James Bond 007 (Premium) Pinside Rating
This game received 182 approved Pinsider ratings and currently rates 8.512 /10
This game received 182 approved Pinsider ratings and currently rates 8.512 /10
This game ranks 2nd in the game group "James Bond 007". The group itself ranks #18 in the Pinside Pinball Top 100.
Score breakdown in the 4 main categories:
Game Design: 8.524
Artwork: 8.086
Sounds/Music: 8.288
Other Aspects: 8.773
None of the staff have rated this game. Sorry, no rating from us.
This title is part of group: "James Bond 007"
There are 90 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
Currently showing results page 1 of 4.
Jhirth currently owns this game.
MikeyPins edited previous rating on September 13, 2024.
MikeyPins currently owns this game.
2 Pinsiders starred this!
2 Pinsiders starred this!
VARESQUI currently owns this game.
2 Pinsiders starred this!
Chainsaw currently owns this game.
7 Pinsiders starred this!
2 Pinsiders starred this!
Mark100 currently owns this game.
3 Pinsiders starred this!
DMC726 edited previous rating on August 26, 2024.
DMC726 currently owns this game.
2 Pinsiders starred this!
AvidPinPlayer edited previous rating on May 27, 2024.
3 Pinsiders starred this!
GoneFishinLvMsg currently owns this game.
2 Pinsiders starred this!
2 Pinsiders starred this!
10 Pinsiders flagged this. 2 Pinsiders starred this!
95er edited previous rating on July 04, 2024.
4 Pinsiders starred this!
4 Pinsiders starred this!
VisitorQ edited previous rating on August 02, 2024.
VisitorQ currently owns this game.
5 Pinsiders starred this!
bill127 currently owns this game.
4 Pinsiders starred this!
Altec123 edited previous rating on March 01, 2024.
2 Pinsiders starred this!
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