Dr. Dude


Dr. Dude

Pinside Rating

This game received 174 approved Pinsider ratings and currently rates 7.234 /10


Top 100 ranking

This game ranks #228 in the Pinside Pinball Top 100.

Score breakdown

Score breakdown in the 4 main categories:

Game Design: 7.321

Artwork: 7.53

Sounds/Music: 6.479

Other Aspects: 7.217

Pinside staff rating

This is how we, the very knowledgeable (wink wink) Pinside.com staff & moderators rate this game. 5 of us have rated this game.


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Found 88 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 88 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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3 months ago
I really enjoy Dr Dude. I think it's a little underrated. Rules are simple and gets to be a little repetitive but still a lot of fun!
3 months ago
The backglass is the War and Peace of pinball
4 months ago
I'm sorry this game is simultaneously utter garbage but also reeks of 90's and I love it

half the shots feel... kinda janky.

the music and call outs though are 90's gold

you have to play this game once if you see it though, but you'll probably be like "wow, that sucked" but don't say I didn't warn you

TL:DR my life was dull my life was drab till I inquired with the gift of gab... whatever that is exactly

cringe 90s at its finest/10
7 months ago
This is from a strange era of Bally I don't particularly like, especially compared to the System 11 games Williams was making at the time. That being said this game is a blast! This game is a wild fun layout with such a unique original theme. One of my favorite details is on the mix master, which has fake coiled wires leading to each personality to make it look more technical than it really is. Rules are basic but engaging, and the Gazillion points shot on Dr. Dude is usually lucky to make it over a million, still great fun so if you see one, play it!
10 months ago
The goofiest of art and just gross as hell. Not much holds up with this one, no reason to seek one out.
1 year ago
The theme was an interesting and humorous idea: change from a normal guy to a cool dude. Unfortunately it isn't executed well. The art is a turn-off for me, particularly the back glass which tries to fit an entire Sunday comic strip on there, making it unreadable and nonsensical from any distance.

None of that would matter much to me if the game play was good, but I was disappointed here too. There are a couple of things around the playfield that initially look interesting--the mixmaster spinning disc, the gift of gab hut (whatever it's called), the ball lock on the left and the gazillion point lane--but none of them seemed to do very much during the game. The mixmaster was fun the first couple of times, but it never gave significant points and the novelty of it wore off very quickly. Everything else seemed like it would be a good target, but then when I'd hit it nothing much would happen and the ball would go back into the playfield or back to my flipper via wireform return. I kept thinking there was supposed to be more to it, but if so I never found out what it was.

In terms of general design the center upper part of the playfield has a couple of pop bumpers below the rollover targets at the top, and the ball seems to leave those pops in a random direction that often leads to a quick drain which was very frustrating, particularly as there was no ball save.
1 year ago
One of my favorite art packages in pinball. Love the cabinet, it pops!
Very good layout, a classic System 11.
Game is fun, but a tad repetitive. Normally this is fine, as pinball naturally has a finite set of shots, but there is not much flow on Dr. Dude. The game is Aim, Shoot, Repeat.

Extremely stop and go.
Far left shot a magnet grabs the ball and the game says things.

Left shot is the Ray VUK.

Middle left is the ramp to the mixmaster, only shot with flow in the game.

Up The Middle into a slanted bank of standups and the pop nest. Dangerous shot.

Right middle is the gift of gab VUK

Right is the orbit into the pops.

And far right is just the drop target bank.

None of these aside from the Mix Master ramp gives you a satisfying return to the flippers.

