Guns N' Roses

Data East

Guns N' Roses

Pinside Rating

This game received 320 approved Pinsider ratings and currently rates 7.992 /10


Top 100 ranking

This game ranks #82 in the Pinside Pinball Top 100.

Score breakdown

Score breakdown in the 4 main categories:

Game Design: 7.879

Artwork: 7.845

Sounds/Music: 7.999

Other Aspects: 8.03

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This is how we, the very knowledgeable (wink wink) staff & moderators rate this game. 7 of us have rated this game.


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Found 158 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 158 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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7 months ago
One of my favorite pins.
1 year ago
Finally played it ..great machine, nice flow..I will be playing it if I see one...
1 year ago
By 1994 GNR had already imploded at least privately and their best days were already behind them. Data East I guess thought there were still some quarters to be mined and gave us this machine. My experience with this machine over the years has been sporadic and I never spent a great deal of time with it. However, I have a quick story to tell which is similar to what has been said in other ratings. Played JJP GNR for the 1st time at TPF 2023. Beautiful machine that is absolutely over the top. But I kept looking at that LCD with those clips from the band on their “Not in his Lifetime” tour and just something about the overall package left me cold. But that was just off a couple of plays - not judging here. Just a little way down PinSound had set up a row of machines and they all had head phones so you can enjoy their sound. Now at TPF you can not hear anything. I saw the Data East GNR in that row put the headphones on and pushed start. I could not believe how much more I enjoyed the game with good sound. Now maybe it was because it was the only pinball machine I actually heard the whole time but I loved the ramps, the targets, the shots and thought the game had really good flow. It was also nice nobody got in line behind me so I could spend some time with machine. I thought the art on the playfield and backglass looked terrific. This was not a pristine machine there was wear on the playfield and it had a kind a rough look to it - honestly I thought this is my kind of GNR pinball machine. My rating reflects the machine as is and without upgraded sound because it is not fair to rate the machine on a modification but upgrading the Data East sound makes a huge difference on this music pin it would be 8.5 with upgraded sound.
1 year ago
Great topic, it's one of my favorite music, fun game, but unfortunately the sound quality is poor. It has enough targets and fun mode. Great shots and flow.
1 year ago
This is a game, for a while, I didn’t care for. However, I’ve really started to love it as of recently, and I think it’s one of the best Data East’s!

Really great layout. All shots are satisfying and well made.

I really like the rules, especially the ability to double mode scoring upon start by hitting the side loop, and the ability to “lock” in modes with the gun (taken from Tales From The Crypt).

Game has a good selection of GNR songs as far as I can tell, though I’m not a huge GNR fan.


Multiball is a bad exploit, especially if you pick Super Pops.

Nothing against Markus, but I don’t care for the art on here personally. I understand why to make it gritty, but in this case, the art (particularly the playfield art) looks poorly drawn and unappealing in my opinion.

Game needs Pinsound, or else all your GNR clips are compressed and not great.

Overall, while this rating might not be great, I do think this is a really good game. It just has some significant drawbacks in some areas. I also do think it’s better then JJP GNR as said previously.
2 years ago
For me this game took some learning to love. Soon as I got all the bad member shots and can start and play songs when I want it really opened up.
2 years ago
This is a really fun game and I prefer it to JJPs glitter bomb. This art package and design really suits the brand here and it’s pretty cool. Don’t love the transparent colored ramps but.. what are you gonna do. I havnt owned this game yet but I’d consider it. But I would actually absolutely need a pinsound in there because the stock DE sound package is rough.
2 years ago
Excellent fun suffering from terribly DE sound. The sound upgrades are a requirement for this machine.

Better than the JJP
3 years ago
Yeah this game rocks. Great shots. Great flow. Everything works very well together. Songs play through our which is fun instead of having to start song.

