Jurassic Park (Pro)


Jurassic Park (Pro)

Pinside Rating

This game received 589 approved Pinsider ratings and currently rates 8.455 /10


Top 100 ranking

This game ranks 3rd in the game group "Jurassic Park (Stern)". The group itself ranks #2 in the Pinside Pinball Top 100.

Score breakdown

Score breakdown in the 4 main categories:

Game Design: 8.644

Artwork: 8.034

Sounds/Music: 8.098

Other Aspects: 8.613

Pinside staff rating

This is how we, the very knowledgeable (wink wink) Pinside.com staff & moderators rate this game. 3 of us have rated this game.


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Found 252 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 252 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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33 days ago
This is a solid game with code depth. Game shoots well but doesn’t compel me to own it at home. Playfield is pretty good but slightly tight, for example the mid right shot. Overall solid game that’s pretty fun.
36 days ago
A fine Elwin machine. Extremely difficult with shots from all parts of the flippers and some tight shots.

This game is pretty intimidating and inaccessible for beginners, and definitely contrasts to Godzilla insofar that missing a shot on JP often leads to death or at best, not many points, whereas missing on Godzilla will probably advance your progress in a minor mode like Tesla Strike.

The intermediate or advanced player will appreciate the shots and the increasing difficulty of the paddocks as you progress through the game. Your score tends to “snowball” which rewards those who can stay the course.
74 days ago
Owned one for several months.
Very solid game, but I think the “drabness “ of the artwork light show and playfield, just never really pulled me in. The T-Rex multiball animation is awesome, right up there with “Mechsuit multiball” on Deadpool. Wish the upper left orbit and the lookout tower ramp were more shootable shots.
Nothing exciting in the toy area on the pro either.
78 days ago
Played on location and found to be very challenging. really enjoyed!
85 days ago
GOAT game
3 months ago
Update: I like this game a lot but it’s missing character and moments. I think this game is still a top 10 game for me but it’s missing the fun sometimes.

Jurassic Park Is a Top 10 Pinball Theme to me and Kieth Elwin delivered! Kieth knows how to design a game and the shots on this are great except it is missing a little flow especially with the third flipper loop shot. It’s nearly impossible to hit more than once.

The Artwork on the back glass is fine but some of the colors are incorrect but I don’t really care. The playfield art however to me is not great it’s just ok I don’t really think we needed a map. They could have used Zombie Yeti on this design.

The sound and callouts are actually pretty good I feel like I’m going on a tour in a safari or the Jurassic Park arcade game where you shoot the machine guns. The sound gets a tad bit repetitive and it’s not my favorite thing to listen to for a long time.

Now let’s talk about the shots. I really enjoy the right ramp shot because it’s more of a challenge and is very unique to feed the upper flipper. The shots on this game are pretty tight but I will say it is easy to post transfer which is a little of a hack on this game. I wish they’d change the sling shapes more like Godzilla.
I can hit the T-Rex shot almost every time but the raptor cage can get tricky.

Now do I prefer the Pro over the Premium?! I think the T-Rex may be the ultimate toy but has reject problems and isn’t super important to me. The Raptor Cage is nice for a lock but the back I thought of the cage caused some weird bounces. The Helicopter blades are cool but not huge. Would I like the Premium better? Yes but for 2,500 more?! I’m not sure if you change some of the flat cutouts and put not new pieces I think you’re good.

I didn’t even know JP was rated this high I just played it by accident and thought God that actually was fun. I think if they had a little better artwork and the music was more of something I liked this could be more favorite pin. However as it stands Godzilla is #1 followed by this. It’s a great game and a better theme but they just missed in a few places. Also I don’t care that they didn’t have movie clips although it would be cool to play a mode from the movie where you’re running from the T-Rex. Lol
3 months ago
a fantastically-playing game (i maybe enjoy it as much or more than godzilla?) that COMPLETELY whiffs on the theme

how this thing went out the door with bad voice soundalikes and no actual movie clips is baffling to me
4 months ago
This is hands down my favorite game ever? The shots are just incredible and when you hit them it's so damn awesome! Lobe the theme, layout is incredible, everything about this game is awesome! The movie code that's out really puts this in a different category!! Will never leave my collection here
4 months ago
To me this is a near perfect pinball machine. The layout is refreshing and unique, the "flip ramps" allow for some extra shot paths to be squeezed in where they wouldn't otherwise fit, there is a lot of potential for some fun combos and these combos are incorporated into the rules in a subtle but useful way. The upper flipper loop and the "O" shot could probably stand to be slightly more hittable, but, on the other hand, hitting that "O" shot on purpose is so satisfying, especially when you just barely save a park worker from an attacking dino.