Dr Dude is great, but it’s not the game for me.
1 year ago
I Like Dr Dude. The Sound and speech are Great. 80‘s. To get the big points you must hold both balls in play, not easy.
1 year ago
This is a fun game. Kids love it. Doesn’t take itself too seriously which a lot of the newer games do theses days. It’s all about fun and using your imagination
2 years ago
I enjoy this game. It can be very unforgiving which makes hitting the three elements (magnetic, heart, gift) three times each to even get a shot at MB quite hard. Mixmaster sometimes helps light one of them. Excellent ray gives random types of bonuses that keeps it interesting. There is plenty to shoot for. The gazillion shot seems timed and if you lose one ball in the multi ball (easy) then the opportunity is gone. It remembers the dude level between games to make you want to play again to get closer to super dude for a gazillion scoring opportunity. Probably good on route too for that. It’s all about attaining levels with jackpots too. There are very few games that are blacklight ready and this one is the best. If you have a home arcade then it looks amazing even when turned off with an inexpensive led black light or strips. The colors are bright and engaging. At first I wasn’t sure about the comical theme, but have grown to enjoy it. Because the rules are simple, but the game is hard, the replay value is high for me. The rap of gift of gab is a distraction, so I often intentionally hit another element to change the music. I have this game and played it elsewhere that had a playfield protector and newer style flippers and you’d swear it was a brand new title, super smooth. What else can you say… system 11s are just great machines.
2 years ago
Revised my review. Game is addicting and fun! Straight forward ruleset but challenging. Call outs are hilarious. Art package is a product of the early 90's and it's a time capsule. I adore this game.
2 years ago
Good game. The call outs can get old, but the game is fun to play. Considering the cost for this pinball machine, it is a good one.
2 years ago
Dude is a nice campy flipper, the mix mater is best on this one.
2 years ago
I couldn't get into this game.
3 years ago
Dr. Dude is a fun theme with trying to become a super dude and gaining all the traits to be a dude. The theme is funny, and the sounds fit the theme well. The main gimmick on the game is the the Mixmaster, which is just a ramp shot that leads to a spinning disk/target area. The game is fun enough and easy to understand, but it's pretty simple in terms of goals which makes the lastability mediocre.
3 years ago
Everything about this game screams 80s cheese which is why I love it. Sounds, game play, theme, lights, and artwork are awesome !!! Game keeps me saying " one more game" !!
3 years ago
Dr. Dude screams early 90s, and its a fun theme, but of course dated. It also is of the alpha numeric era and of course Pre-DMD, which means its a bit before the 90s golden era of pinball.
This machine is not a bad one, but I don't think its a great one. While dated, it looks good, has nice energy and design that also is coherent and cohesive. I don't think the artwork is amazing, but it fits the fun silly theme. Backglass tells a silly story, and the cabinet and playfield look nice enough.
The pin has a nice sense of humor and the callouts are fun and while limited(as where all during this era), and I personally enjoy the callouts.

Its a silly theme, but the pin commits itself to the theme.
As for the layout, there really is nothing too exceptional about it. But, I do like how the code makes you utilize most of the playfield. Most... Not all...

As you really don't want to hit the right orbit. That sends you to the pops and when leaving the pops it most likely(not always) will go down the center lane and that could sometimes lead to SDTM drains. The skill shot is useless and not worth going for as it feeds into the pops.
The best thing to do is small plunge and try to get control and go from there.

My strategy is to get MB. Which you need to complete magnetic personality, heart of rock and roll and gift of gab.
It is possible to get these as rewards from the left orbit... But, not likely... Most of the time you already need to have 2 of the 3 completed to be rewarded with the last one.

From there you need to hit the mixer. Then you hit the left orbit. This increases the dude meter and starts MB.
When you're in the MB you want to hit the mixer and hope luck is with you and you get enough hits in the mixer to register the Jackpot.

Its rinse and repeat from there. You want to complete the dude meter and get the gazillion point shot. And that's all there is to the game.

But, really... I think its enough. Its can be a brutal game as there is no ball save and the SDTM due to the pops.
Which is why its important to soft plunge and get control. Still, just to hit the shots to qualify for MB can be quite dangerous. The heart of Rock and Roll is safer from the left the flipper, but if you miss it can go into the center lane and pops and then SDTM.
If you miss the gift of gab from the left flipper it can go into the right orbit.
Some games you might be able to hit it from the right flipper(some maybe not). So while this game might be simple... I do think it can be brutal.

I like the rules. Simple, but make sense and to get into MB the subsequent times is a little bit harder as you need to make more shots to qualify.

