Munsters (Limited Edition)


Munsters (Limited Edition)

Pinside Rating

This game received 129 approved Pinsider ratings and currently rates 7.812 /10


Top 100 ranking

This game ranks 2nd in the game group "Munsters". The group itself ranks #100 in the Pinside Pinball Top 100.

Score breakdown

Score breakdown in the 4 main categories:

Game Design: 7.552

Artwork: 8.534

Sounds/Music: 7.512

Other Aspects: 7.566

Pinside staff rating

This is how we, the very knowledgeable (wink wink) staff & moderators rate this game. 2 of us have rated this game.


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This title is part of group: "Munsters"

Found 59 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 59 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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1 year ago
I managed to find a LE second hand only played 85 games. This machine was like it came out of the box. Reading some of these reviews i was quite surprised. This game is so much fun the lighting is amazing, the snippets of the tv show is really cool brings back alot of memories watching these as reruns in the 80s as a kid. Defenitley keeping this game in my collection what a piece of art from Stern...
1 year ago
I my opinion this game is completely underrated. It is so much fun to play and has a to offer a lot variety. The lower playfield is cute and tricky to play these tiny balls, specially when you play both playfields at the same time. It is not a difficult hard shooter. The placement of the ramps and orbits is good. And this I like a lot. I'm a hobby player. I want to have fun while playing pinball. The theming is nostalgic for me. I loved watching this old TV show when I was a kid. This one was a good decision and will definitely stay.
A good game for beginners and advanced players!
1 year ago
The Munsters is one of the most under rated games in the pinside top100.
The game is a gem and plays extremely well. For beginners and advanced players it is extremely enjoyfull. Only pro players may find it not deep enough (code wise). However, pro’s might be challenged getting high scores using multipliers which requires timing.
Allthough the mini (under) playfield is working like Shrek it is fun and dificult enough. We have over 20 games but my kids always get drawn to the Munsters because they know what to shoot and can get the shots fairly easy.
If you want people around you to get into pinball more, this is the best game to get in your collection!
1 year ago
game code has improved much. it is really a quite new game now. not very challenging, but very high lastability. great fun and great theme.
1 year ago
Underrated machine, after the last update it has improved a lot, beautiful, fun and with many toys, the munsters LE is a work of art, rich in details and really impresses. I currently have a Premium color and I love the game as follows on this machine, it's not tense, it's light, it's the type of machine that after finishing a game you can play another one after that because it reached the main objective of playing pinball, it was fun, no complex rules just pure fun, friends, kids, wife everyone will love this machine!
1 year ago
First Pin I have owned and so glad we picked this one. High fun factor and the new releases of code have refined the overall experience well beyond its early troubles. Multiball modes are fantastic moments. This pin is VERY accessible and fun for those new to pinball, but I've had mine for over a year and still loving every minute. Family friendly theme and coupled with many truly satisfying shots...the Marylin ramp is just the it.
2 years ago
After the latest code the game has changed to be a really good shooter with the rules incorporated very well.

It is quite a fun game to play, nice ramp shots and loops, the underneath playfield plays better then most games that have this feature and you can also get multiball in that mode.

Overall a nice fun enjoyable pin with a great art package.
2 years ago
Hilarious fun game
2 years ago
Didn't think much of it when seen in pictures and online videos. But really enjoyed the gameplay, grandpa's playfield and enjoyed the flow. Better than most Sterns. Artwork is a lot nicer in person, I can only comment on the limited edition version that I played. Surprised to see a limited edition version a public setting, i.e. HMV. Would love to play a lot longer, to really get into the game. Underrated in my opinion.
2 years ago
This game gets a bum rap probably because they show the same munsters cops over and over again. The theming is amazing as is the artwork.
2 years ago
With the new tech that's become commonplace on pins of the last 5 years, it feels like the universal Stern successes (JP, EHOH) have done a good job knowing what to add versus what to leave alone in gameplay to make the bells and whistles compliment the gameplay. Munsters has a lot in common with EHOH, but where the EHOH video/callouts feel like they elevate a decent base table, the Munsters content is excessive and adds lots of pauses to already dull gameplay. The canned response feature on clanks feels like it should be a great inclusion, but it's repetitive and distracting after awhile. That would be forgivable (or even a positive) if the modes were any good, but for someone who plays a lot of pinball, the modes feel simple and uninspired. The shots are very easy, and the video intros to modes are too long, and almost become the focus over the play. The Munsters is a tricky IP because of its G-rated approach to horror comedy, and to me it seems pretty cheesy compared to TAF or Elvira titles.

