of fun. I especially like the multiball on this machine and that you can start it with the Hole-in-One shot too. I could play this game over and over again just for that Hole-in-One shot.

The artwork package on this game is very good as well. I especially like the look of the backglass.

Overall this is an underrated, flowy and fun machine. Admittedly it is not as good as many of the other WPC-95 models but it still has its redeeming qualities. This might be my favorite Pat Lawlor layout.
1 year ago
Lot of fun to play, flow is o.k, I do like hitting the gophers, Bud and buzz?, M.M trolls....Hole in one shot is awesome..I like the game alot ,love golf so bias to this theme...not sure if I would like in my home those gophers are anoying...
1 year ago
Fun fun fun
1 year ago
Buzz & Bud may be mean, but you can't deny that their cute, especially Bud!
1 year ago
I bought a documented, home-use-only No Good Gofers in the early summer of 2022 with intention of an easy flip, easy few $K… but both my wife and I fell in love with this game. It’s not going anywhere.

Hilariously voiced gofers, amped music, excellent light show, fantastic cabinet, back glass, playfield, and dmd art, simple and fun ruleset, unique layout, etc. I firmly believe it is Pat Lawlor’ a most underrated game.
2 years ago
Really like this game. Hard to let go after 2 years even though I could use the space. I still play often. It’s just has a fun, all hell breaking loose, rambunctious vibe that is unique.
2 years ago
This is such a fun game and the gofers are hilarious!
2 years ago
I've had this pin for 10 years in a very small collection, and I don't even like golf, so it must be doing something right. I enjoyed playing it in gamerooms and shows when I had the chance, so I searched for one.

The good things about it. Very good shots (orbits, ramps, hole in one, upper flipper ramp). Great theme integration. Good looking art and playfield and the music has plenty of variety. I've heard others say the Gophers are annoying, but I laugh at some of their comments ("OOPS... WRONG HOLE!") and when they laugh when you drain just before multiball. Maybe it is annoying, but it makes me want to keep playing. I like that being consistent with the 2 main ramp shots will get you multiball, and the upper flipper jackpot ramp shot is hard and satisfying, and key to a high score. This resembles a lot of Lawlor's other games, so that might tip you off about whether you'll like it.