The mechs and gimmicks for this machine might be a bit tame by comparison by today's standards. The nice light for the dude ray is a decent effect and leads to a decent light show when you activate it.
The mixer is fun, but really makes the game a bit of a lottery. As you could hit it 5 times in a row and not register a hit(rare, but possible).

There is a bully toy sculpt and I do like that he taunts you, and you can bash him back... But, there really is no point to aim for that. As it'll just happen. But, its not a strategy you should go for or ever aim for. When he is lit and then subsequently hit, it lights the big points for the outlanes. Which can be nice when you drain down them. But, again... Not worth aiming for. You'll hit it plenty during your normal game play.

As I said above, I like the callouts. Not a lot of them, but I feel, enough and they're good.

I don't know if I ever would want to own this game. But, it is a fun game to play on occasion. I like party zone better, but then again Party Zone came out later and was a DMD.
3 years ago
An original theme to say the least. Interesting shots. Good callouts.
3 years ago
Great cheesy game! Worth a Gazillion!
3 years ago
For whatever reason, I just love this game. The style of the theme, music, callouts, 80’s art, etc. are right in my wheelhouse. I think it’s very hip and really appeals stylistically for 80s nostalgia culture. It’s rules are super basic of course but I just love hitting that left ramp into the turntable. I own it and thought it might get old in a home collection. But for me, it does not get old. It’s always my go to for a couple of quick fun games. It makes me smile every time.
4 years ago
I think this game hinges entirely on whether or not you like the theme. 80s wacky, comic book style, Bill and Ted voices, etc.

We love it in our house and think it is great fun but I wouldn't be surprised if someone didn't like the theme.

The game play is good, not great. I would say great theme, good game.

My Pros and Cons:


Theme and Art - For me it is just a really original, goofy, fun theme. Jekyll and Hyde but with a nerdy 80s theme. It really feels like the design team was just doing what they wanted without restrictions. Although I like a game with licensed content it is also great to see a original theme done really well.

Callouts and Music - I really like the music and the callouts. Again, I suspect the call out are "love it or hate it". I really like hearing the final gift of gab speech but it might also drive some people crazy.

Gameplay - I find this to be an oddly challenging but fun game to play. The rules are simple but getting the jackpot is hard. You really have to be dialed in to avoid draining. I play this game often because it is just simple, quick, fun. Hey I have ten minutes, how about a Dr. Dude. The goal is really simple and very satisfying when you get it.

Toys - Not the best ever but the Mixmaster is fun.

Value - I think the game is cheap compared to its fun factor. If you like the theme it is a steal.


Clunky Play - I am not a "flow" guy but even I think this is clunky. Some really tough rebounds on key shots. The skill shot is kind of pointless. The center of the playfield is empty and the mechs are loud. It is fine but not smooth.

Too Simple? - So I mentioned in pros it is simple and fun but there is also not a lot to do other than go for the jackpot.

Oddly Hard - The shots are pretty tight and it can drain pretty easy. No ball save, few extra balls. I have had some embarrassingly bad games. This is definitely a game where if I fail hard on the first ball I just start over.

I would list this as great value pin if you like the art and music/sound.
4 years ago
Dr. dude has that early 90s feel to it with the artwork, call outs, and music. That totally works for me, dude!
It is funky and original, like most system 11s. These pins have a big fan base for a reason.

It can be a drain monster, though it is a fairly simple game. It just gives it that 'play again' appeal.
4 years ago
Such a fun game. Its easy to understand what to shoot for, but hard to string a decent game together. The mixmaster is a fun addition. To me, the best part of the game is the music. Dr.Dude and Time machine are the two machines where I always groove to the music as I play.
4 years ago
Overall fun game, not deep... but easy to play, easy to get hooked into a few games... But you wont stay here long.

One of my first games. Fun, but short fun. Would go well in a larger collection.
4 years ago
It was ok. Shots were ok. Fun was ok. Game is an ok game. Don't walk past it without trying it. But it won't call you back.
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