Pros: They really went for the theme! If you are a Munsters fan, this does not skimp on Munstering! The shots are easy and what you're shooting for is super clear, so if you're a beginner who likes the theme, this is for you. While my rating is low, I do think this has a natural audience who would really enjoy it.

Cons: Got tired of this really quickly. The shots are very easy, and if you don't enjoy the theme and heavy, heavy video inclusion, it's a slog.
3 years ago
Too many stop and go moments. the lower playfield isn't fun, just a bit novel. animations are well done, but they delay the game too much. average Stern title.
3 years ago
So much has been written about the overly simplistic rule set and game play of Munsters. So I’ll ask one question, do you think there are more tournament savvy players in the hobby or more casual collector types? Personally, I think there are more casual player types. As you might have guessed, that’s the category in which I fall.

So with that being said, for those of you that don’t want seven layers of chess when you are playing or buying a pin, Munsters is everything a casual to good player could want. It’s colorful (yes, even the BW version), fun video clips, nostalgic and fast. And for me, the best part is the rules are simple to understand. Shots are challenging and rewarding.

In an era where complicated games abound, Munsters is a refreshing addition to my collection.
3 years ago
Decent game
3 years ago
I must admit that all the negativity towards this game made me hesitate buying it - especially buying the LE. I was drawn to the theme - largely based on nostalgia (watching re-runs), and the family-friendly humor - Fred Gwynne’s portrayal of Herman is freeze-dried comedy to me (never gets old). I played the Pro version at nearby locations and loved it in person, so I placed an order for the Premium (color) version. The distributor told me he had an LE coming in on trade if I wanted to experience the lower play field while waiting on the Premium. Well, after seeing the LE in all its glory, and playing it for a half hour, I bought it on the spot. I love this game! I am fairly new to the hobby, and admittedly just an average player (at best), but I have played on a lot of machines and this one is just so fun. It offers some quick wins with Herman multi-ball and accessing Grandpa’s lab pretty soon after hitting the start button, but getting to Munster Madness is certainly not easy (at least for me) - and trying to maximize your score with Kitty multipliers, zap jackpots, etc. offers more depth. It may not have the same depth of code as other machines, but it has enough to keep me entertained for hours - and keep coming back.

The artwork - cabinet, backglass, and playfield is flawless. The playfield lightshow is brilliant and seemless with the action.

I’m glad I didn’t let the negativity steer me away from this purchase - and if the negativity continues and Dwight doesn’t add depth to the code...while I’d like to see the value of the LE increase over time, I decided it won’t really matter because I plan to keep it for a long, long time. It is just that fun and oh, so pretty!!
3 years ago
This is a fun game. Not a huge fan of the theme, but the overall artwork from the clips from the show, awesome artwork on the playfield and backless, and in the little details is top notch.
3 years ago
Pinsiders seem to never be satisfied - A pin is too hard (Houdini) or too easy (Munsters). Maybe over time it will get old in a game room, but this pin meets the number one rule for me - my wife really likes it, it was her choice. And guess what I do too. The premium/LE both have Grandpa's laboratory, which I think was so important in the series that it adds a lot to the game, including some complexity. The shots are all good, the modes are good, and the topper, if you can snag one, adds a lot to the game with the Raven. This pin really does justice to the source material. Could it be better with additional content and a code update? Of course, most all pins can. Still when you want a quick and fast game, and one very approachable by causal pinball players, this is a great choice. Would rather have the B&W premium, but this is still a great looking pin.