There seems to be a decent number of complaints from people about the lack of movie assets and how it doesn't do the theme justice, but for me, the game feels like it perfectly captures the FEEL of the Jurassic Park universe.

The gameplay/rules of the game are well balanced with a nice balance between the 3 main objectives: Dino Paddocks/Rescues, Control Room Modes, and T-Rex Modes which all have a mini-wizard mode associated with them which are all interesting individual challenges to get to and try and complete. And then, if you can string all 3 mini-wizard modes together in one game, you can get to what has to be one of the greatest wizard modes of all time: Escape Nublar.

Theres a lot more I could probably say about this game but for the sake of being even remotely concise, "game good!"
5 months ago
I love playing this game. It's fun and challenging, and I have basically nothing bad to say about the gameplay itself. My only real beef is related to the art/visuals. The backglass on the Pro model is tragic; It's incomprehensible that they failed to use the classic Jurassic Park colors and font. And all of the "rescue" animations (success and failure) are confusingly bad.
5 months ago
Classic game that has you wanting to keep building on your last play. Has that one more play feel and each time you set a high score has you wanting more.
6 months ago
Bought this game when it first came out 5 years ago and still have no desire to sell it. All around great game!
6 months ago
Ok. I recently spent an irrational amount of time playing and researching new stern Pros. I narrowed it down to JP, Deadpool, Godzilla, Venom and Avengers Infinity Quest. I want to thank Mike Dadonna at Associated Services for being generous with his amazing collection, Rick at Amusements Unlimited and Jason in Bayshore (LI). These guys all helped me towards JP Pro. It has everything I want in a Pinball. I haven’t taken delivery yet but I can tell you this Pin is just cool. It feels like an adventure game and crushes the Dino hunting, rescuing people vibe in a super creative way. The game feels a bit dark but with all the fantastic mods (Tilt Graphics, Mezel Mods, Hooked on Pinball, Pingrafix, TiltTopper, Pin Stadium etc) this game will be absolutely incredible. I will report back when I learn the rules better and will update my comments with more substance.

Ok. Update after at least 100 plays. Not gonna change my score but I am going to pump up the pro version. After roughly $500 mods (raptor cage with raptor, side blades, shaker, helicopter props and my absolute favorite $20 mod, the lit T-Rex mouth and illuminated ramp combination.). Yes the moving T Rex is the coolest part of any pinball out there. It truly is. But, the lil $20 mod gives the static T Rex a cool vibe and for 6.5k or under, the pro version is amazing. I bought a 2023 build and speakers are more than fine and lighting is perfect. Lil dark but adds to the fun.
7 months ago
7 months ago
Late to the party on this one. High on my wishlist now! Lots of value in the Pro on this one!
7 months ago
This game is hard but not impossible. Beautiful looking and sounding and the theme is spot on but man those flippers feel small and really far apart. I can see this one growing on me but it just wasn’t as much fun as I was hoping for. I like Deadpool and Godzilla better.
8 months ago
A well integrated theme here! Lots of cool shots and toys. The only caveat is you need to know the rules in order to have fun.
8 months ago
(in english below) Thème qui déchire et machine à la hauteur ! Le plateau est bien rempli pour une version Pro ! L'art est parfaitement intégré avec le thème et n'a rien à envier aux versions premium et LE. Les animations sont sympas et s'accordent parfaitement avec le thème. Le côté linéaire ne me dérange pas trop, une fois que le premier paddock est passé. Certains tirs sont serrés, mais c'est justement ce qui est intéressant dans ce jeu, le flux n'en pas moins bon; ça et le côté totalement immersif avec le tyrex qui coure apres les rescue, j'adore !