The main drawback to this game is if I were picking my "dream theme" for a pinball machine, it definitely wouldn't be golf. It's a mixed bag of people's reactions to this game. So I'd say, find one that works well and play it, and see what you think.
2 years ago
I had played this at a location in Pismo Beach area. It was dirty but still fun.
2 years ago
I don’t know why, but I don’t play this one.
3 years ago
My wife and kids love this machine…
We have real gophers in our field, real gophers are neither cute or funny, but they are quite annoying and destructive.
I don’t play golf.
All I think of is Caddyshack, without actually licensing the property to use the name or characters.
Those are some of my negative points.
Like all pinballs this plays completely different in real life. I am sure that there are people who have played virtual pinball versions for consoles and PC by Pinball arcade or one of those virtual pinball tables. If you have only played virtual pinball, then
don’t give ratings or reviews for real pinball games.
Or at least post a disclaimer saying that you have never played the real thing.
I may be forced by my family to buy no good gofers, I am not thrilled.
The theme is good.
The artwork is lively and charming.
The sounds are satisfactory and the music/noise are entertaining.
The playfield is cluttered and confusing, even after staring it down for several minutes every time I play, I still find it reminds me of a playland for little kids while mom and dad shop at the mall for Christmas.
Or Teletubbies…
Maybe it was because I first played it at a Chuck E Cheese when my daughter was little. She’s 25 now.
It always seemed like it was made for small children. I was I n my 20’s at the time and I was obviously not the target audience.
This may seem like a LOT of negativity but the game, for all its issues, is a lot of fun.
It’s loud, annoying, I still have no idea how to shoot the ball to get it to do what I want it to do, and just celebrate like I meant to do it when something good happens randomly.
Everyone is drawn to it, like moths to a flame.
It’s frustrating enough to make you play again and again.
It makes people smile, even me.
I don’t know if it’s a keeper.
With the price people are asking today, is it worth the money for No Good Gofers when that same amount of money, or less, will get you a much better game?
Compared to most machines in the $4,000 average price range, it pales by comparison, and some people are asking $6500 or more!!!
Investment wise, this game is a pretty good bet, but I am not a flipper or investor.
Still, values will rise so long as the demand remains steady, and that at least it keeps restorable machines from being broken up for parts.
I like this game but I don’t love it. Our game room only contains games we all love.
These are really the two things you have to weigh for yourself if you are thinking of buying any game.
Do you love it enough to pay the current market asking price, then continue to maintain it and use it after you get it?
Is there another machine you would rather have and are willing to wait with an empty spot in your game room until that one perfect game shows up?
It’s up to you.
3 years ago
The hole in one shot is one of the most unique in pinball. Definitely a very satisfying one. The flow is quite good too with all the ramps. The rules leave a bit to be desired with minimal modes, but it's still fun to progress through the holes and get multiballs.
3 years ago
Decent game
3 years ago
Arguably the best shot in pinball history, the hole-in-one is still incredibly satisfying to hit (and relatively difficult) after owning this table for a year. It cannot be overstated how great this shot is, and how smart its availability is as you can always set it up with a semi-challenging upper flipper shot, or in mini modes, but it's not a shot you have on tap during 70-80% of gameplay. It does overshadow a lot of the other elements, but I think it's smart that the two highest point shots in modes are the two trickiest and most satisfying. It would be an unremarkable game without a few shots/touches, but those shots and touches are good enough to make it special and stand out among all games, not just the WPCs of the era.

Pros: Like many Pat Lawlor designs, this has both function and whimsy in its placements and shots. In addition to the obviously incredible hole in one, the gophers are fun to hit and make the ball locking progression enjoyable and easy to track. Also, the Gophers don't tend to drain too frequently, so they don't have the drawback of some other bash toys. The prize wheel is also an awesome idea, as it adds strategy when it comes to finishing holes, and doesn't require dividing attention to a display in the way a lot of new games do. The layout is good- busy, but not cluttered.

Cons: The wheel does add randomness to returns when activated/magnetized, and the saucer kickout and pops can result in cheap drains. Also lighting the locks gets extremely repetitive after the first multiball, and comically repetitive after the second. It sort of makes sense with how valuable the multiballs are points-wise, but you only have to hit one ramp over and over that returns to the same flipper, so it's not particularly challenging if you have the shot down. While the jackpot shots are absolutely the correct ones, sometimes the ballsave will trip the first (side-ramp) one, and with how valuable that shot is, it breaks the scoring a little.
3 years ago
Cool moving ramp.
Cool gofers,
Cool game.
3 years ago
Fantastic game, nothing much to add because it's already been said many times over.
3 years ago
This is a fun game. Very straight forward ruleset, but enjoyable nonetheless.

The hole in one shot is such a challenge. Feels so good when you make it. Buzz and Bud makes me think of my Chuck E Chesse days of whack a mole. Great nostalgia!

The outer loop reminds me of JM's outer loop. Fast and fun.
3 years ago
Amazing hole in one
3 years ago
Super fun game with great shots. Has a really nice flow and has a very challenging shot in the Hole in One. The only knock I give it is that there are bugs in the software, but nothing that would keep you from playing it. Gofers have a great personality and there is enough variation in their speech that doesn't make them annoying. Great game and will be in my collection for awhile.
3 years ago
This is just a fun, fast machine. I like the golfing theme and the are cool toys. The hole-in-one shot has to be one of the best shots in all of pinball. It's a blast when you can hit it. The game can get fast though you can "slow it down" with a shot into the putting green can give you a break. l always like an upper flipper that is the only way to hit certain shots. For me, this is just a fun game and on my list of games to get.
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