Very fun and you can rock out the entire time.
3 years ago
Love guns and roses music so this game doesn’t get old. Love the magnet feature and animations with the mini game. Magnet in center play field is nice as well. I feel the lighting could be better but maybe that’s just an issue on the one I play. Over all I feel it’s the best data east game made.
3 years ago
We have owned Data East GNR pin for about 14 years.
Still fire it up and have a great time playing.
It has enough shots to entertain and fun modes.
LOVE the G & R ramps
GREAT music
Looks great , Just add some Pinstadiums and this is a beautiful machine.
3 years ago
The most dangerous band in the world. You can't go wrong with GNR.
3 years ago
I played this for hours at a work party set on free play ,, just found it boring as hell , really wanted to love it as a big GnR fan , for me this is the most over rated data east of all time. ,
3 years ago
heureusement que c'est Gun's & roses sinon ce flip serai dans les profondeurs du classement
3 years ago
This rating is based on recent work I performed on my GnR. I bought the machine completely stock. Even with the lackluster sound and lights, the machine was a favorite of friends and family. I have recently added PinSound Plus, Flipper Fidelity, Cointaker Premium LED's, Titan Rubber (silicon), Slash Toy, and Lazeriffic Topper. MAN...all I can say is either find one with the mods, or get one and do them yourself. This machine is so much fun to play. It's a machine that anyone can enjoy, with great sound, smooth flow. With the PinSound, Flipper Fidelity mods, new sound file (downloadable from PinSound), Tital Rubber (makes the game WAY faster) and LED's this machine rivals more modern rock pins and will stay in my collection. I have played 50+/- games on the new JJP GnR and although I think the tech and rock concert feel of the JJP is next level, I like the flow and shoots on the original. I planned on getting rid of my Ghostbusters machine until I updated the code, then I though I'd get rid of my GnR to make room for the JJP GnR, but after all the mods, I think my eye is turning towards Kiss LE to move and make room for the next adventure. UPDATE...I made more room and added Iron Maiden and Monster Bash. I was also able to get an allocation for Led Zeppelin instead of getting rid of a pin, I made room and added 3 more! Still love GnR and plan on keeping it in the collection.
3 years ago
The music (which is great if your a fan) is a tad repetitive
Challenging enough to keep your interest. Very fun to play
4 years ago
An awesome, under-rated, game. There is a lot packed into this machine and the music is fantastic. This machine rocks and looks fantastic even 25 plus years after being released. I've owned dozens of machines throughout the years and there are only a handful I wish I had back after selling. This was one I had to go track down more than a decade later and am happy I did. To the complaints about the sound - this sounds great stock for a pinball machine, especially considering the era. Doesn't mean it cannot be improve, but try to show me a pin of its day with music sounding anywhere near this good: you can't. To those who complain it is repetitive: every machine is repetitive; GnR is no more repetitive than my MM or AFM was. The bottom line is that the theme, music, goals, shots and overall play are a lot of fun - much moreso than the typical machine. I used to play in (and occasionally even won) pinball leagues and would play pinball for hours each and every day. I cannot say this is the most difficult or challenging machine to play for the experienced player, but that seems to be my thoughts on almost everything I have owned.
4 years ago
Like it. Played a lot this week, but started to be too repetitive in the music. I think long term, it’s novelty will wain.
4 years ago
Best band Pin out there period. Fun to play and music is awesome! Artwork and play field are fantastic. A must own if you are a fan of the band and pinball.
4 years ago
Great game and theme, gnr ramps are fun to shoot.
5 years ago
Best Data East period. So fun to shoot, if you are. Fan of the band this is a must have. Lots of shots and objectives for the era, one of John Borgs best even considering everything modern. Perfectly executed theme integration.
5 years ago
Great music pin! Songs, gameplay, shots...all stellar.
5 years ago
I finally got to play one that was in great shape with good lighting. ColorDMD mod is great for this pin. Had a really fun time. Interesting shots, layout and code progression. I would play a "good one" (functioning well with good LED lighting) lots of times on locations, but would get repetitive to own one for a long period of time.
5 years ago
A very stellar effort from DE--maybe their best game. Fun to play, the ramps are cool, good lighting, rockin' music (if you like GnR--I'm only a casual fan). Don't know why we need another GnR, as this one is very good.
5 years ago
Easily the best music pin! Game still holds up today! Great dots, great sounds/music. Crank this baby up and she jams! Great, satisfying shots. Plays fast and mean, the way it should be. The best DE pin by far.
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