Hollywood Heat
High Scores
Wondering what makes a good score on “Hollywood Heat”? See what other Pinsiders are scoring on their games!
Only scores from verified Pinsiders, who have their score privacy set to "everybody" (public), are included here.
“Standard settings. There might be an asterisks next to this score, as my multi-ball score was so big that it rolled over. You apparently can't get a MB bonus larger than 9,999,990, so if you do get over that amount you lose it all and reset your bonus. If I had known that I would have stopped. My final score plus the bonus that the game dropped is where I got my high score from. I have it all on video, not because I knew it would happen, but because I was having my best game ever and I just wanted proof. The MB count down took 2 minutes 40 seconds. It would have probably taken three times as long if the dang bonus didn't rollover.”