Rough translation : Awesome theme and a machine to match! The board is full for a Pro version! The art is perfectly integrated with the theme and has nothing to envy of the premium and LE versions. The animations are cool and fit perfectly with the theme. The linear aspect doesn't bother me too much, once the first paddock has passed. Some shots are tight, but that's what's interesting about this game, the flow is no less good; that and the totally immersive side with the tyrex running after the rescues, I love it!
8 months ago
This is a very nice game.

The layout is quite good and there is a nice variety of shots. Nevertheless, I think the path the ball has to take is pretty restrictive in order to experience flow. That's a recurring theme when it comes to Keith Elwin's layouts though. And the ball times are pretty long as there are not a lot of dangerous shots. But there is some flow in this game which I like.

The Premium/LE exclusive T-Rex isn't really doing a whole lot and I think this is a rare occasion where the Pro version is equally as good as the Premium/LE.

In terms of rules the game is pretty deep, in general I like choosing between the modes and the Chaos Multiball is a lot of fun to play. Making the last shot between the bumpers to start the multiball is awesome.

The artwork and animations are spot on and I love they didn't incorporate any movie scenes as far as I know. Stern have really put out some of their best artwork within the last years.

All in all, this is a very nice representation of the Jurassic Park theme with nice flow, good rules and excellent artwork. It is probably an ideal game for beginners and casual players due to the long ball times.
9 months ago
I have owned a JP pro for 5 months, with upgraded sound, shaker, and pinstadium lighting. I have owned five other machines.
This is the most complex and frustrating of them. Playing actually makes me angry much of the time. If the first ball is not good, your chances of having a deep game in terms of mode advancement are nil. The shots from the upper flipper are completely blind.
You can't see them from a stool or when standing. The ball falls off the tower ramp more often than it makes it. That is a flawed design in my opinion, and it hurts the game. So does the placement of the left and right ramps. I hit their posts more often than any other game I've owned. The Control Room modes are not interesting or fun. The paddock modes are engaging and appropriately tough, as are the mutliballs. The missle shot is a great idea, but needlessly difficult, like threading a needle. The rules in general are overly complex, so much so that I am not even bothering to learn all. DNA collected? How did I do that? No idea. Don't care. I like the videos, callouts, and storyline. The storyline and the navigable "game board" were why I bought this. But given the dislikes I have, I can't see keeping this one for very long.
9 months ago
Really holds up alongside the premium version of the this game. When I play these on location, I do miss the articulating T-Rex detail but feels very similar. The playfield feels just different enough too to make it fun if you play between the pro and the premium.

Excellent art package, code, and sound effects, they took the JP license and executed it perfectly. I am not even very good with this pin, it is rather challenging to advance on, but I still manage to have fun with it every time.
10 months ago
fun game, just not elwin's best. IMDN is way better IMO. many people i know have passed on this game, and I also won't be a buyer
10 months ago
Such a great game. Fantastic rules add urgency and a sense that you’re actually traversing the island. I think the pro is pretty comparable to the premium. The shots are the same and although the moving T-Rex is cool, once you’ve seen it a few times you don’t need to see it again. The art is good enough and I don’t miss the movie assets. Awesome playfield with interesting shots and nods to the original. This game is top tier!
10 months ago
Really the biggest thing that is lacking on this game is the artwork. I do feel like the pro is missing a little in the way of toys or something for the ball to interact with when compared to the premium. This game is still an extremely satisfying shooter though and I think it is one of the most fun pros out there. The code on this game is my favorite in pinball. If you are a person who does not like gameplay to be slowed down I think this pro is one of the best machines out there for you.
11 months ago
So initially playing this game on location I did not like it, as I found it difficult and frustrating. But I kept coming back to it and after watching a tutorial and understanding tha rules/shots I decided to try it out in a home environment. Now this game is my most played, and probably prefer it to GZ! My only complaint is the playfield artwork, would’ve definitely preferred Zombie Yeti!!!
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