Update 1/4/22 - A new code drop just makes this game that much better - some code fixes, new callouts, new flasher/lamp effects, new mode (coach potato), chattering teeth feature and several tweaks. Great Update to a great game!
3 years ago
I am left cold by the theme in most regards, but the game is amazing. One of my favourites. I think it is the most beautiful pinball made to date (2020).
3 years ago
This game should be good and it is not. It is a ripoff of Monster Bash without the charm or humor and the execution is no where near as good. Grandpa's Lab and the Drag Racing thing slow down the game to a crawl. The layout is good with the exception of the lower level, which is trash, and it should be a much better game. This game is a huge disappointment. I had a chance to get any Stern Pro pinball game currently in production and this one and Star Wars were at the bottom of my list.
3 years ago
This game gets so much hate that I skipped over owning it at first. Now I own an LE and I couldn’t be happier. I can see how people say the rules are a little on the simpler side, but in my opinion that definitely doesn’t equal less fun. The art package is just beautiful in my opinion. The playfield art is so detailed that I love to just admire it. A few more video assets and some call outs would be nice, but I really enjoy the ones they do have. The videos and call outs are just plain fun. I also really dig the 60s style music on this pin. This theme is a big home run for me as I love the whole monster/Halloween feeling it has. As for gameplay in my opinion the shots are sooo smooth. I love the feeling of the ramps. The Herman bash toy/magnet is fun and seeing spot come out if the stairs is just plain cool. As for the lower playfield I absolutely love it. It does feel different but I enjoy how it has a different feeling to it then the upper playfield. The zap jackpots are also a neat aspect that can keep you busy and are fun to shoot for. This is pin is a complete win for me and I am so glad I decided to give it a chance.
3 years ago
Hands down one of the most beautiful pins ever made. People whinge about the code being shallow and this is a legitimate gripe for a serious player but its not easy getting Munster Madness for the second time in a game and I enjoy this game in a decent line up.
3 years ago
Recently purchased this pin. A real favourite with my son. His favourite after STTNG. Doesn’t even look at DI. I guess that will change as he gets older..

Strong theme, nice art and toys.. Really gorgeous pin. I find myself staring at its Ramps are smooth and fast. Just waiting for a bit more polish on code.
3 years ago
I'm amazed by the number of "code warriors" who have ripped the code on this game, but when I check their collections they have games like Scared Stiff, Theatre of Magic, or old solid states with rules that are far more shallow. What a bunch of hypocritical sheep.

John Borg should be called Mr. Consistent...the shots in this game are like a dream. Anyone who rips them must really hate Metallica, Tron, Guardians and The Walking Dead. The ball save does need to be on to protect from unfair drains. The Skill shot trick (holding down the left flipper while you plunge) and then hitting the right ramp is a great feeling. The mono targets don't bother me, I'll hit targets no matter what kind they are.

The lower playfield is fun. It could be better and a little less floaty. If someone makes a mod with heavier balls (hehe) it will be pretty awesome. It's amazing how many shots they squeezed into that thing: a VUK, a ramp, an orbit, and a bash toy. Plus the ability to play multiball on both playfields at the same time is total chaos!

The art is gorgeous, Christopher Franchi's best work. The lighting is beautiful, too. The music and callouts: like any game it can become repetitive sometimes, and it didn't seem like they used much of the assets they had available. The topper is pretty cool.

The Midnight Madness and Secret Mania modes are fun, too bad they aren't part of the main game and have to be specially triggered, I think it would have helped the code angst. It looks like production is shutting down soon. That doesn't mean more code isn't coming - see Dwight's work on Ghostbusters as an example. I guess time will tell.

Overall this is a great game. I'm amazed by the games ranked higher than this one. Pinball Magic, Roadshow, and Champion Pub (along with many others) are better than this game? Sadly we live in a time when it's more important to be aligned with the loudest and most vocal than it is to form your own opinion.


This has now left my collection. I liked the game, I just didn't like it as much as it's contemporaries like Godzilla, Jurassic Park, Rush, Iron Maiden etc. and it needed to go so that I could bring those in. I did get very annoyed with the audience laughter and seeing too many of the same video clips over and over. I did not grow up with the theme (it was my roommate's choice, may he rest in peace) so I didn't really have the attachment to it like I did to Godzilla or Jurassic Park. And for as beautiful as the game was (thanks Mr. Franchi!), I didn't really care for the cabinet side art, I thought the casket look was bland.

I was also bummed I missed out on the topper, it was way too hard to get compared to toppers for most newer games. I had no mechanical issues so that's a positive. Overall I wouldn't own it again but I had fun playing it for a while and still think it is a good (and underrated) game and I'll play one on location when I see it.
4 years ago
I love the artwork and theme (I'm partial to the Munsters from watching them growing up), but the gameplay isn't there for me. I just feel there are better options at the price point.
4 years ago
The ruleset isn't as deep as some, but it is more than enough to scratch my pinball itch!
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